Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!


br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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Went down to the garage.

Caterpillars not withstanding there were some nice cars down there.


14,871 posts

194 months

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br d said:
Doofus said:
You even said there was a rocket salad.

Anyway, enjoy your holiday. I used to, but I'm not welcome this time, it seems.
For fksake Doofus come on man!
You are very welcome, all of the time!
Let's not fall out over it! It's just a fking caterpillar!
We don't know this yet!



br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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Then I found this strange 911 enclave.

Excuse the heavy breathing, I'm pretty close to death!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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Aren't they?

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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Here's that fking scratch. Was it one of you s?

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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That's my baby!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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br d said:

Here's that fking scratch. Was it one of you s?
Was it Doofus! smilesmilesmile


5,964 posts

146 months

quotequote all
br d said:
br d said:

Here's that fking scratch. Was it one of you s?
Was it Doofus! smilesmilesmile
Or the caterpillar? biggrin


740 posts

111 months

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Car looks stunning but those wheels reminded of something. Then I remembered - a Skoda Octavia!!

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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Nah man Boxster.

I love a skoda man but my wheels is better than them wheels dude.
But mine are prolly more scuffed cos I ain't a drive brah.

B'stard Child

28,691 posts

249 months

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br d said:
It's just a fking caterpillar!
Exactly - it's not like it will have eaten that much of your dinner

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

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B'stard Child said:
Exactly - it's not like it will have eaten that much of your dinner

My fatness is the fault of the caterpillars.

I wish I'd known.


740 posts

111 months

quotequote all
br d said:
Nah man Boxster.

I love a skoda man but my wheels is better than them wheels dude.
But mine are prolly more scuffed cos I ain't a drive brah.
Those wheels would mess with my head - they send me dizzy and remind me of a Spirograph (remember them?) - I can’t I unsee it now

B'stard Child

28,691 posts

249 months

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Sway said:
I think you should give the intrepid caterpillar a big advantage over it's peers. It's earnt it.

Strap him to the drone, and teach him to fly before he changes into a butterfly. fker will be the Maverick of the cabbage white world...
Excellent suggestion biggrin


1,893 posts

123 months

br d said:

Here's that fking scratch. Was it one of you s?
That would piss me off no end! censored

Why can some people not just be careful?? It such a lovely colour as well!


26,581 posts

197 months

snoopy25 said:
br d said:

Here's that fking scratch. Was it one of you s?
That would piss me off no end! censored

Why can some people not just be careful?? It such a lovely colour as well!
Difficult to see where it is, but you mentioned it looks like where someone 'could' perch their arse.

I reckon it's from a rivet on a jeans pocket. fkers.

As it's ruined now, I'll pm you my address - don't worry, I know it's a lot for you to ask, but I'll step up and get it out of your hair so you can remember the good times, when it was perfect.


85 posts

64 months

br d said:

Honestly you'd think I was making this st up.

I go down to the bar, have a beer then head into the posh restaurant.
You pick your food and they also have an amazing buffet that you can go to as often as you like, Tbh you wouldn't even need the mains, you could just eat from the buffet but I order two courses anyway.

I order a lovely bottle of Cote de Beaune, it's 150 euros but it's Saturday night so I'm feeling effusive. I eat the starter, the buffet, everything's lovely.
Then max, my waiter, along with Julia the waitress, says "Would you like the Gnocchi now sir?"
Yes please max you lovely effeminate man, I'm half way into this bottle and this guy is an absolute gentleman. If I was that way inclined Max would be my fantasy, he's lovely.

So he brings the gnocchi. This is lumps of potato I think, with a sauce and a little sprinkling of rocket salad on top.
So I'm chowing down, I've had about 5 of these, then as I spear the next one I see a green head appear, borrowing it's way out of the gnocchi!
It crawls out and starts a steady exploration across my potato!

So, without any fuss, I quietly call Julia over, show her this little wriggly fker crawling across my food, she looks a bit shocked but acts completely professional.

You could have also complained that it was the vegetarian gnocchi that you had ordered! getmecoat

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

It's exactly where someone could sit on it for a picture, can't see how else it could have got in that spot, it's also very visible as soon as you walk over.

I should be more angry but I'm on holiday and don't want this to be on my mind all the time. Honestly it doesn't surprise me, I've seen people lean on my cars for pictures and youngsters trying to open the doors. I did once shout so loudly across a street in Covent Garden that about a hundred people looked over to see what was going on, that's when a bloke actually lifted his child up onto the bonnet of my lambo so he could take pictures.

br d

Original Poster:

8,495 posts

229 months

Sway said:
Difficult to see where it is, but you mentioned it looks like where someone 'could' perch their arse.

I reckon it's from a rivet on a jeans pocket. fkers.

As it's ruined now, I'll pm you my address - don't worry, I know it's a lot for you to ask, but I'll step up and get it out of your hair so you can remember the good times, when it was perfect.
You're so selfless, you bring a tear to my eye!

Edited by br d on Sunday 30th June 11:28


8,622 posts

285 months

br d said:

It's exactly where someone could sit on it for a picture, can't see how else it could have got in that spot, it's also very visible as soon as you walk over.

I should be more angry but I'm on holiday and don't want this to be on my mind all the time. Honestly it doesn't surprise me, I've seen people lean on my cars for pictures and youngsters trying to open the doors. I did once shout so loudly across a street in Covent Garden that about a hundred people looked over to see what was going on, that's when a bloke actually lifted his child up onto the bonnet of my lambo so he could take pictures.
You're a better man than me, that would really spoil my holiday seeing it every time I walked up to the car. People can be such aholes sometimes.