Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



76,790 posts

285 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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LeighW said:
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28
Similar thing (with the cutting) happened near me last week for a Mercedes GLC.

Edited by Hoofy on Monday 3rd April 17:49

Alex Z

1,228 posts

79 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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s94wht said:
ImDesigner said:
The pouches fail with use over time.

Excuse me? How?
The wire mesh inside may start to break with plenty of use. It should be easy enough to tell if it's still effective though, but trying to open the car with the key inside the pouch


1,960 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Alex Z said:
s94wht said:
ImDesigner said:
The pouches fail with use over time.

Excuse me? How?
The wire mesh inside may start to break with plenty of use. It should be easy enough to tell if it's still effective though, but trying to open the car with the key inside the pouch
Yep, this.

The police were also dumbfounded when they produce a new pouch and advised me to use one, only to be told my keys were in the same pouch at the time of the attempted theft.

Check every month.

It might sound daft but it’s the reason I now keep mine in a faraday box too.


4,112 posts

221 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I’ve been attempted car jacked twice in Birmingham and few years ago had my Audi stolen in the office car park in the jewellery quarter under a cctv camera at 2pm.

It seemed targeted because 5 minutes after I parked it and went into the office a Vauxhall drove into the car park, parked next to my car and 2 guys then spent 40 minutes in broad daylight stealing it.

They changed the plates before driving off. I got the car “back “ a week later after the police crashed into it in a chase after a bank raid. However took another 3 months to fix it.

If I had an RS6 I wouldn’t live in Birmingham. The amount of car crime there is unbelievable.


11,377 posts

246 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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When we had our RS6, I would have been relieved and delighted if someone had car-jacked the piece of sh*t


7,396 posts

39 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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ClaphamGT3 said:
When we had our RS6, I would have been relieved and delighted if someone had car-jacked the piece of sh*t


26,704 posts

234 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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All the talk about dominating the stairs is said jokingly but there is absolutely no way on earth anybody would be coming up my stairs to get my car keys even if they did threaten me with violence.


7,396 posts

39 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Monkeylegend said:
All the talk about dominating the stairs is said jokingly but there is absolutely no way on earth anybody would be coming up my stairs to get my car keys even if they did threaten me with violence.
That's because you live in a bungalow.



252 posts

73 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Grumps. said:
Monkeylegend said:
All the talk about dominating the stairs is said jokingly but there is absolutely no way on earth anybody would be coming up my stairs to get my car keys even if they did threaten me with violence.
That's because you live in a bungalow.

"Coming up your stairs!" Oooh err, missus!

Gio G

2,955 posts

212 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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OP, hopefully it is nothing. This is information I got from Police. If a gang want something, they often rely on you making consistent journeys every day to home so they know when to strike. I would start doing different journeys home, or maybe don't leave at the same time.

When I was carjacked, I pretty much did the same journey 4 days a week, so they knew where I would be, probably monitoring me for weeks. Also has been said before, fast, discreet 4/5 door cars is what they are usually after, RS models are a perfect fit.



4,601 posts

228 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Without trying to sound like a snob, where do you live?

I had an RS6 and never had any issues, but did use a faraday pouch.

I drove through an Essex town recently and couldn't believe what I saw - lots of high end Range Rovers etc. and pretty much every car had steering locks, and each driveway had bollards.

I imagine after a while you have to copy the neighbours, otherwise you draw attention to you being the weak link.

I've always taken car and house security pretty seriously, but if I needed to be curtain twitching every night, I'd probably except I've probably got a car out of keeping with the area. It's sad that we have to think like that, but those are the realities now.


3,248 posts

177 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Surely the Tesla will be the car theft of choice and replace things like the RS6- almost invisible, many seats and nothing will catch you


27,668 posts

274 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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WCZ said:
my friends wife got carjacked in their rs6, the thieves followed them at some point to where they live then at another date hid in the bushes until she was coming back home

she was really traumatised and the event caused them to move house into a gated community

there's something about RS audis that attract the worst of the worst, partly because so many are used in crimes as they make great getaway cars
I must admit whilst I had one as a freebie company car I was pleased I park in a residents parking car park with no reference to what space belongs to what property. The only car I’ve felt a bit edgy about in terms of scumbags brandishing bats.


3,441 posts

226 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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LeighW said:
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Last time I took my SVR into the main dealer they advised me to fit a Ghost immobiliser for that reason.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28


3,176 posts

156 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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TopTrump said:
Surely the Tesla will be the car theft of choice and replace things like the RS6- almost invisible, many seats and nothing will catch you
Do many Teslas get stolen currently? With the amount of tech integral to their operation wouldn't be surprised if you can't just call up Tesla and ask them to kill your car if it ever gets stolen.


10,609 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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KingNothing said:
Do many Teslas get stolen currently? With the amount of tech integral to their operation wouldn't be surprised if you can't just call up Tesla and ask them to kill your car if it ever gets stolen.
they just aren't proven in ram raids etc yet in the criminal community + like you say they might be able to be remotely disabled + easy to track

also in terms of pure car theft there isn't much of a market for the parts if you break one down


20,099 posts

189 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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RS6s are used by armed police around here but that still didn't stop these idiots!


3,248 posts

177 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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KingNothing said:
Do many Teslas get stolen currently? With the amount of tech integral to their operation wouldn't be surprised if you can't just call up Tesla and ask them to kill your car if it ever gets stolen.
It's a very good point that, hadn't thought of that.

OP- I would always err on the side of caution. I don't think any car is worth the stress, good though a RS6 is

Louis Balfour

26,705 posts

225 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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TopTrump said:
Surely the Tesla will be the car theft of choice and replace things like the RS6- almost invisible, many seats and nothing will catch you
Even car thieves have standards.


3,948 posts

85 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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thelostboy said:
Without trying to sound like a snob, where do you live?

I had an RS6 and never had any issues, but did use a faraday pouch.

I drove through an Essex town recently and couldn't believe what I saw - lots of high end Range Rovers etc. and pretty much every car had steering locks, and each driveway had bollards.

I imagine after a while you have to copy the neighbours, otherwise you draw attention to you being the weak link.

I've always taken car and house security pretty seriously, but if I needed to be curtain twitching every night, I'd probably except I've probably got a car out of keeping with the area. It's sad that we have to think like that, but those are the realities now.
what town was that? You did well to see all the steering locks from driving past!