Promoted: Free 30-day GAP policy for PHers with ALA

Promoted: Free 30-day GAP policy for PHers with ALA


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 25th January 2016
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Hello there HoHoHo!

Thanks so much, very glad we could help and save you money! woohoo

Anything I can help with please let me know smile


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 9th February 2016
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Hi Tonyc32
Thanks for getting in touch. I can completely understand why this is frustrating and hopefully I can explain the rationale behind the limitation.
The policy covers painted alloy wheels, rather than diamond cut, polished or a bare metal finish, and so it is a SMART repair which is provided. If the paintwork on the wheels is scuffed or scratched and the top layer of paint is removed, any delay in repairing the wheel could mean that underlying damage can set in. This might include corrosion or flaking of the paint and that is more than this policy will cover.
It would not be reasonable to ask that a claim is made immediately after any damage has occurred, therefore the underwriters have put in the 7 day time limit to allow flexibility in reporting the claim. We appreciate this could be seen as arbitrary but there also needs to be a cut-off point. Also, whilst this damage will need to be repaired by an external company this will not automatically exclude any future claims made under the policy.
I hope this at least helps with the reasoning behind the policy limitation but if you have any other questions at all please do get in touch.

We are always grateful for any feedback and the chance to address any issues or questions you might have with any of our policies. If you would prefer to talk to us we're also happy to discuss anything over the phone on 01653 916304.
Many thanks,

ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 22nd February 2016
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Hi Super_G and MondeoMan1981

Thank you to you both for the great feedback and really pleased to hear we were able to help clap

It isn't unusual to hear about really high dealer prices. They're often a bit barmy to say the least but still makes us go eek when we hear about them!

Glad we could save you money (hopefully to spend on something much more exciting than insurance) and, as always, if there is anything I can help with please let me know!


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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Morning AMDB9 and siremoon,

AMDB9 - I can confirm that the Ferrari 458 Italia does appear in Glass's Guide and so would be covered by our GAP policies.

siremoon - whilst your car is not currently in Glass's Guide, I believe this is only because it is a brand new model and it takes some time for these to show but again, you would be covered by the GAP policy.

As long as you don't have one of these tank we're usually ok! But we'd agree it's best to double check as its not always clear.

If you have any other queries please let me know smile


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Monday 14th March 2016
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Hi Jordan210

We do offer a one year extension of an existing GAP policy, even if your original cover was not bought from ALA thumbup

If your original GAP policy was purchased from a provider other than ALA there is a restriction which means that the extension policy must be purchased before the original policy has run out. The car must be under 10 years of age and otherwise eligible for the policy.

Please just let me know if you have any other questions at all


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 16th March 2016
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Hi Ursicles

Thanks for getting in touch - there's no such thing, happy to answer any questions to make sure you're happy with the GAP cover smile

As it is a lease we just need to make sure we're covering that 6k or so of payments, so if you choose a £7500 claim limit we can be sure all of your remaining rental payments are covered if the car is written off.

Also, if the worst happened right at the beginning of the contract, we know there is a bit extra available to top up your insurer's market value settlement if it is less than your lease company expect.

Hope this helps but any other questions at all please let me know!


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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Hi knitware,

Dawn has asked me to pass on her thanks for your lovely feedback - she's thrilled! Also our MD, Simon England, has asked me to thank you for taking the time to let us and other PHers know about your experience with ALA.

If there is anything else we can help please just let us know smile

Thanks again,

ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 30th March 2016
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Sorry for the delay in getting back to you all - hope everyone had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!

silent_ninja - You are right; as the main thing we're covering is the outstanding finance payments due under the contract we would normally set the claim limit as enough to cover the full amount. Ideally we would also include a little bit extra in the GAP claim limit as we also cover any shortfall in the insurer's market value settlement i.e. if it doesn't match the amount expected by the lease/finance company. So for example if your rental payments are approximately £10,000 we would usually put a claim limit of £15,000 just to cover the two aspects mentioned above at the worst point. Having said this, all contracts vary so it does depend on your individual T&Cs.

ashleyman - thank you so much for your feedback, we really appreciate it smile glad we could help!

Sheepshanks - The Vehicle Replacement policy will still pay up to the replacement cost of the replacement/superseding model. This policy is protecting you from manufacturer price increases, not just the amount you paid for the car, so yours is a perfect example of when this policy is the better one to choose.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Friday 15th April 2016
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Hi a4cabrio,

Thanks for getting in touch with us.

The 12% discount is definitely still available to PHers. Just enter the code PISTON12 into the promo code box on the quote page and that should be all you need to do.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Hello OirishKev

Thanks for getting in touch.

That's no problem, if you want to send me a direct message letting me know your policy reference number and I'll be able to look into this for you and see what we can do smile

01653 916301

ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Hi JonChalk - What can we say?! Dawn is a superstar bow

Hi Dal3D - glad we could help (and save you a bit on the premium as well!) party


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 24th May 2016
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Hello GusB

Thanks for your message.

I am sorry about that - most GAP insurance policies have a maximum time limit of 180 days from delivery and we've managed to get ours extended to give a bit more flexibility, but we don't have any further discretion with it.

The only other option that might be available to us, subject to eligibility, is an Agreed Value GAP policy but this will be based on the current value of the car. If this is of interest to you please send your vehicle registration number, current total mileage and how long you might want the policy to last (up to a maximum of 5 years) to Please can you also let me know whether you had GAP insurance on the car initially, perhaps from the supplying dealer?

Thanks again,

ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Hello Mr Sweeney

That's no problem at all, however if you would like me to explain any of these products please let me know smile


ALA Insurance

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225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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Hello Charlie Boy

Thanks for getting in touch smile

I'm afraid that at this moment in time we don't have a policy which covers the initial rental payment, however we are hoping to have that option soon. If you're not getting your car for a few weeks would you like me to contact you once we have the new initial deposit cover in place?


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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Hello Charlie Boy

Thank you, as soon as we have any information on this I will send you an email across to let you know smile

Hi Tony F5S

The policy to cover contract hire agreements can be taken out for up to 365 days after taking delivery of the car.

Hope this helps, please let me know if you would like any further information at all.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Sorry TonyF55, I'd misunderstood your question so thank you for clarifying.

We are actually just waiting to find out from the underwriters whether we can make this available to existing customers - we'd love to be able to do this but it may be out our hands.

As soon as I have any more information on this I will let you know smile

Have a great weekend!

ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 8th August 2016
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Hi TonyF55

Thank you for getting in touch and sorry we've not been able to confirm this before now - we do have the Initial Rental Cover in place but unfortunately the underwriters have decided that we cannot provide it retrospectively where a policy has been bought more than 30 days ago.

I'm sorry again frown that we're unable to help with this at this point, if you do have any other queries please let me know.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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Thanks for getting in touch smile

That's great, happy to hear you were pleased with the quote. If you do need any help at all please let me know!


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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Hello there!

You're absolutely right yes

If at any point during the two year policy your lease car is written off by your insurer, the GAP insurance will cover the outstanding lease payments for your car, top up the insurer's market value settlement if required and, if you include Initial Rental Cover, give you back the initial rental you paid at the start of the contract.

This means you're clear of liability under the contract and you also get some money paid back to you to use as you wish, most likely for your next car woohoo

I hope this helps, if you have any other questions please let me know.


ALA Insurance

Original Poster:

225 posts

113 months

Wednesday 31st August 2016
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Hello skithepowder,

Just to confirm, first of all, that the Back to Invoice policy works by topping up your comprehensive insurance settlement up to one of two things; either the original invoice price (after discounts) or the outstanding finance whichever is the greater at the time of the claim. So, if after 4 years your 2010 car costing 15k was unfortunately written off and the comprehensive insurance paid out 5k then we would then pay 10k to get you back to the original invoice price.

If you were then to look at the Vehicle Replacement policy as an alternative, using the same vehicle as an example, this policy would pay up to the replacement cost of an equivalent car to the original car purchased. So the claims people would look at the replacement cost of a 6 year old car, matching the spec and mileage as it was when you took delivery. They would then settle to this amount even if this was more than what you originally paid. So if after 4 years your 2010 car originally costing 15k was written off and the comp insurance paid you 5k and a similar vehicle (2014 car with same spec and mileage as original car) at that point was costing 16k then we would pay you 11k.

On either policy the money is paid directly to you so you are not obligated to buy the same vehicle again, and potentially use it for something completely different! tank

I hope this helps nerd, but if you have any further queries or questions please just let us know.
