An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers



27,066 posts

266 months

Sunday 19th May
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FiF said:
Understand perfectly what you're saying.

It's a matter of judgement.

You're maintaining it's a perfectly safe overtaking opportunity.

My opinion is that there is potential for things to go rapidly pear shaped and therefore not perfectly safe

Comments made by others suggest my thoughts are not alone.
And that's what I was saying earlier...

some of you moaning about the slow drivers....

you are one of them !

Just back from the Cotswolds - overtook probably 100 cars in a 45 mph queue behind a Peugeot

Admittedly I was on my bike but there were plenty of safe possibilities for cars too

Not one of them overtook


3,809 posts

153 months

Sunday 19th May
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bigothunter said:
M4cruiser - using your eco-driving techniques, what typical fuel consumption do you achieve?

Believe your car is a Toyota Avensis Auto.
I keep records and my mpg is broadly in line with the govt figures for the age and model.
When I was doing the long M-way journeys for the university run (loaded up) it was giving me 50mpg.
My local daily short journeys when cold - less than 33mpg. Sometimes 29mpg.
An overall average is pretty pointless, because it will vary with the mix of driving I do. And it's not getting a lot of use at present because (as mentioned in other threads) I have the shared use of a lease car, on which I have seen 80mpg on the dash display. It does the job but it doesn't give me as much enjoyment as the old cars. wink So I'm in no great hurry to change the old one, despite the appeal of reducing my fuel bill by 60%. And my road tax bill by probably 50%.


20,368 posts

123 months

Sunday 19th May
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KTMsm said:
FiF said:
Understand perfectly what you're saying.

It's a matter of judgement.

You're maintaining it's a perfectly safe overtaking opportunity.

My opinion is that there is potential for things to go rapidly pear shaped and therefore not perfectly safe

Comments made by others suggest my thoughts are not alone.
And that's what I was saying earlier...

some of you moaning about the slow drivers....

you are one of them !

Just back from the Cotswolds - overtook probably 100 cars in a 45 mph queue behind a Peugeot

Admittedly I was on my bike but there were plenty of safe possibilities for cars too

Not one of them overtook
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.


7,708 posts

139 months

Sunday 19th May
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popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.


20,368 posts

123 months

Sunday 19th May
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irc said:
popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.
Yes, well put.


11,531 posts

63 months

Sunday 19th May
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M4cruiser said:
bigothunter said:
M4cruiser - using your eco-driving techniques, what typical fuel consumption do you achieve?

Believe your car is a Toyota Avensis Auto.
I keep records and my mpg is broadly in line with the govt figures for the age and model.
When I was doing the long M-way journeys for the university run (loaded up) it was giving me 50mpg.
My local daily short journeys when cold - less than 33mpg. Sometimes 29mpg.
An overall average is pretty pointless, because it will vary with the mix of driving I do. And it's not getting a lot of use at present because (as mentioned in other threads) I have the shared use of a lease car, on which I have seen 80mpg on the dash display. It does the job but it doesn't give me as much enjoyment as the old cars. wink So I'm in no great hurry to change the old one, despite the appeal of reducing my fuel bill by 60%. And my road tax bill by probably 50%.
Thanks for your detailed reply thumbup

80mpg is remarkable and a huge improvement over 50mpg. For the environment's sake, the choice is obvious.


23,284 posts

233 months

Monday 20th May
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popeyewhite said:
irc said:
popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.
Yes, well put.
I usually just breath in.


12,739 posts

174 months

Monday 20th May
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popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
I followed a car today that had a C63 AMG infront of it, the C63 was doing 45-50 on a major twisty A road, everytime something came the other way it braked. Luckily on my bike so went round them both when it was clear.


23,284 posts

233 months

Monday 20th May
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That gets my goat. Performance cars not being used for what they are built for, within the law of course.


11,531 posts

63 months

Monday 20th May
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croyde said:
That gets my goat. Performance cars not being used for what they are built for, within the law of course.
Performance cars are not designed, engineered, developed or built to be used within our speed limits.


920 posts

248 months

Monday 20th May
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croyde said:
That gets my goat. Performance cars not being used for what they are built for, within the law of course.
If I used mine for what it was built for all of the time it would bankrupt me.

Could have been a new owner getting used to the width.


1,147 posts

174 months

Monday 20th May
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Triggered an old duffer this morning - I had the temerity to overtake him when he was doing 40 in a 60 and tapping his brakes every time a vehicle came the other way - how very dare I.


17,502 posts

282 months

Monday 20th May
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Who_Goes_Blue said:
Triggered an old duffer this morning - I had the temerity to overtake him when he was doing 40 in a 60 and tapping his brakes every time a vehicle came the other way - how very dare I.
You can be slow. And you can be tetchy.
But slow and tetchy? nono

G Thang

315 posts

31 months

Monday 20th May
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What gets me is when they are doing 35 in a 60 and brake for a bend which you could comfortably take at 80. In theory, obvs.

Pan Pan Pan

10,029 posts

114 months

Monday 20th May
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croyde said:
popeyewhite said:
irc said:
popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.
Yes, well put.
I usually just breath in.
But you must keep all the windows shut, otherwise breathing in doesn't work!.


27,066 posts

266 months

Monday 20th May
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irc said:
popeyewhite said:
Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.


76,810 posts

285 months

Monday 20th May
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G Thang said:
What gets me is when they are doing 35 in a 60 and brake for a bend which you could comfortably take at 80. In theory, obvs.

It's when people are doing say 42 in a 50, they see a speed camera so hit the brakes and now we're doing 33 in a 50. Often happens on a d/c so not so bad. I look like I'm blasting past them at 50 like a speed demon when they're doing 33. And it's a 50 zone through a speed camera. I clearly live life on the edge. biggrin


14,792 posts

216 months

Monday 20th May
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I'm fairly neutral on this topic generally. Try not to let slow drivers bother me too much so none of the anger and aggression some seem to suffer from but sometimes one needs a place to vent so....

Took my Lotus out a for a little drive on Saturday afternoon as the weather was lovely. Lovely drive out into the Pennines. Heading back, about 30 miles from home, I stopped to message the other half and say I'd be about 45 mins. I just had to drive east along Weardale from Alston ish area to those that know it. Quite a nice road in places, generally pretty quiet. Five mins after setting off I caught up with a car following a bike, following another car with a slow moving Skoda at the front of the queue. Speed pretty much a constant 40 with no distinction made for villages (sound familiar?). So few overtaking places on that road anyway and a reasonable amount of traffic heading the other way meant that even the biker was stuck there. This went on for about 10 miles until somewhat unbelievably we caught up with another car! Now we were all doing between 25 and 30 for at least another 10 miles. Took me just over an hour to get home. I said earlier on in this thread that I'm pretty tolerant of dawdlers and I'd never show aggression towards them but in turn it would be nice if they checked their mirrors from time to time to see just how many people they're holding up. If you have a queue behind you as far as the eye can see, it might be a good idea to pull in from time to time.

My MIL is unfortunately starting to adopt the dawdling mindset too. She and her other half will drive at 50 on motorways and 40 might even be considered too quick for them on many NSL's. I do my very best to avoid ever being in a car with either of them regardless who's driving but if my other half ever has to drive MIL anywhere the MIL always complains about the 'crazy' speeds. I imagine crazy in this scenario is anything over 45.

Get all the usual lines of 'what's the rush', 'you won't get there any quicker' etc. Arrrrgh!

I have to imagination people who's brains are wired this way must assume that almost everyone on the road is a suicidal maniac.


11,070 posts

209 months

Monday 20th May
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I ran very, very low on charge in my EV Twizy at the weekend - I had zero miles left about 2 miles from home so was doing 40 in a National, I made about 3 car space room between me and the car in front and kept very close to the near side and yet on perfectly straight bits of the road I had about 6 cars tucked up behind me and not one tried to overtake....absolutely bizarre. The Twizy is very narrow and you could fit a car past me even if there was oncoming traffic in some places.


23,284 posts

233 months

Monday 20th May
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Pan Pan Pan said:
croyde said:
popeyewhite said:
irc said:
popeyewhite said:
Nerves/temerity in abundance on the Cheshire roads today. Most annoying instance of such was when following a Golf that braked every time another car approached.
Agreed. Very annoying following a driver who believes braking makes his car narrower.
Yes, well put.
I usually just breath in.
But you must keep all the windows shut, otherwise breathing in doesn't work!.
Closing your eyes helps too biggrin