Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



751 posts

176 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Baldchap said:
No, but would you want to drive round in something covered in burn marks and swarf?

Easier to steal something else.
I wouldn't exactly want to be left with a car where they started trying to cut their way through it either...

Honourable Dead Snark

452 posts

22 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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evil.edna said:
So disappointed to see nobody has mentioned dominating the stairs, yet.
To be fair if you’re really paranoid and for some reason just hate the thought of using insurance you could keep a chainsaw up stairs. Hell even that isn’t necessary, playing a loud audio recording of one could be enough.

Doesn’t matter how many people break in and what tools they have, they’re not going to hang about for long when they hear that noise.


3,944 posts

85 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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warp9 said:
I also have a faraway cage which I'll leave in an easy spot to see.
is this where you plan to lock them up? in a cage far away. should be a good deterrent!

not pissing on chips, but the other stories here say new R6's would there be much interest in a 7 yr old one?

genuine question as no idea of the profiles getting nicked but most on here seem to mention new.


26,359 posts

176 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Personally I'd be leaving the keys in an obvious place by the front door and not keeping any possessions I wanted to keep in it overnight.


4,487 posts

191 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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kevinon said:
Is the car a 'keyless' model?

If so, maybe a scare story for you. A workmate believed that his RR remote signal was intercepted while out, and then thieves followed him home. And stole his car, even tho his remote key was in a Faraday cage at home.
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28


10,604 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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GiantCardboardPlato said:
the RS badge makes a certain personality type feel right at home. It's like written permission to be what they are. S.

Edited by GiantCardboardPlato on Monday 3rd April 13:50
it's crazy really, another story I have from someone I know was an RS4, he bought it used from a dealer, drove straight home. had a shower then went outside and it was gone - had the car less than an hour!


9,052 posts

104 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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WCZ said:
my friends wife got carjacked in their rs6, the thieves followed them at some point to where they live then at another date hid in the bushes until she was coming back home

she was really traumatised and the event caused them to move house into a gated community

there's something about RS audis that attract the worst of the worst, partly because so many are used in crimes as they make great getaway cars
Hopefully, the OP sleeps easy tonight after reading this.


8 posts

16 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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warp9 said:
Hi all, thanks for the comments. As has been mentioned by a couple of posters, I also live in Birmingham. I did also get the registration of the Passat.

i have got a tracker fitted and have some big bolts on the house front door. I also have a faraway cage which I'll leave in an easy spot to see.

I also don't have a driveway, so will make a point of not parking immediately outside the house. There is a bit of curb about 20m down the road which isn't connected to anyone's house.

Maybe it was just coincidence, but feeling like this has taken the shine off owning the car. I don't feel like it's going to be a long term love affair.
Wow. I'm actually amazed that insurers will cover a RS6 parked on the street in a Birmingham postcode, even with a tracker fitted!


10,604 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Sycamore said:
A chap working at the company next door to where I do bought an RS6 earlier this year.
3 weeks later he had some lads smash their way into his unit while he was working inside and he traded them the keys in exchange for them not chopping him up with a machete.
This was in the tranquil resort town of Smethwick, Birmingham.

Personally I couldn't deal with being so paranoid all of the time if I had an RS6, Golf R etc.
I'm sure you're more likely to have a Fiesta nicked, but those will usually be a keyless theft while you're asleep or something, not a gang smashing their way into your house.
a couple of little sts tried to steal my fiesta st whilst I was at work at 2pm broad daylight, I filmed it:

sold the car the next week


7,861 posts

83 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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WCZ said:
a couple of little sts tried to steal my fiesta st whilst I was at work at 2pm broad daylight, I filmed it:

sold the car the next week
The first scally has been skipping leg day, like a couple of pipe cleaners


10,604 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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MDMA . said:
Hopefully, the OP sleeps easy tonight after reading this.
op has the option to park it a little further down the road which makes a big difference vs my friends wife who had a driveway etc when they don't know whose house the keys in they aren't gonna break in all of them


397 posts

225 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I feel for you OP I'm south Birmingham and I bought an S6 because I was not liking the wrong attention the RS6's get, I was still paranoid about being followed and TBH regardless of what people say about "just a car", really didn't want to loose my car.

I spoke to a good security expert on sorting the house to make it and the car secure. Without going into details its all about layers of security but the most determined will just find the weak point (namely you), so you just make it difficult and not impossible,
and basic things on how you drive home will identify if someone is following.

I did sell mine and now have a van, which attract thief's who don't want to steal it...just parts!

The paranoia will subside and you will enjoy it, I still crave an RS6


2,609 posts

212 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I genuinely had no idea that the RS6 was such a massive scrote magnet. An eye-opener, and has totally erased the small itch I have (had) for one.


6,640 posts

221 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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warp9 said:
faraway cage

I've never understood the appeal of these sorts of cars (the scrote magnets, as above^^). Surely no car is worth endangering yourself or your family over?

Sell it. Use the proceeds to move somewhere nicer. HTH.


13,394 posts

180 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Baldchap said:
swisstoni said:
paralla said:
Friend of mine had his brand new RS4 nicked off his driveway in Islington (broke into the house for the keys). Insurance replacement arrived about a month later and he was violently carjacked shortly after while his wife and two small children were in the car with him.

He started sleeping downstairs with a baseball bat, his wife went ballistic and insisted the move to the countryside. They are currently enjoying a nice quiet life in a barn conversion in rural Kent.
Sometimes having something that’s ‘flavour of the month’ really isn’t worth it.
There’s so many interesting cars in the world that you could get instead, that don’t compute with the scrotes.
Conversely, my old RS4 (2019) in bright red never once caused any grief to me or anyone else when driving it. It did get photographed in Spain a few times (by teenagers and roadside cameras rofl ) but that is all.

It isn't a given that a nice car will attract scrotes and carjackings etc are mercifully rare, despite what PH might have you believe.

Almost certainly nothing to worry about. If the person was planning a crime, they wouldn't be so overt about it. You probably just look like Passat man's type. laugh
A family member has had an RS4 and two RS6’s without an issue; never followed, never had the keys forceably removed or had to dominate the stairs.

Yet my other half’s uncle has had an RS4 and a RRS sport nicked off his drive (left his 993 behind). There are stories of far lesser Audis being knicked by force.

I guess it depends where you live.


20,746 posts

125 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Court_S said:
A family member has had an RS4 and two RS6’s without an issue; never followed, never had the keys forceably removed or had to dominate the stairs.

Yet my other half’s uncle has had an RS4 and a RRS sport nicked off his drive (left his 993 behind). There are stories of far lesser Audis being knicked by force.

I guess it depends where you live.
Fast VAG parts are easy to strip and sell to scrotes that want to fit into lesser models. I think RS seats were being stolen through smashed windows at one point...

P. ONeill

1,455 posts

55 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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easytiger123 said:
I genuinely had no idea that the RS6 was such a massive scrote magnet. An eye-opener, and has totally erased the small itch I have (had) for one.
Four doors and lots of power, a ram raiders wet dream. Though the RS6 is hardly inconspicuous.


1,960 posts

197 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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OP I say this coming from a recent theft attempt of Golf R. Go with your gut.

If you felt the actions of the Passat driver were suspicious, they probably were.

Unfortunately my car was likely followed home, or spotted on my driveway. Thieves gained access to the car using relay in the early hours despite it's keys being in faraday pouches, but couldn't start the car and I'm lucky to still have it. The pouches fail with use over time.

Block in your RS6 on your driveway, store your keys in faraday pouches. Put the pouches in a farady box. Get a Ghost immobiliser. Get a diskloc despite them being nothing other than a visual deterrent. Set your RS6 to key mode only (if possible). Alarm your house if it isn't already. Get extra security. All of that will likely sound over dramatic to the majority of the readers here but until you experience the attempted theft of your pride and joy, you won't understand.

The age old argument is you either make it easy for them, or you don't. If you can make it as time consuming as possible for them, they'll surely work on other targets before yours. At least that's what I'm counting on.

Don't rely on living in a nice place to put your mind at rest, it doesn't make a difference.


97 posts

126 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I wouldn't own anything half decent without keeping it in a garage and away from sight. It won't eliminate the risk entirely, but I think half of the battle here is not letting anyone going past your house know what car(s) you own. I don't think most of my neighbours even know what cars I have.


1,612 posts

62 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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ImDesigner said:
The pouches fail with use over time.

Excuse me? How?