Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



670 posts

54 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Depressing thread. As others have said, I’d sell the car.

If you want to keep it, I’d want a decent asset protection tracker fitted alongside a dummy tracker. That and an old fashioned disc lock.

Genuine Barn Find

5,790 posts

218 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Not followed, but a similar situation when seeking my B7 RS4 privately 10 or so years ago.
I missed a call in my phone, didn’t recognise the mobile number and didn’t call back…. which was probably just as well.

week later i had a call from Staffordshire Police, asking if i owned an RS4 and had i received a call from a certain number (which i had and missed).

Transpires the mobile was used to call another private seller, who was brained with a baseball bat when the buyer turned out to be a gang.

I took the car off sale and left it with a sale or return specialist a few days later

Dynion Araf Uchaf

4,522 posts

226 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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I think Clarkson had it right, when he described Birmingham as having a beautiful town centre, surrounded by a ring of scum.

And he said that about 25 years ago, so I am please to see that nothing has changed.


1,551 posts

160 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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RonnieHotdogs said:
The level of scumbaggery in Small Heath has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trust me, I worked there for four long, painful years.

People of any skin colour / ethnicity would quite happily drive at you / shout abuse at you at any time.

A girl who worked at the same place as me once parked her Fiat 500 on a clear, open road outside work as there were lorries manoeuvring around outside the neighbouring business (which I swear was also a chop shop due to the number of crashed cars always parked outside) and she would've been late for work. Went back for it 15 mins later and it had been nicked. This was 9am on a weekday in broad daylight.

Absolute and total dive, you honestly couldn't pay me to go back through Small Heath. I've been threatened whilst minding my own business too many times just trying to get some lunch at Asda or KFC ... and myself and other friends have had people get out of cars to have a go at us because we couldn't move our cars in the standard stationary traffic while they were trying to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Ah yes I agree with you, but everything you said can and more than likely does happen in other cities around the country. My driving instructor was based in Small Heath. I learnt to drive there, in my view I can now drive anywhere ha.


115 posts

40 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Above poster is correct in saying that every big city has bad areas but you'll be hard pressed to find any area worse than Small Heath in any city! I'm not directing this at any particular ethnicity but the standard of driving, parking, litter, and general disregard of the law in Small Heath is truly shocking. And what makes Birmingham such a dump is that there are too many of these type of areas in the city.


869 posts

142 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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JS1902 said:
I'm not directing this at any particular ethnicity
Which is a large part of the problem. There is a common factor in all the sttiest places in the UK and we all know what it is, but it must remain the elephant in the room. rolleyes


6,417 posts

204 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Caddyshack said:
Limpet said:
Downward said:
Alex_225 said:
It's odd how there are cars like the RS6 and Golf-R which are notorious thief magnets. Yet other cars which would offer much the same as a would be getaway car and don't seem to be a worry.

I mean high end fast cars always have that theft appeal, seems for some they are stolen to order. But others used for dodgy deeds seem to be fast Audis or fast Golfs. Do AMGs and M cars get targeted in the same way and we just don't hear of it?
As someone said parts.
The amount of Golf GTI’s around
I think for getaway cars, it's AWD vs RWD, and the relative ease of going very fast in the former. The traction and general grip levels in a Golf R or an S/RS Audi are astonishing, particularly so in the wet.

When it's just about getting away and not getting caught, I would imagine these are much more attractive than anything similarly powerful, but rear wheel drive.

Imprezas and Evos were popular getaway cars back in the day for the same reason. They are very fast, very capable, and (to a point), very easy to drive quickly.
This seems correct

Plus once you know how to pinch a golf why bother with anything else and have to learn the format of how to steal another make…stick to what you know.
All makes sense. I guess if a particular type of car gets a notoriety and is useful then they target that. In my head I'm picturing these kinds of thieves as knuckle dragging muppets which I suppose many are but they're more organised than I give credit for.

I suppose also that cars stolen to order are going to vary where cars used for robberies and other activities are going to be specific.

Honourable Dead Snark

473 posts

22 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Let’s be honest there clearly is a cultural element in regard to the whole certi driver thing. Young men who can’t spend their time and money on going out drinking like a lot of British youths need another outlet and what better than fast cars.

Think the issue is in these areas it is so prevalent that it gets very competitive, people want to show off and that’s when they start driving like tts.


1,587 posts

139 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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RonnieHotdogs said:
EmilA said:
Funny how the areas populated by ethic minorities are being brought up..

Truth be told every large city has an area or areas that are best avoided for various reasons. You can take a situation that is witnessed in Small Heath and the same happens in London, Manchester, Liverpool etc

I read some posts that the police don't care, yet clearly they do as they broke a theft gang up. The craziest part is some of the offenders would have been 14/15 at the time. The question i led with is where are their parents? The "men" arrested, they were not Asian and going off memory did not live in Small Heath or Balsall Heath.
The level of scumbaggery in Small Heath has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trust me, I worked there for four long, painful years.

People of any skin colour / ethnicity would quite happily drive at you / shout abuse at you at any time.

A girl who worked at the same place as me once parked her Fiat 500 on a clear, open road outside work as there were lorries manoeuvring around outside the neighbouring business (which I swear was also a chop shop due to the number of crashed cars always parked outside) and she would've been late for work. Went back for it 15 mins later and it had been nicked. This was 9am on a weekday in broad daylight.

Absolute and total dive, you honestly couldn't pay me to go back through Small Heath. I've been threatened whilst minding my own business too many times just trying to get some lunch at Asda or KFC ... and myself and other friends have had people get out of cars to have a go at us because we couldn't move our cars in the standard stationary traffic while they were trying to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Wow…I don’t think anyone mentioned race at all on this thread.

7 5 7

3,294 posts

114 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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normalbloke said:
Lo-Fi said:
Krikkit said:
Sell it - it sounds like it's stressing you out.
That would be my advice.
This is PH. Sell it, then move.
....then, buy a shed and live in absolute un-stressed bliss.

Dog Star

16,245 posts

171 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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RonnieHotdogs said:
Went back for it 15 mins later and it had been nicked. This was 9am on a weekday in broad daylight.
I work in Gibraltar on and off. Mates there would live in Spain and sometimes would end up leaving their motorbikes - Honda Blackbird for example - just parked at the side of the road in La Linea, the town on the border. No huge lock and chain or the other stuff you’d expect as normal in the UK. For a bit of perspective- La Linea is one of the poorest and most deprived towns in Spain - it was 74% unemployment a few years ago. No issue with getting your bike nicked.

One of said mates moved back to the uk, brought his motorbike - a horrid, chromey custom thing, no not what you’d consider theft-worthy - back with him and got it reregistered. One day he decided to come to the office in Leeds on his bike. The first time. It was gone in 30 minutes.

“What lock and chain did you have on it?”
“Just the steering lock” rolleyes

I don’t think people realise just how rife petty crime and theft really is in this country. Leave a nice car or expensive (motor)bike somewhere, even locked, and you can bet your life that if it gets broken into or stolen they’ll be almost apologising about having something on show or it somehow being their “own fault”. Boils my piss. I should be able to take a gold brick and leave it somewhere and not get it taken. I wouldn’t take one BECAUSE ITS NOT MINE!

What the fk is wrong with people?


4,492 posts

191 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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dvshannow said:
RonnieHotdogs said:
EmilA said:
Funny how the areas populated by ethic minorities are being brought up..

Truth be told every large city has an area or areas that are best avoided for various reasons. You can take a situation that is witnessed in Small Heath and the same happens in London, Manchester, Liverpool etc

I read some posts that the police don't care, yet clearly they do as they broke a theft gang up. The craziest part is some of the offenders would have been 14/15 at the time. The question i led with is where are their parents? The "men" arrested, they were not Asian and going off memory did not live in Small Heath or Balsall Heath.
The level of scumbaggery in Small Heath has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trust me, I worked there for four long, painful years.

People of any skin colour / ethnicity would quite happily drive at you / shout abuse at you at any time.

A girl who worked at the same place as me once parked her Fiat 500 on a clear, open road outside work as there were lorries manoeuvring around outside the neighbouring business (which I swear was also a chop shop due to the number of crashed cars always parked outside) and she would've been late for work. Went back for it 15 mins later and it had been nicked. This was 9am on a weekday in broad daylight.

Absolute and total dive, you honestly couldn't pay me to go back through Small Heath. I've been threatened whilst minding my own business too many times just trying to get some lunch at Asda or KFC ... and myself and other friends have had people get out of cars to have a go at us because we couldn't move our cars in the standard stationary traffic while they were trying to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Wow…I don’t think anyone mentioned race at all on this thread.
In bold.


1,587 posts

139 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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LeighW said:
dvshannow said:
RonnieHotdogs said:
EmilA said:
Funny how the areas populated by ethic minorities are being brought up..

Truth be told every large city has an area or areas that are best avoided for various reasons. You can take a situation that is witnessed in Small Heath and the same happens in London, Manchester, Liverpool etc

I read some posts that the police don't care, yet clearly they do as they broke a theft gang up. The craziest part is some of the offenders would have been 14/15 at the time. The question i led with is where are their parents? The "men" arrested, they were not Asian and going off memory did not live in Small Heath or Balsall Heath.
The level of scumbaggery in Small Heath has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trust me, I worked there for four long, painful years.

People of any skin colour / ethnicity would quite happily drive at you / shout abuse at you at any time.

A girl who worked at the same place as me once parked her Fiat 500 on a clear, open road outside work as there were lorries manoeuvring around outside the neighbouring business (which I swear was also a chop shop due to the number of crashed cars always parked outside) and she would've been late for work. Went back for it 15 mins later and it had been nicked. This was 9am on a weekday in broad daylight.

Absolute and total dive, you honestly couldn't pay me to go back through Small Heath. I've been threatened whilst minding my own business too many times just trying to get some lunch at Asda or KFC ... and myself and other friends have had people get out of cars to have a go at us because we couldn't move our cars in the standard stationary traffic while they were trying to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Wow…I don’t think anyone mentioned race at all on this thread.
In bold.
I was talking about that post


57 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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0ddball said:
Which is a large part of the problem. There is a common factor in all the sttiest places in the UK and we all know what it is, but it must remain the elephant in the room. rolleyes
UK street news on YouTube is very informative.


13,544 posts

246 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Small Heath is one of the few places in the UK I've at times felt nervous walking around in broad daylight.


5,317 posts

208 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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0ddball said:
JS1902 said:
I'm not directing this at any particular ethnicity
Which is a large part of the problem. There is a common factor in all the sttiest places in the UK and we all know what it is, but it must remain the elephant in the room. rolleyes
I have a Bradford postcode but a few miles out of the city centre - one of the absolute sttiest places in Bradford is half a mile from me ... I'm happy to tell you the ethnicity of the people involved even though it will mess with your narrative.


4,492 posts

191 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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dvshannow said:
I was talking about that post
Ah - sorry, misunderstood. redface


4,682 posts

24 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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0ddball said:
Which is a large part of the problem. There is a common factor in all the sttiest places in the UK and we all know what it is, but it must remain the elephant in the room. rolleyes
High population density, low education, and high poverty?


1,989 posts

206 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Slightly O/T perhaps. A friend had her Range Rover Sport nicked outside a shop in Wilmslow. The Police told her it was the 12th Range rover stolen that same day in the area.


4,374 posts

251 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Been following this thread with interest.

My car is keyless I keep it in a pouch, will test that, its a gti so not top of the shopping list, and part of my rarionale for it over an R. My gf has a macan gts which she was quite concerned about as the neighbours had cars stolen off their drive a couple of years ago. Hers is not keyless, I'm definitely not showing her this thread!

But for those of you that had cars pinched, I wonder about houses with cameras, alarms and non keyless such is her setup... do these people manage to disable the alarm or break in and the alarms going off anyway? I wonder about the situation and precautions taken and how they still get the car away? I acknowledge keyless is different