Stories of strange selling experiences

Stories of strange selling experiences



10 posts

23 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Not a sale but a strange enquiry. A phishing one it seems.

Guy messages me via a platform about a car I had for sale, asking me to email his dad the price and the pick up location.

Hmmmm OK. I said here's my number and to ask his dad to call me with any questions. The price is clearly on the advert.

He comes back with "he can't use his phone ATM due to recent health issues that’s why I'm assisting him. Sorry this is our first time here and might be our first purchase on App as well, he wants to buy this now and pay for it so please message him now."

I didn't get back to ask him, if his dad can't use the phone due to ill health, how does he expect to operate heavy machinery like a car when he was implying he wanted it immediately.

Arnold Cunningham

3,796 posts

256 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Jinba Ittai said:
To add balance, I sold my Volvo Xc90 through Motorway a couple of months ago. It couldn’t have been easier and smoother. Photos uploaded Friday, private auction on Saturday, I ended up with £5k more than the WBAC valuation, dealer who bought it contacted me Monday, arrived by train on Tuesday, I picked him up from the station, ten minutes later after driving back to my house, money was in my account and he was on his way.

Perhaps that counts as a strange selling experience!
Dealer who I bought my Mini Cooper s convertible off had bought it from motorway. He seemed to rate it as a platform, and I’m happy with the car I got off him. Sadly I don’t really have any odd selling (or buyjng) stories!


1,207 posts

13 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Gericho said:
After a few other experiences I only sell to people with a British passport.
I always ask the caller a question about the rules of cricket, whether they would fight on England’s side in a war with their country of origin and whether their favourite meal is pie and chips. Once I establish their allegiance to King and Country I proceed to go ahead with the sale.


1,863 posts

137 months

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I sold my Jap import Yamaha FZR750 to a chap who brought a knowledgable friend round to check it over.

The knowledgeable friend was Michael Rutter.


623 posts

168 months

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underwhelmist said:
I sold my Jap import Yamaha FZR750 to a chap who brought a knowledgable friend round to check it over.

The knowledgeable friend was Michael Rutter.
Best one so far.


3,919 posts

149 months

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I had a fiesta mk2 for sale (yes, it was a while ago). Guy came round and he didn't even start it or look underneath, but offered 2/3 of the asking price. He said 'it's for my daughter......hers was rear-ended and insurance are writing it off, same colour as well tongue out" I refused his offer ( but did offer a 100 reduction). I was confident it was good and the price was fair. He said " I'm going to see 3 others tomorrow" He departed. He returned the next day, giving the same offer, so I just said " I guess the others you saw weren't as good". He went away. About an hour later a young lady rang and said " I'd like to see the car .... I'll be there in 30 minutes". I sensed she was about to put the phone down, so I said "would you like our address?" I said to my Wife "that must be the daughter!"
Girl arrived with her Gran, as I opened the door I noticed she was wearing a surgical foam collar. They looked at the car and the Gran said "It's the same colour as yours". They offered 2/3 of the asking, I counter-offered with 100 off. They refused, and then (I couldn't help myself) I said "didn't your Dad look at this earlier?" She glowed red, and denied of course.
I sold it the next day for full asking to a guy who didn't even start it, just looked it over and said 'That's great, I'll have it'


1,694 posts

174 months

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Around 2005. So before Smart Phones were really a thing.

Sold an Impreza Tail light on eBay. Auction ended around 2000hrs on a Saturday night.

Woke up the next morning to about 10 emails from an angry lady whose partner had driven four hours from Leeds to collect said part, without my knowledge or consent. Various updates such as "My Partner is knocking down your road trying to find your address etc".

Replied with a very short email summarising the stupidity of driving four hours to Suffolk, to collect a £20 tail light, at a totally unsuitable social hour not even knowing I would be there.

Item was posted next day for about 8 quid. They must have spent £50 on fuel on that misadventure.


2,347 posts

63 months

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Fastpedeller in 2024 said:
I had a fiesta mk2 for sale (yes, it was a while ago). Guy came round and he didn't even start it or look underneath, but offered 2/3 of the asking price. He said 'it's for my daughter......hers was rear-ended and insurance are writing it off, same colour as well tongue out" I refused his offer ( but did offer a 100 reduction). I was confident it was good and the price was fair. He said " I'm going to see 3 others tomorrow" He departed. He returned the next day, giving the same offer, so I just said " I guess the others you saw weren't as good". He went away. About an hour later a young lady rang and said " I'd like to see the car .... I'll be there in 30 minutes". I sensed she was about to put the phone down, so I said "would you like our address?" I said to my Wife "that must be the daughter!"
Girl arrived with her Gran, as I opened the door I noticed she was wearing a surgical foam collar. They looked at the car and the Gran said "It's the same colour as yours". They offered 2/3 of the asking, I counter-offered with 100 off. They refused, and then (I couldn't help myself) I said "didn't your Dad look at this earlier?" She glowed red, and denied of course.
I sold it the next day for full asking to a guy who didn't even start it, just looked it over and said 'That's great, I'll have it'
Fastpedeller in 2016 said:
Had my mk2 Fiesta 1100 up for sale (this is about 20 yrs ago) for £1300 in local "Loot" (remember it?like a latter-day E&M). Guy phones, says "how much will you take as your lowest? responded with £1200. G"I won't bother, it's too expensive, I've got 3 others to look at first" Me "Ok, fine". Next day he rings at 11:30 "I'll come and have a look, where are you?" Told me he was in Town A 4 miles away. He arrives, looks at it, doesn't want to start it, says "that's almost identical to my daughter's, same colour was written off last week, someone smacked into the back, she'd love that car - how much will you take?" Me "£1200 same as yesterday."
Off he goes - having offered £900. 2 hrs later a girl phones up "Have you still got the car?" Me "yes" G "Ok I'll come round, will be there in about 1/4 hour" I sensed the phone about to go dead so had to say "would you like to know where we are?". Came off phone laughing and said to OH "that's his daughter, I swear it". 20 mins later a knock at door "I've come to look at car" says girl with a support collar on her neck. I ignored it and showed her and her Nan the car. After a few mins I had to say IT "Oh, have you hurt your neck?" G"Car went into mine and wrote it off, this ones nice it's the same colour" Me "Oh dear, hey, didn't your dad come and look at this earlier?" I just couldn't help myself biggrin G "how much will you take" G&N "we've got £900, as it was my 18th last week so that's all we've got" N "she's had to borrow it from me" Me "I'll take £1200. They walk away. Next week I reduce the price in local LOOT to £1200. Someone rings "have you got the car still?" Me "yes, where did you see it" In last weeks Loot town B. That's handy thought I he saw it at £1300. 40 mins later he's at the door, buys it without as much as a drive, for £1300.
Next day Dad rings, "have you still got the car" Me "no sold it for £1300 yesterday"
You could hear the sigh of regret when he put the phone down.
It's like Deja Vu all over again!