Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!



3,474 posts

148 months

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I think Brad has changed his mind, he said he was unsure but its a shame, his threads are a real highlight.


4,175 posts

136 months

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Hoping he has just changed his mind and nothing’s gone wrong.
If you’re reading this Brad, even a travel log including your views of the latest car would be interesting rather than you having to come up with wacky adventures.


1,886 posts

122 months

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Why are we waiting, whhhyyyyyy aaarrreeee we waaaaiiitnnng.....!!


Hope your all good Br d! smile


29 posts

105 months

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Oh man I literally just finished reading about your boozy trip after the one-wheel accident biggrin

Another trip report?? Yes please!

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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Sorry guys, it's been a bit of an odd one this year.
I'm going to be spending this afternoon sitting on my balcony with a beer and scenery to die for so I'm going to catch up then.
With the weather and one thing and another it hasn't really launched yet.


1,838 posts

80 months

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He's alive!!!

Then I added some seagulls and it all got a little morose...

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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Right just caught up with the thread.
I am genuinely touched by the well wishes and the eagerness for another write up, it's fantastic and thanks to everyone.
I honestly just drift around and see what happens so I'm always surprised by the interest in the thread, there's never any plan and I think I mostly just waffle a load of nonsense so don't expect too much!

Picked up the new 750S a week before Christmas, another PH'er - 964Cup - got his at the same time and I think they were probably the first on the road in the world outside the demo cars.
They have said this is the last all ICE model which is what drew me. Tbh there was nothing wrong my 720, beautiful colour and a good spec but the last new model that wasn't going to be a hybrid suckered me in. I specced very high and ended up spending way more than I intended (bd budget creep!) but I once again told myself this is the last silly car I'm going to own and I always use that for man maths justification.

Did very little with it over the winter.
I don't actually have many pics of it, took a couple at a car wash the other day just in case, let's see what I can dig out.

Edited by br d on Thursday 27th June 14:30

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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I've got some really nice ones from the showroom pick up but they aren't loading for some reason.

Edited by br d on Thursday 27th June 11:21


3,474 posts

148 months

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Its lovely Brad. Can we get some pics at the hotel or in the alps.

How long are you staying out there for? Where are you thist time?

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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It was touch and go this year. Booked most of it up and then found a lump!
Got in to a consultant and had the dreaded wait but it wasn't the other thing, bullet dodged. It was however an effing great cyst that had to come out pronto or I'd have problems.
The original surgery date was 6th June so I asked the doc if I would be okay for going away on the 20th? "Oh no!" he said cheerfully "You'll need longer recovery than that, you won't be driving that quickly."


I'd already booked two thirds of it and hadn't bothered with cancellations so I was in deep st. He's an absolutely wonderful man and I threw myself on his mercy and asked if he could get me in earlier. He shuffled his computer files for a while and said he could if I go to a different hospital, that would be on the 21st of May.
Would that be enough time doc? "Hmm... Maybe, you'll have to come back to me on the 10th and I'll decide then"

So a quandary. I need hotels with secure parking and if I wait till the tenth then I ain't going to get them out here.
So I booked what I could but it was already too late for some stuff, ended up paying more than I wanted to because that was all that was left.

A week before the op I have to go in for an ecg so they know I won't cark it under the anaesthetic. On the day they decide to do a spine thing instead so I'm awake during it, they whack that in, give me something else and just as I'm getting wobbly the anaesthetist goes "What's this on your ecg?"
I dunno? They didn't tell me anything. He's looking at this and scratching his chin and I'm thinking "Don't cancel now ffs!"
Then he goes "Okay, we'll do it but you have to see a cardiologist as soon as you can.

This is fine by me, at this point I don't care about anything, they'd given me fentanyl. Jesus Christ that stuffs good, like floating on a cloud of titties. There's about 8 people in the theatre and they're hacking away at my privates (it was a bk cyst) and I couldn't have been happier.

There was a second anaesthetist and I said this stuff is good ain't it doc!
He laughed and said "Yep, that's why we keep it locked up!"

So it all went well. I go to see my guy on the 10th, I'm still in a bit of pain but I tell him everything is wonderful and can I please go on holiday?
He hmms again but says yes if I really really behave.
I didn't mention my onewheel.

I told him what a great job he did and he said "Yeah, I was going to sign them"

I got in to see a cardiologist and it's fine. Left side of my heart is heavy which has stopped the electrics working properly or something but he said it's okay, only worry if I get faint. Which I don't. Not sober anyway.

So I made it.

Edited by br d on Thursday 27th June 11:57


8,860 posts

185 months

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Nothing like pre-trip repairs to add to the stress, I usually do it on the car though and not have major work done on myself.

Top notch intro to this years fun by the way, already looking forward to further ramblings !


638 posts

23 months

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Congratulations on making it... and not getting your balls signed. Someone will be along saying "pictures or it didn't happen", please ignore them. yikes

Car looks fantastic, and I'm guessing if you got there then the seats are not pinching anywhere.

Have fun, stay safe.


4,175 posts

136 months

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Beautiful colour and those wheels look amazing. I wonder if Om is going to make the relevant changes to the pictures?

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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Comfortable in the car so far after a few long journeys but he was right to be cautious, even a week before I came out it was still painful to drive or lift anything. The boys are looking fine now the swellings settled, the cyst was 10cm so he had to cut a pretty big exit hole but you can hardly tell now. I had to shave for the op so it all looks a bit wrinkly Duncan Goodhew down there but otherwise all good.

I promise not to mention my balls again!

br d

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8,455 posts

228 months

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57Ford said:
I wonder if Om is going to make the relevant changes to the pictures?
What does that mean Ford?


4,175 posts

136 months

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br d said:
What does that mean Ford?
Only that his previous pictures further up the thread showed a bandaged leg. It appears your most recent dressings would be slightly higher.

Glad to hear it wasn’t the other thing anyway, must have been quite a worrying time.

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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Only just made the tunnel. Had a 5am crossing and so left at 2:30, thought it would be plenty but I didn't know the M20 was closed for a load of junctions.
Got to eurotunnel 3 minutes before boarding.

On the drive down to the first stop at Dijon I got a call from work, one of my Transits had broke down, turns out it was the wet belt and the engine is fked, it'll need rebuilding from a new block or a whole new engine. So I hadn't even got to the first hotel and I'm already 7 grand down. Lovely.

Dijon is just somewhere to crash for the night so set off for Chamonix early in the morning. Things didn't improve!

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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57Ford said:
br d said:
What does that mean Ford?
Only that his previous pictures further up the thread showed a bandaged leg. It appears your most recent dressings would be slightly higher.

Glad to hear it wasn’t the other thing anyway, must have been quite a worrying time.
Are you gaming me man? smile

I didn't put them pictures up, someone else did, I have no idea what they are except pics of a bloke on a balcony!

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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Got to chamonix on Friday and it was pissing down, I mean torrential.
I was there 3 days and there were only a few hours break here and there.
This is how it was:

I didn't really look around the room at first but later on I found this, my own sauna!

Didn't take the car to the mountains, just too bloody wet!

br d

Original Poster:

8,455 posts

228 months

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br d said:
57Ford said:
br d said:
What does that mean Ford?
Only that his previous pictures further up the thread showed a bandaged leg. It appears your most recent dressings would be slightly higher.

Glad to hear it wasn’t the other thing anyway, must have been quite a worrying time.
Are you gaming me man? smile

I didn't put them pictures up, someone else did, I have no idea what they are except pics of a bloke on a balcony!
Sorry ford, ignore me! I get it now!

I was on completely the wrong track!

Not even drunk yet!