An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers



23,306 posts

233 months

Friday 15th March
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Networkgeek said:
Hoofy said:
Re saving money, if that's the reason, then from observation they're st at hypermiling. I like to hypermile and they're using their brakes far too much to be doing it properly. I've also seen them brake going down hill (40 down to low 30s) and accelerate hard up hill (back up to 40) when I've followed them in a 50 zone. nuts
There is one fairly steep NSL road near me where I regularly overtake people who brake for no good reason. I've often wished cars had intercom, as I would love to find out why the heck they're braking on this stretch of road. They're typically doing 30-40mph in either direction, and it drives me (pun intended) potty. The worst are the people who brake while going up the hill, not lifting off, actually braking in a straight line while driving uphill.... The mind boggles.

This stretch of road is straight, has good visibility in either direction and surprisingly no potholes.
When my last car went in for services the dealer couldn't work out how come my brakes weren't very worn laugh

Sometimes I see if I can drive to and from work, in London, without using my brakes apart from a dab when coming to a stop for lights, junctions etc.

Nomme de Plum

4,975 posts

19 months

Friday 15th March
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otolith said:
This wasn't slow moving. The exit was clear. All the exits were clear. I'm wary of going without the car in front moving, but they had moved onto the roundabout and decided for whatever reason to stop dead. I will however be more aware of the possibility of morons in that situation in future.
My post was more directed to the previous poster where the roundabout is very busy.

I've been in a very similar situation you describe. It is wise to drive defensively and just accept we are not all the same.. Being less capable or overly cautious as a driver does not make someone a moron.


11,726 posts

276 months

Friday 15th March
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croyde said:
Would be useful over here if they used those giant dot matrix signs that warn of non existent animals crossing the highway to just constantly flash 'Keep Left, unless overtaking'
They've started doing this on the smart section of the M4 between Reading and London.

Makes absolutely no difference. Don't think most of these idiots can read.


56,812 posts

172 months

Friday 15th March
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croyde said:
When my last car went in for services the dealer couldn't work out how come my brakes weren't very worn laugh

Sometimes I see if I can drive to and from work, in London, without using my brakes apart from a dab when coming to a stop for lights, junctions etc.
I don't tend to use the brakes much as it's generally more relaxing to lift off a little earlier. Interestingly, my current car doesn't like this sort of behaviour and I keep getting a bit of front brake wobble which needs clearing off with a spot of proper activity now and again. Being an Audi, I've just assumed it has been engineered to prefer hurling itself up the back of someone and endless emergency braking so that it's big grille fills the poor bugger's mirrors as efficiently as possible. Need to work out which pads will be better when it's time to change them.


948 posts

248 months

Friday 15th March
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laroche said:
Crikey. Where is that in Guildford?

I’ve lived there for 20 years and never spotted it (which is kind of the point you were making!)

Edited by laroche on Friday 15th March 16:15
The roundabout next to the police station. No signs or anything, just lines on the roundabout that look like stop lines.


1,063 posts

154 months

Friday 15th March
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The ridiculous price of fuel won’t be helping. If the choice is between keeping the heating on at home or doing an extra 20mph on the motorway, it’s a bit of a no brainer.

Pit Pony

9,015 posts

124 months

Friday 15th March
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911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.
There's some fker in front of you doing 40 in a 60, in the right hand lane because in 2 miles they are going right at the roundabout.


115 posts

5 months

Friday 15th March
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I live in North Norfolk which is full of geriatrics in Micras and Jazzs and these days I dread going out.
I constantly hear people say 'I was stuck behind a tractor'. Well I'm sorry but the tractor is never the cause of the tailback.
It's the bellends that won't overtake the tractor that cause the tailback.
Overtaking should be part of the driving test, and if done more often would ease congestion.
It's also been mentioned several times that we assume we are passing an O.A.P. only to discover someone young.
That begs the question of how many people are dawdling along smacked off their tits.


1,746 posts

205 months

Friday 15th March
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Tycho said:
They've started doing this on the smart section of the M4 between Reading and London.

Makes absolutely no difference. Don't think most of these idiots can read.
It is refreshing that the signs are reporting actual issues though rather than the usual “queue ahead” (that never materialises), “debris in the road” (that never materialises), “animals in the carriageway” (that never materialises), etc etc.

No wonder the signs are ignored!



46 posts

6 months

Friday 15th March
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Not read the full the thread, so may have been mentioned but could this be due to the epidemic of people sat looking at their phones whilst driving? Have seen it on motorway, someone clearly looking at phone doing 50 then they suddenly speed up again when they're done.

I often look at drivers when I'm walking to get my lad from school, crawling traffic about 10/20 - ridiculous amount of people quite obviously looking up and down to the phone on their lap. Dreadful behaviour, smartphones have zombified people.

Rich Boy Spanner

1,412 posts

133 months

Friday 15th March
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Was driving around North Manchester this week and constantly stuck behind 23 MPH dribblers, in 30 MPH zones. I ended up overtaking them, in my Leaf.


786 posts

68 months

Friday 15th March
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Got to agree with the observations that drivers who didn't pass their test in this country, if at all, have terrible lane discipline.

Some of the time it's young people as well, who I charitably assume, are driving with a black box.

At my last speed awareness course we were asked what speed we should drive at on a motorway junction limited to 40mph. We all shouted 50! , so there is some hope. The instructor almost gave up at that point.


25,396 posts

265 months

Friday 15th March
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I firmly believe that if you are driving a car on a dual carriageway and are overtaken by an HGV you should be decapitated at the earliest possible opportunity.

Tim Cognito

403 posts

10 months

Friday 15th March
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Just to throw in another example of bad driving, often when I am cycling (boo hiss) I find people trying to overtake in 5th gear going about 15mph uphill. You can hear the poor engine bogged down to buggery as they limp slowly past, probably muttering to the passenger about how their car is so slow.


3,934 posts

28 months

Friday 15th March
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I can't say I've noticed it being any worse and there are lots of retired people in the places I live. On the other hand, there is an epidemic of tailgating, whatever speed you are doing.


3,389 posts

190 months

Friday 15th March
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Very near to us and on the way to our business is two 60mph roads, most days I travel im lucky to get over 20mph in the first section, then in the second one its a fast bit of road between two fields, what's pissing me off is being flashed at for daring and having the cheek to overtake them, I mean I could sit behind you and trundle along at a safe 25-30, or I could get on with life and overtake you.
Also, a new trend is people who brake when another car comes towards/past them, that is infuriating too.


56,812 posts

172 months

Friday 15th March
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Tim Cognito said:
Just to throw in another example of bad driving, often when I am cycling (boo hiss) I find people trying to overtake in 5th gear going about 15mph uphill. You can hear the poor engine bogged down to buggery as they limp slowly past, probably muttering to the passenger about how their car is so slow.
Or being polite and not wanting to pull high revs next to a cyclist. Most sensible drivers will sit in a higher gear when passing someone on a bike out of courtesy for a fellow road user and reflecting their vulnerability.


11,726 posts

276 months

Saturday 16th March
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ScoobyChris said:
Tycho said:
They've started doing this on the smart section of the M4 between Reading and London.

Makes absolutely no difference. Don't think most of these idiots can read.
It is refreshing that the signs are reporting actual issues though rather than the usual “queue ahead” (that never materialises), “debris in the road” (that never materialises), “animals in the carriageway” (that never materialises), etc etc.

No wonder the signs are ignored!

Agreed, there are so many of these false alarms that people just ignore them anyway.


6,246 posts

264 months

Saturday 16th March
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Alex_225 said:
But of late he's been using an app which scores your driving and the last time he visited he went on about it quite a bit. Clearly he's out to set some high score on it, but the problem is his driving is now painfully slow.

We live set back from a main road, so get to the end of our drive and you're pulling out onto a 40. He pulled out so gently, so as to not upset the app, where I'd be up to speed, he was still at 20. I'm keeping an eye in the rear view mirror as I had a feeling people would be bearing down on us as often people aren't doing 40 let's be honest. Felt so precarious.

He doesn't seem to correlate that driving super gently is one thing, but it's not by default good driving when you're a hazard!
It’s not possible for an app to successfully judge how good your driving is.


56,812 posts

172 months

Saturday 16th March
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Debaser said:
It’s not possible for an app to successfully judge how good your driving is.
Not sure that's quite correct. There are apps that measure how many G's you are pulling. biggrin