An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers



76,790 posts

285 months

Thursday 14th March
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av185 said:
Hoofy said:
in the slow lane
Is the 'slow lane' speed limit lower than the 'fast lane' limit in a 50.... silly
You know what I mean. It's the lane where slow drivers like me should drive. Anyone who wants to break the limit can use the other lanes. I was taught to stick to the left lane unless overtaking.


3,561 posts

118 months

Thursday 14th March
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I see this all the time being a HGV driver. It's people worried about fuel prices and range anxiety in electric vehicles in 99% of cases in my opinion


1,364 posts

19 months

Thursday 14th March
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I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.


407 posts

36 months

Thursday 14th March
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The other day I was following who I assumed was an OAP in an SUV. We were on an NSL empty B road, visibility was great and it wasn't fking raining for once.

He was dawdling at 40-45mph, no problem, I overtook and happened to catch a glimpse of who was driving. It was a guy similar age to me (mid 30s), with a backwards cap and looked utterly st scared. He was also ridiculously close to the steering wheel.

It was like this chap had channelled his inner 70-year-old granny. I mentioned this to a mate of mine in the pub last night, and he had a similar experience the same day.

I'm far from the perfect driver, impatience for indecisive drivers is my big letdown while driving, but stting hell, when did people become so scared?


11,507 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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av185 said:
Is the 'slow lane' speed limit lower than the 'fast lane' limit in a 50.... silly
Every lane is the 'slow lane' now grumpy


18,742 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
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Hoofy said:
av185 said:
Hoofy said:
in the slow lane
Is the 'slow lane' speed limit lower than the 'fast lane' limit in a 50.... silly
You know what I mean. It's the lane where slow drivers like me should drive. Anyone who wants to break the limit can use the other lanes. I was taught to stick to the left lane unless overtaking.
Yes I was only being pedantic smile but reference to slow and fast lanes makes the problem worse especially on motorways.

Edited by av185 on Thursday 14th March 11:37


5,563 posts

199 months

Thursday 14th March
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Between our town and the next, there is a single-carriageway NSL of about 12 miles which is often infected with the 40-everywhere brigade. Occasionally the local FB page erupts with Mr. Angry - "Was taken over on the 167 by another idiot today he must of been doin nealy 60!!!".

Someone usually points out that the applicable limit is actually 60 and he should perhaps consider making suitable progress instead of holding everybody up.


11,507 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.
You're a relic from the glorious past. 911's come alive over 100mph.

Today's prolific speed cameras will soon have the likes of you off the road.


407 posts

36 months

Thursday 14th March
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911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.

Discendo Discimus

396 posts

35 months

Thursday 14th March
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It's people who tap the brakes before every single corner that annoy me.
It doesn't matter if it's a slight bend and we're doing 50mph, they'll still feel the need to brake before any corner.

What do they think is going to happen? Do they really think that they are at the limit of available grip?
Middle lane hogging annoys me more but only slightly.
I agree with the comment about motorbikes, my KTM has 844bhp per tonne, overtaking is an absolute joy.

Edited by Discendo Discimus on Thursday 14th March 13:00


475 posts

137 months

Thursday 14th March
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EV drivers are the slowest from my experience. Is it a constant range anxiety thing?

Generally speaking, I can't help but feel that the joy of driving has severely diminished in recent years.


18,742 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
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911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.
You obviously own a Crappy BOSS ### plate and forever dominate the outside lane like only a true BO55 could. biggrin:


11,507 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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Discendo Discimus said:
It's people who tap the brakes before every single corner that annoy me. It doesn't matter if it's a slight bend and we're doing 50mph, they'll still feel the need to brake before any corner.

What do they think is going to happen? Do they really think that they are at the limit of the grip available?
Tapping the brakes moves weight transfer forwards to improve turn-in. Reduces risk of missing the apex and running wide driving


7,641 posts

139 months

Thursday 14th March
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Very few drivers seem to have the ability to overtake on an A road these days. I was in a queue behind 2 HGVs and 3 cars on the A9 yesterday. Doing indicated 55 in a 60. So around 10 below the limit. I got past in two overtakes. Everyone else seems content to just sit there

Worst bit was the day before. Behind 3 HGVs as we enter a 6 mile dual carriageway section south of Drumochter. Ideal for passing slow traffic. I got past the first truck at which point number 2 pulled out and took 5 miles to get past number 1. As I went past truck number 3 pulled out to overtake. So only 1 car, me, got past the HGVs in that 6 mile stretch.


18,742 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
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Its the morons who tap the brakes at the first clue of a speed camera 1km ahead or at the first sound of a siren bothering me. hehe


5,530 posts

148 months

Thursday 14th March
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I've just been into town, 6 miles from my village.
About 4 miles of the road (single carriageway A road) is a sixty limit. Most of it is easily done at 60, and 50 is really comfortable when it's a bit damp like today.

Coming back, I was stuck behind a few other cars. Maximum speed attained was 36 on the speedo, so probably a true 33 or 34. No real overtaking opportunities on this stretch of road.

As usual, the slow car at the front kept to the same speed in the 30 limit through the village.

This super-slow driving (while exceeding the 30 limits in villages) seems to be getting much more common, like they are not paying attention to the speed limit signage at all


374 posts

68 months

Thursday 14th March
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I suspect these dawdling along are either messing with their infotainment / phone or talking on the phone. Without realising, speed inevitably drops as one's focus is distracted.

The resulting enormous snail of traffic stuck behind the dawdler is really annoying.

Where I live I have to pull out on to an A road every morning, if I see a car coming but miss the chance to get out in front, I end up waiting for an eternity as the enviable held up procession of cars go past. irked


1,587 posts

22 months

Thursday 14th March
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Discendo Discimus said:
It's people who tap the brakes going down a straight road, 10mph under the limit, with no hazards around, that annoy me.

king arthur

6,662 posts

264 months

Thursday 14th March
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I'm convinced that most drivers on the roads these days do not understand what this sign means:

Julian Thompson

2,577 posts

241 months

Thursday 14th March
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bigothunter said:
Discendo Discimus said:
It's people who tap the brakes before every single corner that annoy me. It doesn't matter if it's a slight bend and we're doing 50mph, they'll still feel the need to brake before any corner.

What do they think is going to happen? Do they really think that they are at the limit of the grip available?
Tapping the brakes moves weight transfer forwards to improve turn-in. Reduces risk of missing the apex and running wide driving
Generally inexperienced track drivers over brake for fast corners and under brake for slow ones. I think this is a manifestation of this idea about weight over the nose.

Not relevant to road so much but there we are.