The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)

The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)



12,229 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th June
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M4cruiser said:
trackdemon said:
M4cruiser said:
Audi at traffic lights:
Erm.... yeah. And?
Obviously a manoeuvre you make every day then!
Quite the assumption. I don't even drive every day rofl The police didn't seem bothered.

'someone makes mistake in Audi, causes a problem to nobody' is hardly the most compelling bit of video anyone here will ever have seen. What reaction did you expect? And would you have jumped to insults against any commenter saying it's a bit nothing?


12,229 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th June
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carreauchompeur said:
Sorry for the TikTok link, but this is an utter cracker.

Has to be pissed or something, 3 goes at it and then revving the tits off the rapidly dying dry engine

Side note, what’s the car…Mokka?
That's pretty special rofl As someone else said, I thought it was an Urus too.... but tbf a lot of large SUV's look similar so could be anything.


26,726 posts

184 months

Tuesday 11th June
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jke11y said:
carreauchompeur said:
Sorry for the TikTok link, but this is an utter cracker.

Has to be pissed or something, 3 goes at it and then revving the tits off the rapidly dying dry engine

Side note, what’s the car…Mokka?
Looks like a Lamborghini Urus.
Definitely looks like an Urus with those rear lights. Bet they were high as a kite, or you wouldn't keep trying to ram down a bollard with an engine pouring smoke.


8,503 posts

103 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Matt Cup said:
Bloody hell, bit brave to be following that on a bicycle/scooter (sound off hence not sure which).


8,503 posts

103 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Blakewater said:
Another one sent in by one of Ashley's viewers who has made up some feeble excuses for his behaviour. The van driver is a nutter who chases him down to not really follow through with anything. I don't know if people send these videos in expecting to be supported or to share their mistakes as lessons for others.

The DCW has done the equivalent of shouting "out the fackin' way you tt!" at a stranger who appears to be doing nothing wrong then got upset when that stranger wants to remonstrate.

I find Ashley O'Neals videos rather boring but he does seem to share the "well what did you think was going to happen?!" view most of us take to such clips. He also calls out the bullstters with their "I've got police training" and "I'm an IAM senior road captain, second class, and my mum sewed the badges onto my driving sash to prove it" appeals from authority.

Didn't the IAM carry out the ceremony to strip a member of his string back driving gloves and Werther's originals for similar nonsense?


26,726 posts

184 months

Tuesday 11th June
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donkmeister said:
I find Ashley O'Neals videos rather boring but he does seem to share the "well what did you think was going to happen?!" view most of us take to such clips. He also calls out the bullstters with their "I've got police training" and "I'm an IAM senior road captain, second class, and my mum sewed the badges onto my driving sash to prove it" appeals from authority.
Ashley Boring is always dull, but he does a good job in this one ripping into the viewer that sent this clip. What a tosser.


12,229 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Krikkit said:
donkmeister said:
I find Ashley O'Neals videos rather boring but he does seem to share the "well what did you think was going to happen?!" view most of us take to such clips. He also calls out the bullstters with their "I've got police training" and "I'm an IAM senior road captain, second class, and my mum sewed the badges onto my driving sash to prove it" appeals from authority.
Ashley Boring is always dull, but he does a good job in this one ripping into the viewer that sent this clip. What a tosser.
Everyone in the vid was a tosser. The van wasn't parked in a very sensible spot but a short 'toot' would have been sufficient to point it out instead of a long blare. To then run back to your van and go chasing after the DCW to do..... not much at all. Ridiculous and should have his licence gone for a bit. No winners here.

Castrol for a knave

4,916 posts

94 months

Tuesday 11th June
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trackdemon said:
Krikkit said:
donkmeister said:
I find Ashley O'Neals videos rather boring but he does seem to share the "well what did you think was going to happen?!" view most of us take to such clips. He also calls out the bullstters with their "I've got police training" and "I'm an IAM senior road captain, second class, and my mum sewed the badges onto my driving sash to prove it" appeals from authority.
Ashley Boring is always dull, but he does a good job in this one ripping into the viewer that sent this clip. What a tosser.
Everyone in the vid was a tosser. The van wasn't parked in a very sensible spot but a short 'toot' would have been sufficient to point it out instead of a long blare. To then run back to your van and go chasing after the DCW to do..... not much at all. Ridiculous and should have his licence gone for a bit. No winners here.
Never mind that, WTF is going on with the fork/stem on that bike - it looks lethal.


26,726 posts

184 months

Tuesday 11th June
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trackdemon said:
Everyone in the vid was a tosser. The van wasn't parked in a very sensible spot but a short 'toot' would have been sufficient to point it out instead of a long blare. To then run back to your van and go chasing after the DCW to do..... not much at all. Ridiculous and should have his licence gone for a bit. No winners here.
Oh I 100% agree - bad parking, bad tooting, bad driving.


12,522 posts

221 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Krikkit said:
trackdemon said:
Everyone in the vid was a tosser. The van wasn't parked in a very sensible spot but a short 'toot' would have been sufficient to point it out instead of a long blare. To then run back to your van and go chasing after the DCW to do..... not much at all. Ridiculous and should have his licence gone for a bit. No winners here.
Oh I 100% agree - bad parking, bad tooting, bad driving.
It wasn't even a good chase.

Matt Cup

3,189 posts

107 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
Never mind that, WTF is going on with the fork/stem on that bike - it looks lethal.
Rider must have very short arms.

Laurel Green

30,806 posts

235 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Dash Cam Owners Australia Weekly Submissions June Week 2


21,427 posts

175 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:


3,970 posts

146 months

Thursday 13th June
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carinaman said:
Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:
That is a very lucky cyclist. Up on his feet, and only hit an inanimate object. If he had hit a pedestrian at that speed (ie, what you expect to find on pavements), he would have been in a world of trouble.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Thursday 13th June
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mac96 said:
carinaman said:
Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:
That is a very lucky cyclist. Up on his feet, and only hit an inanimate object. If he had hit a pedestrian at that speed (ie, what you expect to find on pavements), he would have been in a world of trouble.
But she was very very drunk.


3,970 posts

146 months

Thursday 13th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
mac96 said:
carinaman said:
Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:
That is a very lucky cyclist. Up on his feet, and only hit an inanimate object. If he had hit a pedestrian at that speed (ie, what you expect to find on pavements), he would have been in a world of trouble.
But she was very very drunk.
True, the law is out of date, but that's why the law on dangerous cycling is being revised to make prosecution easier in these cases in the future.
But it is not just about punishment by the law. Assuming the cyclist is a half decent person, having, for example, killed a child whilst riding so stupidly, would be a horror for a very long time.


8,503 posts

103 months

Thursday 13th June
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mac96 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
mac96 said:
carinaman said:
Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:
That is a very lucky cyclist. Up on his feet, and only hit an inanimate object. If he had hit a pedestrian at that speed (ie, what you expect to find on pavements), he would have been in a world of trouble.
But she was very very drunk.
True, the law is out of date, but that's why the law on dangerous cycling is being revised to make prosecution easier in these cases in the future.
But it is not just about punishment by the law. Assuming the cyclist is a half decent person, having, for example, killed a child whilst riding so stupidly, would be a horror for a very long time.
I hate the "cyclists should pay road tax" bile, but situations like this do make me wonder if some sort of insurance fund should exist to help the victims in these (thankfully rare) situations. Sure, they could sue the cyclist but it's 50:50 at best if she's got anything worth suing for, and maybe 10% if she would have enough to actually put the victim back in their pre-accident life position.

Remorse doesn't pay for the various tradespeople to do the jobs that one can no longer do for at least the several years of recovery.


3,970 posts

146 months

Thursday 13th June
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donkmeister said:
mac96 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
mac96 said:
carinaman said:
Just seen that on X/Twitter. It's two angles from CCTV:
That is a very lucky cyclist. Up on his feet, and only hit an inanimate object. If he had hit a pedestrian at that speed (ie, what you expect to find on pavements), he would have been in a world of trouble.
But she was very very drunk.
True, the law is out of date, but that's why the law on dangerous cycling is being revised to make prosecution easier in these cases in the future.
But it is not just about punishment by the law. Assuming the cyclist is a half decent person, having, for example, killed a child whilst riding so stupidly, would be a horror for a very long time.
I hate the "cyclists should pay road tax" bile, but situations like this do make me wonder if some sort of insurance fund should exist to help the victims in these (thankfully rare) situations. Sure, they could sue the cyclist but it's 50:50 at best if she's got anything worth suing for, and maybe 10% if she would have enough to actually put the victim back in their pre-accident life position.

Remorse doesn't pay for the various tradespeople to do the jobs that one can no longer do for at least the several years of recovery.
As you say, rare. But such a fund could cater for other uninsured incidents as well. At the moment being a victim is a lottery. If you are hit by a motor vehicle or involved in an accident for which your employer is responsible, insurance or a fund is likely to be there. Other accidents- less likely.

Agree with you about the road tax nonsense.In fact I am not that bothered about cyclists on pavements either, provided they are cycling according to the conditions, unlike the two examples here.


32,990 posts

231 months

Thursday 13th June
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donkmeister said:
Matt Cup said:
Bloody hell, bit brave to be following that on a bicycle/scooter (sound off hence not sure which).
Reading about that on FB earlier, drunk, fined £50 and banned for something like 6 days, his lawyer said he needed his licence for his job. To which someone added what about the drivers who cars he smashed need them for their hobs?

Matt Cup

3,189 posts

107 months

Friday 14th June
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Vipers said:
donkmeister said:
Matt Cup said:
Bloody hell, bit brave to be following that on a bicycle/scooter (sound off hence not sure which).
Reading about that on FB earlier, drunk, fined £50 and banned for something like 6 days, his lawyer said he needed his licence for his job. To which someone added what about the drivers who cars he smashed need them for their hobs?
That seems incredibly lenient, was the judge pissed too? I thought drunk driving was at least an automatic 12month ban?

I’d have thrown the book at the stupid fker.