Supercars spotted, some rarities (vol 7)

Supercars spotted, some rarities (vol 7)



8,844 posts

161 months

Thursday 23rd March 2017
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Rude-boy said:
Stridey said:
Pet hate 'BOSS' numberplates. Trying too hard to feel superior ?
Agreeed, unless it is BO55 MUS on a Boss Mustang smile

Completely agree, the DVLA must have made a fortune with BO55

Davey S2

13,098 posts

257 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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AMG Merc said:
Can we also include this pic in the cr@p number plates thread?


8,844 posts

161 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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Davey S2 said:
Can we also include this pic in the cr@p number plates thread?
Not to mention the numberplates on his vans


29,230 posts

206 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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andymc said:
Europa1 said:
georgejoshington said:
DannyH7 said:
When the car costs three times as much the house. Found just outside Newcastle:

One for the council thread...
And the bad parking thread.
dvla say the car doesn't exist?
unsurprising given the location


29,230 posts

206 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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SydneyBridge said:
Rude-boy said:
Stridey said:
Pet hate 'BOSS' numberplates. Trying too hard to feel superior ?
Agreeed, unless it is BO55 MUS on a Boss Mustang smile

Completely agree, the DVLA must have made a fortune with BO55
well to be honest all cherished regs are on the same spectrum. When you say they 'made a fortune' from that plate specifically - are you not classing all cherished regs as an actual license to print money? These are letters and numbers, nothing more. The only thing that makes one reg different to another is the ideas some buyer has in their head. Like going into sainsbury's and being shown a sandwich with your name on it for £1000 and then actually going ahead and buying it because it's you know, an expression of you.


5,238 posts

234 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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Rude-boy said:
TIGA84 said:
Its fair enough what you say but I really don't understand why people say no photos of cars, it makes absolutely no sense at all.
Not everyone wants people to know who they use or what their car might be in for. Likewise on an open street it is fair game, or on a forecourt, but once inside a garage or secure location it is very much only with the owners permission.
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?


11,811 posts

164 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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TIGA84 said:
Rude-boy said:
TIGA84 said:
Its fair enough what you say but I really don't understand why people say no photos of cars, it makes absolutely no sense at all.
Not everyone wants people to know who they use or what their car might be in for. Likewise on an open street it is fair game, or on a forecourt, but once inside a garage or secure location it is very much only with the owners permission.
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?
That doesn't really matter though does it, you either respect the wishes of the owner or you don't get an invite again. Simple really.

Edited by epom on Friday 24th March 21:29


3,247 posts

177 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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TIGA84 said:
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?
Quick example- car pictured at a clutch specialist would infer the car is having clutch work.....


5,238 posts

234 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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TopTrump said:
TIGA84 said:
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?
Quick example- car pictured at a clutch specialist would infer the car is having clutch work.....
Would the same apply at a Petrol station?


12,745 posts

180 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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TIGA84 said:
TopTrump said:
TIGA84 said:
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?
Quick example- car pictured at a clutch specialist would infer the car is having clutch work.....
Would the same apply at a Petrol station?
Not if it's getting diesel.


579 posts

180 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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droopsnoot said:
Unless of course the RR and van belong to people he knows and are there to shield it from other things.
I'll have a look for this tomorrow as I go through Banchory.

Also, damn 105 series Alfas are gorgeous. Good spot.


12,179 posts

245 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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TIGA84 said:
Rude-boy said:
TIGA84 said:
Its fair enough what you say but I really don't understand why people say no photos of cars, it makes absolutely no sense at all.
Not everyone wants people to know who they use or what their car might be in for. Likewise on an open street it is fair game, or on a forecourt, but once inside a garage or secure location it is very much only with the owners permission.
How on earth would you be able to tell what the car was in for from a picture of it indoors rather than out, or indeed, tell the location of it?
I figured that the garage owner might not want the internet in general knowing what's inside their premises overnight, rather than what it might be in for.


49 posts

162 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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Stridey said:
Pet hate 'BOSS' numberplates. Trying too hard to feel superior ?
I think the 'BOSS' plate here is somewhat justified: the owner is the CEO for a local engineering firm; the name of which can be abbreviated to become 'UTS'. wink

Blown2CV said:
unsurprising given the location
Now now... nono


4,212 posts

206 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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droopsnoot said:
Unless of course the RR and van belong to people he knows and are there to shield it from other things.
smile The Range Rover went in second and the GT1 isn't as close to the van as it looks in this picture thumbup


4,673 posts

111 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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AMG Merc said:
McAndy said:
AMG Merc said:
Fair point, didn't think of that. Or that the van's the owner's and they've made a mint from plumbing laugh
That's just a pipe dream.
Ha Ha, not for this plumber...
He's a right Charlie, just make sure your ticker doesn't go wonky on the job.

On 10 February 2017 a plumber who had suffered a heart attack was found to have been unfairly or wrongfully dismissed at the Court of Appeal following an employment tribunal decision. Pimlico Plumbers argued the plumber was an independent contractor but the court determined he was a worker with some employment rights


9 posts

97 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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How many threads is this applicable too?


795 posts

181 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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HamidS1992 said:

How many threads is this applicable too?
I'd start with the 'Awful uPVC windows' thread and work from there.



11,811 posts

164 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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ess said:
HamidS1992 said:

How many threads is this applicable too?
I'd start with the 'Awful uPVC windows' thread and work from there.

Bad spelling Shirley for a start ? biggrinlaughbounce


643 posts

173 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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ess said:
I'd start with the 'Awful uPVC windows' thread and work from there.


Harry Flashman

19,548 posts

245 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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New addition to our area: parked one street over. Improves my walk to the station in the morning!

Untitled by baconrashers, on Flickr