Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!



1,619 posts

62 months

br d said:
Semi-serious post as I'm stuck for a way to pass the time.

I have a few years of these supercar into Europe threads now, maybe 8 or something?
I never go back over the old ones and I've never really thought in terms of a life journey, it's just yearly nonsense I stick up here.
I don't even know how to find them, I know in the past someone has put up links to all of them but I didn't save that.

Things have changed a bit though. With some very impactful things happening in my life over the last few years I'm thinking maybe it is worth keeping as some sort of record.
And doubly so as I think as I age my views on life get more out of touch with the woke moderating I see on the sites I frequent, there's a very real chance I'll say something that'll get me a perma ban and all that I've posted in the last 20 years will be dust.
To be honest the vast majority of it amounts to nothing worth keeping anyway but some of the stuff in these threads does have import to me now.

Is there a way to archive a thread complete with pics and links and all that?
Or would it be a case of going through and screenshotting them all?
I can have a little look at doing something if you would like that


543 posts

45 months

Br d

I suppose it's because we love you.

I'm doing a trip this year as years before, but probably won't post stuff up, I cram a lot in and with a teenage son it's difficult to put the effort in.

You entertained us, a lad from a council estate come good.

My lad said whilst at oulton park this weekend, he'd love to bump into you at an event or service station.

Keep it coming and understand we are all behind you


846 posts

7 months

Monaco/South of france looks sunny, is that an option?


1,894 posts

123 months

br d said:
Thank you very much UTH.

I'm not going near that 2021 thread but that's exactly what I mean, I would like to be able to save threads complete for a future time when that stuff is easier to deal with.

And 11 threads including last year? Why do you guys keep coming back to this nonsense!
I had no idea it was that many.
Because there utterly brilliant smile

I mean who can forget about you throwing your wallet in the petrol garages bin and then having to empty it on the forecourt in front of a bunch if people to try and find it hehe

Or that time you gate crashed that party hehe

Edited by snoopy25 on Monday 1st July 22:00


22,809 posts

204 months

I’d Deffo be checking out the weather and road conditions ahead of time brad.

This is the Simplon pass today

I’m supposed to be flying into GVA this weekend and renting a bike scratchchin


1,619 posts

62 months

s94wht said:
br d said:
Semi-serious post as I'm stuck for a way to pass the time.

I have a few years of these supercar into Europe threads now, maybe 8 or something?
I never go back over the old ones and I've never really thought in terms of a life journey, it's just yearly nonsense I stick up here.
I don't even know how to find them, I know in the past someone has put up links to all of them but I didn't save that.

Things have changed a bit though. With some very impactful things happening in my life over the last few years I'm thinking maybe it is worth keeping as some sort of record.
And doubly so as I think as I age my views on life get more out of touch with the woke moderating I see on the sites I frequent, there's a very real chance I'll say something that'll get me a perma ban and all that I've posted in the last 20 years will be dust.
To be honest the vast majority of it amounts to nothing worth keeping anyway but some of the stuff in these threads does have import to me now.

Is there a way to archive a thread complete with pics and links and all that?
Or would it be a case of going through and screenshotting them all?
I can have a little look at doing something if you would like that
br d, I have them all downloaded with the majority of the images. Send me a message and I'll figure out a way to get them to you


22,809 posts

204 months

br d said:
Why do you guys keep coming back to this nonsense!
I had no idea it was that many.
Takes skill to keep a thread going. Two people who do it well, you and Ronan (RDMcG) with his Route 66 trips.

Things like the caterpillar. It’s clear you found it amusing and didn’t really GAF as it didn’t spoil your meal or your evening, strange that people pick up on such things as an insult on your behalf.

Anyways, so let me know how the weather is in Switzerland hehe. Going to be gutted if I can’t get some 2 wheeled days in.

B'stard Child

28,719 posts

249 months

br d said:
I have a few years of these supercar into Europe threads now, maybe 8 or something?
I never go back over the old ones and I've never really thought in terms of a life journey, it's just yearly nonsense I stick up here.
I don't even know how to find them, I know in the past someone has put up links to all of them but I didn't save that.
I've done that a few times over the last few years - re-posted below if it helps anyone

2013: Leave the other half at home.

2015: Car and Guitar solo road trip.

2016: Another solo trip into Europe.

2017: Car, Guitar, Europe.

2018: Solo Euro Hoon. Car, Guitar, Drone!!!

2019: Car, Guitar, Drone, Europe, You Know the drill!

2020: Mega thrash with two Ferraris.

2021: An annual trip into Europe, with an edge. (Dusty Thread)

2022 Another lot of Alps nonsense

2023 Car, guitar, drone, Alps and now a onewheel

br d said:
Things have changed a bit though. With some very impactful things happening in my life over the last few years I'm thinking maybe it is worth keeping as some sort of record.
And doubly so as I think as I age my views on life get more out of touch with the woke moderating I see on the sites I frequent, there's a very real chance I'll say something that'll get me a perma ban and all that I've posted in the last 20 years will be dust.
To be honest the vast majority of it amounts to nothing worth keeping anyway but some of the stuff in these threads does have import to me now.

Is there a way to archive a thread complete with pics and links and all that?
Or would it be a case of going through and screenshotting them all?
Not a clue on how to archive threads - years ago a forum I was on had an awful lot of info (technical wise) and a clever forum member made a searchable archive of the information - no idea how he did it but it was bloody useful

B'stard Child

28,719 posts

249 months

br d said:
Thank you very much UTH.
Missed this post whilst searching for my own post biggrin - thanks also UTH - I've updated the list to include 2023

br d said:
I'm not going near that 2021 thread but that's exactly what I mean, I would like to be able to save threads complete for a future time when that stuff is easier to deal with.
Probably wise ;-)

br d said:
And 11 threads including last year? Why do you guys keep coming back to this nonsense!
I had no idea it was that many.
Because a lot of reasons for me and don't take this the wrong way

1. they are an off the cuff diary of everything warts and all - down to earth

2. having had a conversation with you (in a pub a long time ago - you probably don't even remember that) - they are written in a way that I can see you saying it and you don't try to make them funny they just are sometimes.

3. there are always surprises (some good some not so good)

4. I don't have the budget to ever be able to play at your level but the trip reports don't come across as written by a cock.

Mr Tidy

23,018 posts

130 months

br d said:
Thank you very much UTH.

I'm not going near that 2021 thread but that's exactly what I mean, I would like to be able to save threads complete for a future time when that stuff is easier to deal with.

And 11 threads including last year? Why do you guys keep coming back to this nonsense!
I had no idea it was that many.
Because we know we are going to be entertained!

Just keep posting nonsense please. thumbup


26,645 posts

183 months

br d said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
You have been unlucky this year. Weather on the continent has been pretty poor so far this year, and there was a major storm that hit many of us last night.
Hi Charles, I'm sorry I'm senile mate, what area are you in again?
I'm in Luxembourg.

br d

Original Poster:

8,505 posts

229 months

It's late. I've had a beer.
Some of these posts have made me quite a bit upset.
Thank you for your thoughts, I sometimes find it difficult.

Long drive tomorrow.

I'll catch up when I get to Switzerland.


br d

Original Poster:

8,505 posts

229 months

Sorry guys.

B'stard Child

28,719 posts

249 months

br d said:
Sorry guys.
Don't be


5,942 posts

199 months

quotequote all
br d said:
Sorry guys.
Please don't be, I don't think you realise how inspiring it is to read about your trips and allow us a pure and honest view into your life. I would imagine there are many, many friends out here you have not met yet but have aso much invested in seeing you return to Pistonheads each year. Without fail you deliver the same humour and openness, despite what you have been through.

My family and I love our drives to Europe each year, and yours usually serve as a perfect warmup and inspiration for our trips, even if we do it in somewhat more modest style.

Funnily enough we stayed in Chamonix last summer then took the tunnel through Mont Blanc and down the amazing Aosta Valley turning right instead towards Turin and Piedmont for some terrific food, wine, people and scenery around Alba and Barolo before heading back along the coast into France. I don't think we would have had that experience without being encouraged by your trips and your posts to hit the road and go and experience the finest Europe has to offer.


85 posts

64 months

quotequote all
prand said:
br d said:
Sorry guys.
Please don't be, I don't think you realise how inspiring it is to read about your trips and allow us a pure and honest view into your life. I would imagine there are many, many friends out here you have not met yet but have aso much invested in seeing you return to Pistonheads each year. Without fail you deliver the same humour and openness, despite what you have been through.

I agree with Prand.
The first of your travel threads I read was the one with the Ferraris in the South of France and have then looked forward to reading about your annual trips. Appreciate that you tell your tales ‘live’ and unedited.
Don’t usually comment as usually by the time I’ve realised that the thread is up you are already back in the UK! (And whatever I type does not convey what i mean properly !!)


13,752 posts

129 months

quotequote all
Br d

Keep it coming mate, it’s a great tonic to read and we can vicariously live the ups and downs in real time with your ramblings and exploits

We all have ups and downs and sometimes life can be a challenge

I’m heading off tomorrow on a euro trip, nowt as grand as yours mind and taking my son with me and know it’s going to be a struggle due to my health

But fk it, you’re only here once and while life may get you down at times don’t you dare let it stop you living and enjoying it

As I said keep it coming


Sideways Tim

900 posts

189 months

quotequote all
Earthdweller said:
Br d

Keep it coming mate, it’s a great tonic to read and we can vicariously live the ups and downs in real time with your ramblings and exploits

We all have ups and downs and sometimes life can be a challenge

I’m heading off tomorrow on a euro trip, nowt as grand as yours mind and taking my son with me and know it’s going to be a struggle due to my health

But fk it, you’re only here once and while life may get you down at times don’t you dare let it stop you living and enjoying it

As I said keep it coming


Br d, it was your previous exploits that prompted me to record a trip earlier this year that I was on the verge of cancelling. If it wasn't for the good folk of PH cajoling me into action I would have missed out on so much. See here if you want to know just how many people can enjoy the seemingly mundane ins and outs of someone elses vacation.

Please keep up the good work - we all appreciate it!

Edited by Sideways Tim on Tuesday 2nd July 13:39


6,280 posts

143 months

quotequote all
Safe onwards journey br d. Always enjoy your personal travelogue.


4,189 posts

137 months

quotequote all
Chin up Brad, take every day as a new one and enjoy your surroundings. You can’t and shouldn’t forget the past but don’t dwell on it. You, more than many, will be aware of how st life can be so celebrate the good times you’ve had and now make the most of what you’ve worked hard to achieve. You’ll be back to the grind soon enough.

Anyway, tell us about this new jalopy of yours. Is it better than the last one? Is it sharper or is it more GT? Does it give you a better shove out of a dry corner? Does it make you smile when you turn around as you’re walking away?
These are the important things I need to know because I’m considering buying one (once they’re down to shed-money smile )