The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)

The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)



1,483 posts

219 months

Friday 14th June
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It only happened a couple of days ago. It won't have got to court yet and it says in the article that the driver was arrested and bailed.


32,990 posts

231 months

Friday 14th June
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Benmac said:
It only happened a couple of days ago. It won't have got to court yet and it says in the article that the driver was arrested and bailed.
Most odd, it definitely said what I said , oh well……. But your right only happened a few days ago.

Edited by Vipers on Friday 14th June 09:38


1,483 posts

219 months

Friday 14th June
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Vipers said:
Most odd, it definitely said what I said , oh well……. But your right only happened a few days ago.

Edited by Vipers on Friday 14th June 09:38
Quality local jouranlism and some copy paste by the looks of it.


1,423 posts

221 months

Friday 14th June
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Apologies for the Wail link

revving, stalling then riding on the pavement - what a talent!

Castrol for a knave

4,917 posts

94 months

Friday 14th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
147 previous convictions.

Going out on a limb here, but suspect she was not training for the Fred Whitton

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Friday 14th June
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Matt Cup said:
That seems incredibly lenient, was the judge pissed too? I thought drunk driving was at least an automatic 12month ban?

I’d have thrown the book at the stupid fker.
probably at the same lodge

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Friday 14th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
Bonefish Blues said:
147 previous convictions.

Going out on a limb here, but suspect she was not training for the Fred Whitton
I suspect if there was booze and/or substances at the top of the big climbs she'd give the average grimpeur a bit of a run for their money


310 posts

55 months

Friday 14th June
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defblade said:

Scottish Guy (the long final clip) getting massively and rightly panned in the comments...
I live in the central belt and SO MANY drivers carry on like this, now. They either default to L2 or pull out into L2 without checking my approaching speed. I preempt the need to overtake HGVs so get into L2 early, then some miserable Crossland or Juke decides to stop tailgating the HGV and waddle out into L2 to sit at exactly 65 mph.

I've ended up undertaking cars on the Edinburgh bypass for this sort of nonsense. Nice long gap in L1 and car plodding along at 55 mph in L2. I find it odd that UK drivers are happy to run red lights and commit all sorts of other driving sins, but undertaking is still regarded as a personal slight.

5s Alive

1,984 posts

37 months

Friday 14th June
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NapierDeltic said:
I live in the central belt and SO MANY drivers carry on like this, now. They either default to L2 or pull out into L2 without checking my approaching speed. I preempt the need to overtake HGVs so get into L2 early, then some miserable Crossland or Juke decides to stop tailgating the HGV and waddle out into L2 to sit at exactly 65 mph.

I've ended up undertaking cars on the Edinburgh bypass for this sort of nonsense. Nice long gap in L1 and car plodding along at 55 mph in L2. I find it odd that UK drivers are happy to run red lights and commit all sorts of other driving sins, but undertaking is still regarded as a personal slight.
'Undertaking' is a necessary sin on the bypass, I do it regularly but most appear reluctant to do so.

I recently had a Mercedes come alongside in lane 2 when we were trundling along at 60 mph in lane 1 only to slow down and match our speed, this while we had a fairly large gap in front of us.

Traffic bunched fairly quickly so I accelerated up to 70 to create a gap that he could pull into. He then matches our speed again so I'm now catching cars in lane 1 and have to slow and he slows alongside again!

As soon as a decent gap opened up I accelerated forward, pulled out and got out of there. He was still in lane 2 as he dwindled to a speck in the mirror, with a completely empty road in front as nobody would pass on the inside.

There's some really odd behaviour out there but that was unusual to say the least.


5,430 posts

123 months

Friday 14th June
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grade a ahole joining the M5 yesterday northbound from Kidderminster.

White fiesta van . dawdled ahead of me on the slip road, I joined the m way and flashed him on. Continued to dawdle to the end of the slip and sloooowly pulled in front of me.

This prize d head was watching a video on his phone rested on the steering wheel.

Thank f I'm rarely south of the border.


12,229 posts

264 months

Friday 14th June
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loskie said:
Thank f I'm rarely south of the border.
Do you seriously think this only happens in the south? rofl


5,430 posts

123 months

Friday 14th June
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trackdemon said:
loskie said:
Thank f I'm rarely south of the border.
Do you seriously think this only happens in the south? rofl

Yes of course 'cos most folks are brain dead there.

It was notable so must have been bad.

Ah! You're from Essex.


8,503 posts

103 months

Friday 14th June
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Vipers said:
Reading about that on FB earlier, drunk, fined £50 and banned for something like 6 days, his lawyer said he needed his licence for his job. To which someone added what about the drivers who cars he smashed need them for their hobs?
Hopefully they'll see it as an opportunity to upgrade from the cooking model into something a bit more sporty... getmecoat


4,314 posts

160 months

Saturday 22nd June
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The driving stuff is the same as usual, but two guys at the end pick a fight with the wrong person.


8,384 posts

263 months


8,537 posts

203 months

Saturday 22nd June
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NapierDeltic said:
defblade said:

Scottish Guy (the long final clip) getting massively and rightly panned in the comments...
I live in the central belt and SO MANY drivers carry on like this, now. They either default to L2 or pull out into L2 without checking my approaching speed. I preempt the need to overtake HGVs so get into L2 early, then some miserable Crossland or Juke decides to stop tailgating the HGV and waddle out into L2 to sit at exactly 65 mph.

I've ended up undertaking cars on the Edinburgh bypass for this sort of nonsense. Nice long gap in L1 and car plodding along at 55 mph in L2. I find it odd that UK drivers are happy to run red lights and commit all sorts of other driving sins, but undertaking is still regarded as a personal slight.
Today, M74 southbound near Polmadie. I'm in L1 doing 60mph, when a VW van comes up a slip, pulls out in front of me, and goes straight into L2 where he sits at about 50. Naturally, I stayed in L1 and passed on the inside!


3,863 posts

28 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Blakewater said:
The driving stuff is the same as usual, but two guys at the end pick a fight with the wrong person.

I saw an excellent video recently (certainly NSFW) in which some prick starting swinging at a neighbour who promptly shot him. Judging by the number of shots, dead.

Don't start what you can't finish. Shout if you must but initiating violence opens the door to extreme retaliation.


8,624 posts

285 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Not sure if this has been posted yet (apols if it has)

The 1st clip on this. Christ knows what he blew on the breathalyser ! eek


1,221 posts

13 months

Saturday 22nd June
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If anyone knows this little man hero in Coventry please let me know as I would like to have a chat with him about his behaviour on public roads.

I won’t post the video here but suffice to say his bullying actions would have been different had I been in the car.

Thanks smile


11,210 posts

212 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Blakewater said:
The driving stuff is the same as usual, but two guys at the end pick a fight with the wrong person.

I wonder at what speed the camera car (at 2.33m) was 'cruising' along minding their own business for the tailgating Karen to beep and remind them it is a 60mph limit (3.13m) scratchchin