The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)

The "S**t Driving Caught On Cam" Thread (Vol 6)



2,772 posts

140 months

Sunday 19th December 2021
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Indecision said:
Refreshing to see a proper sentence handed down after a pretty rough chase.

Got to say though (and I know it’s easy to criticise in hindsight), the cyclist pass at 2:10 by the police car looked way too close for comfort at 75mph…
Tbh, this is why the police should have nudge/bull bars fitted.
Plenty of chances to ram him off the road, imo.


2,469 posts

83 months

Sunday 19th December 2021
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Ron240 said:
GR Yaris at the end; That was short lived - Saw it coming though, I'd fully expect that to want to full-bore launch out of a roundabout like that.


3,371 posts

112 months

Sunday 19th December 2021
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Indecision said:
Refreshing to see a proper sentence handed down after a pretty rough chase.

Got to say though (and I know it’s easy to criticise in hindsight), the cyclist pass at 2:10 by the police car looked way too close for comfort at 75mph…
75mph would be a faster pass than to be expected (!) but it looks like the cam was in the middle of the police car, and the white line was in the middle of the picture, so on that road that was probably a clear enough pass. I didn't watch it with the sound on, but if that police car had its sirens on I would have been pulling over on my bike way before it reached me, whether it was overtaking me or going head to head!


3,603 posts

38 months

Sunday 19th December 2021
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Ron240 said:
Mr Bean at 1:20


8,561 posts

103 months

Sunday 19th December 2021
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Indecision said:
georgeyboy12345 said:
Indecision said:
Refreshing to see a proper sentence handed down after a pretty rough chase.

Got to say though (and I know it’s easy to criticise in hindsight), the cyclist pass at 2:10 by the police car looked way too close for comfort at 75mph…
What was the sentence? No mention of it in the video.
Ah sorry, forgot I saw the video from a news article - 12 months.
I'm very much pro-police and pro-pursuit but that pass of the cyclists should be the event that triggers repeat training. Maybe the officer put his hands up later and acknowledged the fault, we'll never know.

In my opinion, Astraman did a bad pass and the Police driver should have held back until he had line of sight rather than following him through with an even worse pass. Seriously, what was his plan there? He was out to the nearside then when he saw there wasn't a gap he headed straight toward the cyclists and hoped for the best.

There are two reasons why the this officer isn't facing manslaughter charges, and neither of them were within his control. 1) After Astraman passed the middle cyclist didn't turn to the rear to say "what the hell was he doing?!" whilst swerving about a bit and 2) the driver of the Peugeot coming the other way was on the ball and making as much room as he could. Change either, and this would be a very different story.


3,371 posts

112 months

Monday 20th December 2021
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donkmeister said:
I'm very much pro-police and pro-pursuit but that pass of the cyclists should be the event that triggers repeat training. Maybe the officer put his hands up later and acknowledged the fault, we'll never know.

In my opinion, Astraman did a bad pass and the Police driver should have held back until he had line of sight rather than following him through with an even worse pass. Seriously, what was his plan there? He was out to the nearside then when he saw there wasn't a gap he headed straight toward the cyclists and hoped for the best.

There are two reasons why the this officer isn't facing manslaughter charges, and neither of them were within his control. 1) After Astraman passed the middle cyclist didn't turn to the rear to say "what the hell was he doing?!" whilst swerving about a bit and 2) the driver of the Peugeot coming the other way was on the ball and making as much room as he could. Change either, and this would be a very different story.
Looking at it again that's a fair assessment - and I didn't notice the almost head-on with the cyclist at 2m20s!


32,038 posts

181 months

Monday 20th December 2021
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georgeyboy12345 said:
Ron240 said:
Mr Bean at 1:20
JamesR 3:00 red light?


2,846 posts

122 months

Monday 20th December 2021
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saaby93 said:
JamesR 3:00 red light?
Yes I noticed this too. He was probably flustered by what had just happened and went through the red by mistake rather than a deliberate act. Would be no defence in the eyes of the law though.
The one immediately after by Jeremiah C was a cracker! Ok the Saab driver took the left hand corner like he was driving an artic, but was clearly signalling his intention to turn left.
This was extremely poor driving by Jeremiah C!


128 posts

102 months

Monday 20th December 2021
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Ron240 said:
No real surprise that the BMW in the 2nd clip has a false number plate. I expect his mate in the Fiesta which stopped is similarly equipped.

Is it me or is the standard of driving in that video particularly crap?


53,387 posts

258 months

Monday 20th December 2021
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Enjoyed the comedy "helpful" warning flash at 8 minutes that was blinding and prevented you seeing the sheep until almost too late. hehe


15,750 posts

237 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Ron240 said:
saaby93 said:
JamesR 3:00 red light?
Yes I noticed this too. He was probably flustered by what had just happened and went through the red by mistake rather than a deliberate act. Would be no defence in the eyes of the law though.
The one immediately after by Jeremiah C was a cracker! Ok the Saab driver took the left hand corner like he was driving an artic, but was clearly signalling his intention to turn left.
This was extremely poor driving by Jeremiah C!
I think he thought, 'That Corsa just did that and went through the red light, sod that, I'm going to say I am in the right to go through it too because of that'.

Jeremiah is like most other DCWs, no anticipation/looking for an incident. You could see he was indicating left and going right so any normal driver would hold back to work out what he's doing but not Jemeriah....


15,750 posts

237 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Ron240 said:
Anonymous, at the start, basically leaves the door wide open for everything to pass and when the BMW does so she sounds the horn angrily. If she had just merged in turn that would have never happened.

Laurel Green

30,810 posts

235 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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It would appear the ford has become a junction at 50 seconds.


26,753 posts

184 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Laurel Green said:
It would appear the ford has become a junction at 50 seconds.

The first one is funny where the Fiesta woman gets a strop on "Turn off your phone or I'll come and get ya"

Feel sorry for the DPD and highway contractor with their sprinters giving up, barely gets to the top of the grille and the thing dies.

ETA: Another BMW they didn't put in neutral before towing it at 5:50-on, I'm sure that'll have done it some good as well

Edited by Krikkit on Tuesday 21st December 14:45

Castrol for a knave

4,944 posts

94 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Krikkit said:
Laurel Green said:
It would appear the ford has become a junction at 50 seconds.

The first one is funny where the Fiesta woman gets a strop on "Turn off your phone or I'll come and get ya"

Feel sorry for the DPD and highway contractor with their sprinters giving up, barely gets to the top of the grille and the thing dies.

ETA: Another BMW they didn't put in neutral before towing it at 5:50-on, I'm sure that'll have done it some good as well

Edited by Krikkit on Tuesday 21st December 14:45
The number of dheads who deliberately ploughed in then died, all because "it's a 4x4 innit" special shout out to the bellwhiff in the Velar and the Navarra, along with the silver Nissan Terrano Ford Maverick thing.


32,038 posts

181 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Laurel Green said:
It would appear the ford has become a junction at 50 seconds.

It's still really surprising that today's cars cant wade a ford.
The Fiesta at the beginning - that was no depth?
The Velar - shouldnt the owner be taking it back to land rover under fit for purpose?

Bonefish Blues

27,829 posts

226 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Velar driver shouldn't be allowed out on his own, I'd say.


11,248 posts

212 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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saaby93 said:
Laurel Green said:
It would appear the ford has become a junction at 50 seconds.

It's still really surprising that today's cars cant wade a ford.
The Fiesta at the beginning - that was no depth?
The Velar - shouldnt the owner be taking it back to land rover under fit for purpose?
More likely to do with the speed in which they try to drive through,the fiesta caused a huge bow wave so the water will get sucked in to the air intake


1,986 posts

206 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Bonefish Blues said:
Velar driver shouldn't be allowed out on his own, I'd say.
None of them should be, they all seem to think that hitting it at 30mph is a good idea


15,750 posts

237 months

Wednesday 22nd December 2021
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thecremeegg said:
Bonefish Blues said:
Velar driver shouldn't be allowed out on his own, I'd say.
None of them should be, they all seem to think that hitting it at 30mph is a good idea
Not to mention that 95% of them will be local and so will know about this ford and how it can wreck cars and yet they still plough through it like it's a fairground ride.