The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]

The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]



4,304 posts

116 months

Thursday 20th June
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mac96 said:
The emergency dash to A & E must be more common than some people imagine. I have done it when my wife collapsed in so much pain that she could only lie on the floor moaning. Happily next door neighbour was a lot larger than me so we were able to get her in the car.
Hospital was only half a mile away so no point in any fast driving, but had it been a longer run speed limits would have been irrelevant.
Parking was just as close to A &E door as possible. Move it once she was in triage.
Happily she was fine in a shortish time.
Yup been there, done that and dumped the car where it stopped.

Moot point though, if the person was on their own and just bad at parking.
Isnt that the point of the thread?

Or, do we now need to find excuses for every picture?

Every day a journey

1,693 posts

41 months

Thursday 20th June
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Didn’t want to get the car in the garage anyway.

Usual suspect.



8,503 posts

103 months

Thursday 20th June
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Every day a journey said:
Didn’t want to get the car in the garage anyway.

Usual suspect.


Clearly the driver is not a city dweller - everyone knows that this only becomes acceptable if you engage the amber flashers of immunity. This signalling aids with keeping tabs on where the car is in relation to any parking wardens. Only parking wardens of course, because lord knows you won't move it to let anyone in or out. They can't give you a ticket so sod em.

  1. premium #theyrejustjealous #butiamthemaincharacter!!!


8,503 posts

103 months

Thursday 20th June
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Tommo87 said:
mac96 said:
The emergency dash to A & E must be more common than some people imagine. I have done it when my wife collapsed in so much pain that she could only lie on the floor moaning. Happily next door neighbour was a lot larger than me so we were able to get her in the car.
Hospital was only half a mile away so no point in any fast driving, but had it been a longer run speed limits would have been irrelevant.
Parking was just as close to A &E door as possible. Move it once she was in triage.
Happily she was fine in a shortish time.
Yup been there, done that and dumped the car where it stopped.

Moot point though, if the person was on their own and just bad at parking.
Isnt that the point of the thread?

Or, do we now need to find excuses for every picture?
No, we use what little context is available and where applicable give the benefit of the doubt. We may be parking gods but we're not old testament parking gods.

It's nothing new, we've long been saying things like "I wonder if he's parked like that because someone else had parked badly first, but has since left". Cars parked badly outside emergency healthcare facilities, funeral parlours, rub-and-tug shops get a bit of leeway.

Every day a journey

1,693 posts

41 months

Friday 21st June
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Sorry. Duplicate post some 10ths after original


448 posts

77 months

Friday 21st June
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Great story 5s Alive - something I love about our forums are the memories of personal stories that are triggered by cars.
One of mine was from when we had a Rover 800 as a SOTW. I recalled the story of when I had one at the same time I was a football coach and I somehow managed to sell it for £200, forgetting that there was £400 worth of footballs & team kit in the boot. oops!

5s Alive said:
I was the subject of such a mercy dash when I was 8 years old. I'd gone sledging with friends and was dared to take on a particularly steep descent between trees, a slalom if you like. I hit a bump that knocked me off course and into a tree and the longer outside strut of the wooden sledge went straight through the inside of my thigh, causing massive trauma. Shocked and numb, I tried to walk the mile home but became weak from loss of blood, so my friends dragged me back on another sledge.

My gran, who was looking after me that day, raised our next door neighbour, who put me straight into the back of his MG Magnette and put the fast and furious to shame on the way to the hospital. No idea how he parked it because I was unconscious by then. I still remember the smell of the leather seats. hehe

Blood transfusions and nearly two months in hospital followed.

I wasn't exactly risk averse then, or now for that matter. smile

5s Alive

1,984 posts

37 months

Friday 21st June
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Matt_T said:
Great story 5s Alive - something I love about our forums are the memories of personal stories that are triggered by cars.
One of mine was from when we had a Rover 800 as a SOTW. I recalled the story of when I had one at the same time I was a football coach and I somehow managed to sell it for £200, forgetting that there was £400 worth of footballs & team kit in the boot. oops!
I have more! (as do others no doubt)

Is that a collective groan I hear! hehe

I should start a separate thread - 'car related memories from childhood', from say, the pre teen years. I'll bet there are some crackers.

Its Just Adz

14,392 posts

212 months

Saturday 22nd June
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It's village field day so we expect parking to be bad today, but even so this is taking the piss.


32,990 posts

231 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Maybe I am a trend setter, as always I reverse park, this is ASDA, seems to be catching on, I always park in this row strangely enough it seems only this row has max cars reverse parked.


2,126 posts

27 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Vipers said:
Maybe I am a trend setter, as always I reverse park, this is ASDA, seems to be catching on, I always park in this row strangely enough it seems only this row has max cars reverse parked.

Ah yes, another one with sense

I would've been hit by an idiot in a Golf who had driven in to one of the parking spaces just by the entrance. Thankfully I saw enough of the start of the manoeuvre to know he was more of a bashful type than cautious. Not hard to reverse in!

Parked just over the line as they have advertising boards there often - and lines are faded.


414 posts

3 months

Saturday 22nd June
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BenS94 said:
Vipers said:
Maybe I am a trend setter, as always I reverse park, this is ASDA, seems to be catching on, I always park in this row strangely enough it seems only this row has max cars reverse parked.

Ah yes, another one with sense

I would've been hit by an idiot in a Golf who had driven in to one of the parking spaces just by the entrance. Thankfully I saw enough of the start of the manoeuvre to know he was more of a bashful type than cautious. Not hard to reverse in!

Parked just over the line as they have advertising boards there often - and lines are faded.
It not hard to drive in forward or to reverse park. Sense is to park in a way that allows best access to the boot (if you're shopping).


2,126 posts

27 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Jimjimhim said:
BenS94 said:
Vipers said:
Maybe I am a trend setter, as always I reverse park, this is ASDA, seems to be catching on, I always park in this row strangely enough it seems only this row has max cars reverse parked.

Ah yes, another one with sense

I would've been hit by an idiot in a Golf who had driven in to one of the parking spaces just by the entrance. Thankfully I saw enough of the start of the manoeuvre to know he was more of a bashful type than cautious. Not hard to reverse in!

Parked just over the line as they have advertising boards there often - and lines are faded.
It not hard to drive in forward or to reverse park. Sense is to park in a way that allows best access to the boot (if you're shopping).
Doesn't matter so much with a saloon boot like mine, I find, but they're dying out.


6,883 posts

211 months

Saturday 22nd June
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685 posts

123 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Right on a busy junction. While I was taking the photo a couple other people stopped and commented on how bad it was.


414 posts

3 months

Saturday 22nd June
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BenS94 said:
Jimjimhim said:
BenS94 said:
Vipers said:
Maybe I am a trend setter, as always I reverse park, this is ASDA, seems to be catching on, I always park in this row strangely enough it seems only this row has max cars reverse parked.

Ah yes, another one with sense

I would've been hit by an idiot in a Golf who had driven in to one of the parking spaces just by the entrance. Thankfully I saw enough of the start of the manoeuvre to know he was more of a bashful type than cautious. Not hard to reverse in!

Parked just over the line as they have advertising boards there often - and lines are faded.
It not hard to drive in forward or to reverse park. Sense is to park in a way that allows best access to the boot (if you're shopping).
Doesn't matter so much with a saloon boot like mine, I find, but they're dying out.
Yeah not so popular anymore. But any boot is easier to access if you park the correct way around.

Ultra Sound Guy

28,711 posts

197 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Hackney said:
I would park front in and as close as humanly possible to their rear corner!


18,167 posts

285 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Ultra Sound Guy said:
Hackney said:
I would park front in and as close as humanly possible to their rear corner!
So they reverse out and drag your rear bumper with them. Then they drive off with the same carefree attitude with which they parked?


2,497 posts

121 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Skyedriver said:
Ultra Sound Guy said:
Hackney said:
I would park front in and as close as humanly possible to their rear corner!
So they reverse out and drag your rear bumper with them. Then they drive off with the same carefree attitude with which they parked?
Yeah, there's been times when I've been struggling to find somewhere to park, the last space being taken up by an idiot parking like the Hyundai. As tempting as it is to squeeze in I just know they'll either scratch my car in revenge or just be completely oblivious as they open their door into it and then be unaware they've taken a nice chunk of paint with them as they reverse out.


4,020 posts

94 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Because M2


6,883 posts

211 months

Monday 24th June
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Completely empty 2 car drive available
Nah, better park right on the junction.