An epidemic of insanely slow drivers

An epidemic of insanely slow drivers


CT05 Nose Cone

25,054 posts

230 months

Thursday 14th March
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Castrol for a knave said:
We also seem to have re-allocated the lanes in the 4 lane motorways.

Lane 1: HGV's, EV utlramilers, terrified old ladies and 50% of young girls in fiat 500's

Lane 2: empty

Lane 3: The type of people who have silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, doing 57 mph.

Lane 4: People who have silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, overtaking people with silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, at 59 normal people and the other 50% of young girls in Fiat 500's, 2 feet off the back bumper of a normal person.
In my experience

Lane 1: HGV doing 50mph

Lane 2: HGV doing 50.1mph

Lane 3: HGV doing 50.2 mph

Lane 4: people driving right up to the back of an HGV and pulling out to overtake at 50.3mph


2,358 posts

157 months

Thursday 14th March
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Lane 2 is almost always empty, so very true.


76,802 posts

285 months

Thursday 14th March
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T_S_M said:
If you drove at half the speed limit on your driving test you'd fail due to a lack of competence.
Yep. My aunty failed hers for doing 32 in a 50 (it was a 3 lane D/C).

I think we have to normalise flashing. I think in France it's standard to pull over if someone is indicating to go past on D/Cs?

If someone insists on doing 20%-30% under the limit, it's courteous to pull over and let everyone by. It is indeed selfish of them to hold everyone up.

Interestingly, I *never* used to overtake but nowadays I'll probably do it at least 1 in 3 journeys because someone is driving so idiotically slowly.

And believe it or not, I actually saw someone get pulled over by a police car for doing 30 in a 40. I couldn't believe it. biggrin

Edited by Hoofy on Thursday 14th March 13:55


1,493 posts

37 months

Thursday 14th March
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On my journey into work I have to traverse a section of average speed camera controlled 50mph A road. Without fail the maximum I usually get to drive at is 40mph, this is made worse by the braking at every corner moron at the front of the queue and every other moron driving 2 feet of the bumper of the car in front that means anyone with the wit and capability to overtake doesn't have the room available to do so.

The real kick in the balls however is that on this road there are precisely 3 spots where the road widens to 2 lanes giving a very slight opportunity to pass said morons, except that usually moron 1 pulls either fully into lane 2 or straddles the white line explicitly to prevent anyone passing them. And should you have the temerity to make that pass then you can be sure to get the full beam treatment.

Just to add a bit of spice to this were the limit changes from 50 to 40 they usually slow down to 30 so aren't the 40 everywhere crew. I have decided that there is a secret anti-road user cabal paying these people to cause frustration on the roads in an effort to get people to stop using them.


1,587 posts

22 months

Thursday 14th March
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
We also seem to have re-allocated the lanes in the 4 lane motorways.

Lane 1: HGV's, EV utlramilers, terrified old ladies and 50% of young girls in fiat 500's

Lane 2: empty

Lane 3: The type of people who have silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, doing 57 mph.

Lane 4: People who have silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, overtaking people with silver furniture and watch Love on the Beach, at 59 normal people and the other 50% of young girls in Fiat 500's, 2 feet off the back bumper of a normal person.
In my experience

Lane 1: HGV doing 50mph

Lane 2: HGV doing 50.1mph

Lane 3: HGV doing 50.2 mph

Lane 4: people driving right up to the back of an HGV and pulling out to overtake at 50.3mph
Usually find it's typically

Lane 1 - Empty (occasional HGV)
Lane 2 - Moderately busy with people doing 58mph who keep yo-yoing to 64mph and back down. Rogue Nat Express Coaches.
Lane 3 - Nose to tail, someone overtaking at 62mph, someone who wants to do 65mph, someone who wants to do 70mph, someone who wants to do 90mph, repeat.


6,211 posts

264 months

Thursday 14th March
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super7 said:
king arthur said:
I'm convinced that most drivers on the roads these days do not understand what this sign means:

That means go as fast as you like.....???????


11,515 posts

63 months

Thursday 14th March
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Debaser said:
super7 said:
king arthur said:
I'm convinced that most drivers on the roads these days do not understand what this sign means:

That means go as fast as you like.....???????
Except that interpretation died a very long time ago frown

Deranged Rover

3,509 posts

77 months

Thursday 14th March
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simon_harris said:
On my journey into work I have to traverse a section of average speed camera controlled 50mph A road. Without fail the maximum I usually get to drive at is 40mph, this is made worse by the braking at every corner moron at the front of the queue and every other moron driving 2 feet of the bumper of the car in front that means anyone with the wit and capability to overtake doesn't have the room available to do so.

The real kick in the balls however is that on this road there are precisely 3 spots where the road widens to 2 lanes giving a very slight opportunity to pass said morons, except that usually moron 1 pulls either fully into lane 2 or straddles the white line explicitly to prevent anyone passing them. And should you have the temerity to make that pass then you can be sure to get the full beam treatment.

Just to add a bit of spice to this were the limit changes from 50 to 40 they usually slow down to 30 so aren't the 40 everywhere crew. I have decided that there is a secret anti-road user cabal paying these people to cause frustration on the roads in an effort to get people to stop using them.
The average speed cameras along the A272 are having this effect too. I reason that, if the road is empty and I can go all the way from the West Meon crossroads to the point where the 30mph speed limit kicks in closer to Petersfield on cruise control set to 50mph in a wafty old Range Rover without skidding, causing masses of tyre squeal or ending up in a hedge, then pretty much any other car out to be able to maintain this speed as well.

Consequently it never ceases to befuddle me why I spend so much time behind other cars doing somewhere between 38 and 45mph along this stretch.


18,747 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
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Can't believe we are this far into the thread and no one has mentioned the pandemic which has caused a major decline in driving standards.



1,375 posts

19 months

Thursday 14th March
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av185 said:
911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.
You obviously own a Crappy BOSS ### plate and forever dominate the outside lane like only a true BO55 could. biggrin:
How did you know? My plate is BOSS OFU.


18,747 posts

130 months

Thursday 14th March
quotequote all
911Spanker said:
av185 said:
911Spanker said:
I'm a fast driver.

I have a fast car.

I belong in the fast lane.

See ya later losers.
You obviously own a Crappy BOSS ### plate and forever dominate the outside lane like only a true BO55 could. biggrin:
How did you know? My plate is BOSS OFU.
There were just a few subtle hints in your post. thumbupbiggrin:

poo at Paul's

14,225 posts

178 months

Thursday 14th March
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They're distracted by all the other stuff going on in the car, carplay, messaged, emails, dont look out the windows much, often i am convinced they dont know the speed limit, so just all sit at 40 and hope for the best.

Magnum 475

3,578 posts

135 months

Thursday 14th March
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Debaser said:
super7 said:
king arthur said:
I'm convinced that most drivers on the roads these days do not understand what this sign means:

That means go as fast as you like.....???????
There's a sign as you exit West Wycombe that has one of these directly above a '50' sign. The limit on the road is 50, but when it was downgraded from NSL no-one bothered to remove the old NSL signs. So I suspect a lot of West Wycombe locals may wonder if the single carriageway NSL is actually 50mph. Or the folks who did the downgrade know what's coming soon for all NSL roads.....


911 posts

248 months

Thursday 14th March
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Hoofy said:
I think we have to normalise flashing. I think in France it's standard to pull over if someone is indicating to go past on D/Cs?
Im still in the habit of this since returning from living on the continent. It rarely works. The drivers we're discussing in this thread dont know whats going on around them, and that includes behind them.

Dynion Araf Uchaf

4,521 posts

226 months

Thursday 14th March
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Networkgeek said:

, but stting hell, when did people become so scared?
I thin kit is the same reason as to why it is deemed not acceptable to allow your children to be out of sight.
Constant media stories of murders and abductions to your children, and yet in reality the risk is still vanishingly small.

I think the same is true of driving, the war on cars, increasing jail time for transgression, losing licences, insurance costs, young driver training, just make people retreat into themselves and so they all drive scared.

Edited by Dynion Araf Uchaf on Thursday 14th March 16:32


76,802 posts

285 months

Thursday 14th March
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I don't deserve to be on this thread or indeed Pistonheads.

Today, 2 lane 40mph D/C. I was behind a lorry in the left lane doing 35mph. I just sat there happily pootling along while people passed us in the right lane even though I had plenty of opportunities to pull out and overtake.


CLK-GTR said:
Hoofy said:
I think we have to normalise flashing. I think in France it's standard to pull over if someone is indicating to go past on D/Cs?
Im still in the habit of this since returning from living on the continent. It rarely works. The drivers we're discussing in this thread dont know whats going on around them, and that includes behind them.
That's true. This is why I wonder if flashing your headlights should become the new norm and not a sign of aggressiveness. Y'know if someone flashed me, I'd be happy to pull over.

Terminator X

15,375 posts

207 months

Thursday 14th March
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I'll add to the gripes, people leaving massive gaps to the car in front when queued at lights etc; the gap is so big that I could swing around them and park up in front of them! Then so slow to get away that you miss green yourself mad



23,279 posts

233 months

Thursday 14th March
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I'd die of shame if I were to be overtaken on the inside or to see a massive queue of traffic behind me.

The rare times that a car behind seems to want to make more progress than me, I either signal them to overtake when it's safe or pull over.

More often than not I then keep up with them as either they slow down as they don't know the road either laugh or I make better progress as they do know the road smile

As to the majority, it's like they don't actually enjoy driving and what's with the flashing when you overtake. A slightly bemusing irritation during the day but downright dangerous at night in the pitch black.

Fair enough when I've overtaken a stream of traffic doing 20 in a 20 but not when it's a perfectly safe 60 in a 60 and they are doing 35.


1,493 posts

37 months

Thursday 14th March
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Terminator X said:
I'll add to the gripes, people leaving massive gaps to the car in front when queued at lights etc; the gap is so big that I could swing around them and park up in front of them! Then so slow to get away that you miss green yourself mad

I put these morons in the same group as those who go into lane 2 at traffic lights and then make zero attempt to pull away quicker than the car in lane 1 and as often as not have multiple cars pass them on the inside.

The Wookie

14,004 posts

231 months

Thursday 14th March
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I’ll add the current trend for people who can’t regulate their speed to within 10mph

Particularly on the motorway, they concertina the line of traffic up as behind them as they park themselves in the outside lane to overtake cars doing 10 mph under the limit with minimal speed differential, then absolutely fk off up the road at 90-100mph as soon as they’ve passed

fking mindless, you can be stuck behind them for 50 miles on the M40 and find 10 miles of empty road in front of you when they finally swerve out of the outside lane and over the chevrons to leave the motorway