Promoted: Free 30-day GAP policy for PHers with ALA

Promoted: Free 30-day GAP policy for PHers with ALA


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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Hi dirty_dog

That's great! Glad we could help out with the discount clap


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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Hello Roger

Thank you for getting in touch.

If your lease car is written off, Contract Hire GAP will cover up to 100% of your outstanding rentals and any shortfall in the insurer's market value settlement. The easiest way to run through a quote would be to give us a call or to email your contact number to and I will be able to give you a call back - I would just need the monthly rental cost itself and I'll be able to provide you with some more information and a quote.

I hope to hear from soon smile


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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Hi Dog Star

I'm sorry to hear that your car was written off and also that the initial rental cover wasn't mentioned in our conversation - it can be difficult to go through all aspects of the policies but I do appreciate your feedback and this is certainly something we will take on board.

Thank you coming back to us for another policy and making these positive comments on the PH forum.

Thank you again,

ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 23rd January 2017
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Hello TinRobot

Thanks for getting in touch on here and your email.

I'll send you a quote across and explain a bit more about the GAP, then hopefully that will help you to decide smile


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 30th January 2017
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Hello JasonSteel

Thank you for getting in touch.

By "VAT invoice" we mean that the invoice you receive from the car dealer must show that they are legitimately VAT registered and the correct VAT registration number. As long as it does, that will satisfy the policy requirements - it doesn't have to actually show any VAT has been paid, only the supplying garage is VAT registered.

Hope this clears up any confusion but if you, or any of our other customers, have any concerns please get in touch with us.


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 30th January 2017
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Hi Ken Figenus

Thanks for posting smile

I hope other PHers can give you some helpful advice on this and hope you don't mind me replying. We completely understand that buying a car is expensive (especially just after Christmas!) and everything starts to add up a bit. If it helps at all, if you would like to send me some details of your quote I'll be happy to see if there is anything I can do for you?


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 31st January 2017
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Hello JasonSteel

I think it is unusual for an invoice to show a figure of zero for VAT, as the profit on second hand cars is VAT-able and this may be where there has been some confusion. We're grateful for the feedback you've provided and I am glad you have been able to purchase a suitable GAP policy.

I'm sorry for the confusion and that we haven't been able to assist you this time around but if I can help any further please do get in touch.


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Thursday 2nd February 2017
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Hello Rob

That's no problem at all smile

It would be our Contract Hire + GAP policy. If the car is written off at any point in the two year period, the GAP policy would cover up to 100% of the outstanding rental payments and any shortfall in the market value settlement from the insurer (i.e. if it doesn't match the market value settlement expected by the lease company).

We can also cover the 9-month initial rental payment, which would mean you had your upfront money back and a ready-made deposit if the worst happened.

If you would like me to run through a quote with you please feel free to email the details to - as you have already told me the estimated value for the car and how long the lease is for, I would just need to know:

- The monthly rental amount
- The initial rental payment

I hope this helps but please let me know if you have any other questions.



ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 13th February 2017
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Hi Mat

Thanks for getting in touch.

I'm afraid we don't offer a "finance-only" type of GAP insurance - the reason for this is it has a very limited application. You will reach a point where the market value settlement from your insurer will be enough to cover outstanding finance on your agreement and so a finance GAP policy would not pay anything out. This point might occur just halfway into a 3 year GAP policy, leaving you with 18 months of a policy which won't provide you with any cover.

A Back to Invoice or Return to Invoice policy, will pay the difference between the motor insurer's settlement and either the remaining finance balance or the invoice price of the car, whichever is higher at the time of the claim. This means that if you receive enough from your insurer to pay off your finance, the GAP policy will still pay up to our £18,000 invoice price. This means you have no finance left on the original car, and the money left over you can use against a new car.

Also, there is not normally much of a price difference between a finance GAP and a Back to Invoice GAP policy but for the additional premium you are getting (arguably) much better value cover.

I hope this helps as a starting point but please let me know if I can help any further.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 15th February 2017
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Hi Mike

Its no problem at all, I don't think it has been asked it before and it saves you reading through smile

Unfortunately our policies wouldn't be able to apply to that kind of scenario - we can only cover cars which are up to 10 years of age at the start of the policy. I'm no expert (and I'm hoping other PH members will help out here!) but I think you would be best approaching a specialist broker for something more along the lines of classic car or agreed value car insurance - but please don't quote with me on this!

I'm sorry that we can't help but thank you for getting in touch.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Thursday 20th April 2017
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Hi captainhook

Thanks for taking the time to do this, its really good to hear how a claim is progressing and we will pass your lovely comments on to Paul smile

Thanks again

ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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Good morning Nick

Thank you for getting in touch.

Unfortunately we can't provide you with any cover at this stage. The underwriters impose a time limit of 365 days to buy the GAP insurance, which runs from the date you first collected the car.

I'm sorry that we can't help at the moment but if you have any other questions please ask smile


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 9th May 2017
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Hi dieseluser07

Thanks for getting in touch and I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

That wouldn't cause you any problems at all - the only requirement we have is that the garage itself is VAT registered, you don't have to have actually paid VAT on the car.

I hope this helps but if you have any other questions at all, please let me know.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Hi page3

Thanks for getting in touch.

There are so many discounts and grants on the electric cars at the moment and its hard to know what might be available going forward, so you're right to ask the question.

The Back to Invoice policy can only protect the price that you have paid for the car, after the discounts have been deducted. If you would like to cover the possibility that some or all of the many discounts are not there in the future, you would need to look at the Vehicle Replacement policy instead, as this will cover up to the new car replacement cost at the time of a claim. For this you can use the pre-discounted price of £27,000.

I hope this helps and if you have any other queries please let me know.

Thanks, Katie

ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Hi TinRobot

Just based on what we've said above, if you would like to discuss the policy you have with us to make sure it's right, please get in touch either on 01653 916280 or by email at


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Friday 2nd June 2017
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Hello gord115

Thanks for your message.

The Piston12 discount code is definitely still valid and will take 12% off our premiums biggrin

If you have any queries or the code isn't working for some reason please get back in touch with me, either on here or direct on email


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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Hi gord115

I'm really sorry that you haven't been able to use the discount code. I'll reply to your direct email and we'll make sure we get this sorted for you.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Friday 16th June 2017
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Hi Whytey88

Thanks for your message and buying a policy - that code definitely comes in handy party

There are a couple of premiums which can work like that - although you probably won't need the higher claim limits its hard to resist more cover for the same money!

Thanks again and if you need anything else please get in touch smile


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Friday 28th July 2017
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Hi berlintaxi

Thanks for getting in touch.

The PISTON12 code is still valid. If you are having any issues using the code please let me know either on here or by email


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 31st July 2017
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Hi berlintaxi

I'm sorry that this still isn't working for you and I think I might have emailed you about this. However, just in case you or anyone else is still having an issue with the code, please try clearing your browser history including cookies and cache.

If you're still unable to get the code to work, please give the office a call and we will ensure you receive the 12% discount biggrin
