Lets play the Photo Location Game! Vol 3

Lets play the Photo Location Game! Vol 3


The Moose

22,940 posts

212 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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3rd win!

Silver Smudger

3,317 posts

170 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Inspired by Battersea Brands Hatch, next challenge is Car & custard somewhere that shares the name of a motor racing circuit, but is not actually at the circuit


18,327 posts

201 months

Friday 2nd February
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Silver Smudger said:
Inspired by Battersea Brands Hatch, next challenge is Car & custard somewhere that shares the name of a motor racing circuit, but is not actually at the circuit
Perhaps time to loosen the challenge?!


1,330 posts

104 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Does it have to be well known or just a local club?


451 posts

96 months

Saturday 3rd February
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A win?


14,751 posts

146 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Car, custard and a racetrack name, that's a win from me


8,863 posts

161 months

Saturday 3rd February
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18,327 posts

201 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Thirded! Play on…


451 posts

96 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Right, let’s go with,

Car and custard etc. with a Bentley (vehicle or signage) in the photo. Bonus Bird’s points for a ‘Brooklands’.biglaugh


14,751 posts

146 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Given this is PH, how many people can just nip to the garage and take a picture of their car collection? biggrin


451 posts

96 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Kowalski655 said:
Given this is PH, how many people can just nip to the garage and take a picture of their car collection? biggrin
Ah. I suppose a trip down the long gravel driveway to the barn would do it.

Today’s win was around the corner from where I live.


17,111 posts

169 months

Sunday 4th February
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There's a village called Bentley - subject of a documentary when they built a bypass around it. I think it was on ITV Meridian back in the 1990s. Between Alton and Farnham (A31?)

s p a c e m a n

10,844 posts

151 months

Sunday 4th February
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Damnit, I forgot to take a photo outside a health SPA

s p a c e m a n

10,844 posts

151 months

Sunday 25th February
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The missus is holding up Rubicon because it's custard coloured and monster munch because it's in a packet like custard hehe


18,327 posts

201 months

Sunday 25th February
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I’ve just got to a town with a Bentley Brooklands for sale at a garage, was going to track it down on my way home!


14,751 posts

146 months

Sunday 25th February
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Another win from me


451 posts

96 months

Sunday 25th February
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Yes! A win, game on.

s p a c e m a n

10,844 posts

151 months

Sunday 25th February
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Not somewhere that sells a couple bits of clothing with other stuff.


14,751 posts

146 months

Sunday 25th February
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It has bikes in the window but Google has them self describing as a clothing shop. Website shows it sells lots


18,327 posts

201 months

Sunday 25th February
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Quick! But their site says they are a bike dealer. I sure if a win…