An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers


Lester H

2,794 posts

108 months

Thursday 14th March
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Fiat 500 comment is interesting ie the car has to be driven. So,I wonder if we have become increasingly used to larger, plusher, quieter cars and vans ( mentioned above) which impose a more relaxed driving style or cruising as in the U.S. Our friends in Milwaukee conform that this is still the commonest driving mode.Incidentally we have become increasingly fond of pick up trucks here.Add to this automatics and tiptronics which are often left in “Drive” after the novelty has worn off.

Edited by Lester H on Thursday 14th March 10:02


11,495 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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croyde said:
My remedy is using a motorbike, it's so soul cleansing and uplifting.

Nothing crazy, just a Bonneville with only 65 horses.

Driving a car is rarely fun anymore.
Go too fast and you get blown off the back hehe


200 posts

6 months

Thursday 14th March
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It's the anti speeding brainwashing lunacy that's got way too out of hand in recent years such that people are terrified to drive anywhere at over 30 mph. And with some guy being jailed recently for the minor infraction (pcoj) of trying to get out of a couple of speeding tickets this hysteria is only going to get worse.


11,495 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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mwstewart said:
You aren't alone. Cars are faster, safer, and easier to drive, yet we've gone backwards in average speed.
As a means of transport, the car has been relegated. Efficient travel is unimportant. Expect this trend to get worse in future.


12,937 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th March
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andy43 said:
I’d have replied earlier but there was a roundabout.
smile haha well said


18,732 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
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PCOJ is a serious offence nothing to do with speeding hence the jail sentence.


11,495 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
Motorway sliproads are the worst for this. On Monday I was stuck behind someone who thought 40 was an appropriate speed to be joining, leaving me stuck behind watching the HGV in lane 1 rapidly closing the gap I was aiming for. So you're in a situation where you have a few seconds to decide if you should join and hope the HGV moves over, hit the brakes and join behind at an even slower and more dangerous speed, or dive for the hard shoulder.

Managed to join but was then boxed in behind her as she bumbled along, completely oblivious to the danger she was causing. I'm not normally in favour of capital punishment, but here I would make an exception.
Hold back considerably and let the ditherers ahead sort themselves out. When the gap in lane 1 appears, accelerate into it. Carriage joining speed should be at least 70. Then move over into lane 2 to avoid the bumbling clowns ahead.


4,286 posts

116 months

Thursday 14th March
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People with Black Box insurance policies seem to be overly cautious.

And no, that’s NOT the same thing as somebody who is able to correctly risk assess the environment.

This is behaviour such as slowing down/ scrubbing speed very early on the approach to a green light on a well lit and visible junction - just in case it changes colour and they risk having to brake from 25mph to zero.


4,562 posts

162 months

Thursday 14th March
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croyde said:
My remedy is using a motorbike, it's so soul cleansing and uplifting.

Nothing crazy, just a Bonneville with only 65 horses.

Driving a car is rarely fun anymore.
Absolutely. I hate driving a car now and much prefer my motorbike, not least because of the congestion and the proliferation of inappropriate 20mph speed limits that were brought in round here as a “covid emergency measure” but now seem to be permanent.


200 posts

6 months

Thursday 14th March
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av185 said:
PCOJ is a serious offence nothing to do with speeding hence the jail sentence.
Using PCoJ for some relatively minor speeding ticket avoidance is an excessive overreaction.


23,417 posts

178 months

Thursday 14th March
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The state of the roads doesn't help, the volume of traffic and measures taken by local councils to cause pinch point after pinch point with their addiction to traffic lights and mini roundabouts play a big role as well, traffic calming turning straight roads into obstacle courses that bring the opposing lanes into conflict with each is another game they like to play, then you've got mobile cameras and fixed cameras plus average speed cameras, so people just switch off and bimble along dodging pot holes and thinking of better days past.

None of it is actually making the roads meaningfully safer, they are just pissing our money up a wall whilst closing public toilets (how very developing nation of them) ruining the street scene and going bankrupt in the process.

They should be tasked with making journeys as smooth and efficient as possible, but they are targeting just the reverse, increasing journey times, adding friction wherever they can, increasing stress, congestion and emissions.


4,286 posts

116 months

Thursday 14th March
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trumpton7291 said:
It's the anti speeding brainwashing lunacy that's got way too out of hand in recent years such that people are terrified to drive anywhere at over 30 mph. And with some guy being jailed recently for the minor infraction (pcoj) of trying to get out of a couple of speeding tickets this hysteria is only going to get worse.
You clearly aren’t a petrol head, if you cannot recognise the difference between a motoring offence and perverting the course of justice.


3,993 posts

100 months

Thursday 14th March
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trumpton7291 said:
av185 said:
PCOJ is a serious offence nothing to do with speeding hence the jail sentence.
Using PCoJ for some relatively minor speeding ticket avoidance is an excessive overreaction.
No, using Perverting the Course of Justice is an entirely appropriate reaction, for someone who lied to the court to try and save his ass. No sympathy what so ever.


20,744 posts

125 months

Thursday 14th March
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Tommo87 said:
People with Black Box insurance policies seem to be overly cautious.

And no, that’s NOT the same thing as somebody who is able to correctly risk assess the environment.

This is behaviour such as slowing down/ scrubbing speed very early on the approach to a green light on a well lit and visible junction - just in case it changes colour and they risk having to brake from 25mph to zero.
If you've seen the price of blackbox insurance compared to normal insurance then you'd understand why people want to maintain their transport, and most likely their job.


200 posts

6 months

Thursday 14th March
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Tommo87 said:
trumpton7291 said:
It's the anti speeding brainwashing lunacy that's got way too out of hand in recent years such that people are terrified to drive anywhere at over 30 mph. And with some guy being jailed recently for the minor infraction (pcoj) of trying to get out of a couple of speeding tickets this hysteria is only going to get worse.
You clearly aren’t a petrol head, if you cannot recognise the difference between a motoring offence and perverting the course of justice.
To clarify, speeding avoidance via fake plates, laser jammers, or filling out your Stasi S172 declaration incorrectly should never be a jailable offence. That PCoJ is being misused to prosecute such minor offences is excessive.


11,495 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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swisstoni said:
I think it’s a function of congestion. People don’t see the point of getting a move on any more. There’s no progress to be made.
It’s a choice of triving around like a zombie or do your head in with frustration. (I usually choose the latter approach, as I goes).

Where congestion is rare, I’m sure people are flying around as much as they ever have.
Until the bds stick 40 limits on those uncongested roads rofl


785 posts

50 months

Thursday 14th March
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I got the full beam repetitive flashing the other day for overtaking someone doing 28mph in a 60mph. Once i'd overtaken the 2 cars behind me did the same and they got the same treatment. These people must drive around thinking everyone is a speed riddled lunatic laugh

Stick Legs

5,245 posts

168 months

Thursday 14th March
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andy43 said:
I’d have replied earlier but there was a roundabout.


20,744 posts

125 months

Thursday 14th March
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trumpton7291 said:
To clarify, speeding avoidance via fake plates, laser jammers, or filling out your Stasi S172 declaration incorrectly should never be a jailable offence. That PCoJ is being misused to prosecute such minor offences is excessive.
Deliberately fitting equipment to avoid the law isn't a minor offence.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,041 posts

22 months

Thursday 14th March
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Anyone else get this new trend of stopping halfway around a roundabout in slow moving traffic to let someone out from the left?

Completely clogs the flow