Think I was followed in my RS6

Think I was followed in my RS6



1,424 posts

41 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Being followed home, car jackings, home invasions... Jesus Christ you shouldn't have to live like this. That's so fvcked up.


10,612 posts

197 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Scabutz said:
Sounds a bit to Ronin to me. Certainly dont see many news reports of bank robberies and people fleeing in a hot RS6. Surely as well its a terrible car for a getaway. Rare, stands out, loud, high probably that it has a tracker on it.
there's quite a lot out there and i've seen quite a lot videos filmed by the public with phones etc too with an rs6 as an escape vehicle


2,361 posts

216 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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ImDesigner said:
Don't rely on living in a nice place to put your mind at rest, it doesn't make a difference.
This is very true. Always makes me laugh when people say they've moved somewhere nice to avoid things like this. I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent. From a scrotes point of view, you will find a better selection of high end cars in a nice estate. Unless you want to nick a 61 plate Zafira the less afluent estates will be a bit like walking around Home Bargains looking for a Chesterfield sofa.

About a year ago some young lad rode up my street on his BMX, stopped next to my car and made a phonecall, took a photo of it and left. I had it all on CCTV and was fully expecting a return visit but (to date) it didn't happen. Maybe the person on the other end of the phone didn't like the colour but I'm confident this is what was happening.


5,503 posts

193 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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I got followed in my mk7 gti pp never went home always went on a convoluted route to lose them which I did on the 4-5 occasions,

I then had to go to Middleton in Leeds and then literally that week there were 3 attempts at nicking it from home luckily they didn’t succeed I let them know I was armed and they weren’t having it and police were on their way! I literally sold it after the 3rd attempt, then got a phone call to say a tracker had been found hidden under the car when it went in for a service! So I’m guessing someone had put it on the car in Leeds (the ppl after it was from Middleton as the police identified them)

So my advice occasionally check under the car and in the wheel arches


1,424 posts

41 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal. I haven't locked my car in 20 years and only lock the house when we go on holiday!


1,587 posts

22 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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djohnson said:
LeighW said:
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Last time I took my SVR into the main dealer they advised me to fit a Ghost immobiliser for that reason.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28
Super common this way unfortunately. Rangey's and Tesla's going missing weekly from this borough, ring cams constantly pick up masked people with big rings of copper and a laptop driving the car off the drive 15 seconds later for the owners to post it on the local Facebook group at 7am.

On the RS6, if it's not keyless probably don't worry too much and as others have said its likely just you being aware and taking it negatively. I've had people taking pictures of my 350z in London, or crowded round it when I come out of Tesco. My first drive back when I brought my VXR8 I had a Range Rover overtake me, then slow down and let me pass 3 times on the M4. Totally harmless, but irritating.


3,753 posts

106 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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paralla said:
Friend of mine had his brand new RS4 nicked off his driveway in Islington (broke into the house for the keys). Insurance replacement arrived about a month later and he was violently carjacked shortly after while his wife and two small children were in the car with him.

He started sleeping downstairs with a baseball bat, his wife went ballistic and insisted the move to the countryside. They are currently enjoying a nice quiet life in a barn conversion in rural Kent.
Wait a second.
Is that the Fresh prince of Canterbury ?

Louis Balfour

26,734 posts

225 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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pheonix478 said:
...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal.
It is and there is.


26,472 posts

176 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Scabutz said:
Sounds a bit to Ronin to me. Certainly dont see many news reports of bank robberies and people fleeing in a hot RS6. Surely as well its a terrible car for a getaway. Rare, stands out, loud, high probably that it has a tracker on it.
You must have your head buried in the sand.


6,667 posts

221 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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pheonix478 said:
...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal. I haven't locked my car in 20 years and only lock the house when we go on holiday!
Same. I think some people conflate 'nice' with 'expensive'. Plenty of 'nice' areas where you don't live in constant fear of crime. Plenty of 'expensive' areas where you do.


11,067 posts

209 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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pheonix478 said:
...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal. I haven't locked my car in 20 years and only lock the house when we go on holiday!
The problem with being like that is it encourages the opportunist thief. There was a run of it near me - people had CCTV showing the scrotes walking up the road trying car door handles - any car left unlocked was emptied but the locked ones left....they wouldn't be doing that if all the cars were locked.


6,415 posts

204 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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It's odd how there are cars like the RS6 and Golf-R which are notorious thief magnets. Yet other cars which would offer much the same as a would be getaway car and don't seem to be a worry.

I mean high end fast cars always have that theft appeal, seems for some they are stolen to order. But others used for dodgy deeds seem to be fast Audis or fast Golfs. Do AMGs and M cars get targeted in the same way and we just don't hear of it?


401 posts

165 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Louis Balfour said:
pheonix478 said:
...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal.
It is and there is.
Maybe I’ve just been incredibly lucky but my street-parked RS4 is utterly invisible to the local scrotes. This thread makes it seem like a foregone conclusion that RS ownership will end violently.


1,587 posts

139 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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LimaDelta said:
pheonix478 said:
...I live on a nice estate and car crime is very prominent....
Something seriously wrong with the UK if this is normal. I haven't locked my car in 20 years and only lock the house when we go on holiday!
Same. I think some people conflate 'nice' with 'expensive'. Plenty of 'nice' areas where you don't live in constant fear of crime. Plenty of 'expensive' areas where you do.
This is very true if car jackings and violent robbery of occupied residences are common the area is no longer nice
Problem is that the causes of this are politically sensitive and so don’t see much chance of this trend of violent crimes increasing the UK to change soon, if anything with current cost of living issues most likely path is acceleration


3,753 posts

106 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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ChocolateFrog said:
dudleybloke said:
RS6s are used by armed police around here but that still didn't stop these idiots!
Does Birmingham have any redeeming features at all?
Probably but that isn’t in Birmingham


3,753 posts

106 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Alex_225 said:
It's odd how there are cars like the RS6 and Golf-R which are notorious thief magnets. Yet other cars which would offer much the same as a would be getaway car and don't seem to be a worry.

I mean high end fast cars always have that theft appeal, seems for some they are stolen to order. But others used for dodgy deeds seem to be fast Audis or fast Golfs. Do AMGs and M cars get targeted in the same way and we just don't hear of it?
As someone said parts.
The amount of Golf GTI’s around


1,619 posts

62 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Downward said:
As someone said parts.
The amount of Golf GTI’s around
I own a GTI and I feel like I see more Golf Rs around lol


4,620 posts

24 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Alex_225 said:
It's odd how there are cars like the RS6 and Golf-R which are notorious thief magnets. Yet other cars which would offer much the same as a would be getaway car and don't seem to be a worry.

I mean high end fast cars always have that theft appeal, seems for some they are stolen to order. But others used for dodgy deeds seem to be fast Audis or fast Golfs. Do AMGs and M cars get targeted in the same way and we just don't hear of it?
imagine robbing a bank in one of the current hideous gawping BMW M3/4s.
You'd have to put a bag over your head in case anybody saw you at the wheel.


6,377 posts

164 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Hoofy said:
LeighW said:
If it's the same as the RR Sport, they just cut a nice hole in the tailgate, access one wire for the CAN Bus system, disable everything and unlock the car. Then once inside, they plug into the OBD port, program their own key and they're away in minutes. No noise, no fuss. This is a mate's car that was stolen just over a week ago. After a short chase with the police, they abandoned it and scarpered. If he hadn't had an additional aftermarket tracker fitted it would probably never have been found - he now realises why the insurance insisted on it. He has a young child, and is in two minds whether or not to keep the car now. frown

Edit to add - this was in Tamworth.

Edited by LeighW on Monday 3rd April 15:28
Similar thing (with the cutting) happened near me last week for a Mercedes GLC.

Edited by Hoofy on Monday 3rd April 17:49
Blimey, and we used to moan about kids punching a screwdriver through the door skin next to the lock barrel to get to the door locking mechanism.

I think if people are prepared to go to the lengths of cutting holes in panels with (presumably) a cordless grinder and hacking the car via the CANbus, you probably ain't stopping them stealing your car.


6,377 posts

164 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Downward said:
Alex_225 said:
It's odd how there are cars like the RS6 and Golf-R which are notorious thief magnets. Yet other cars which would offer much the same as a would be getaway car and don't seem to be a worry.

I mean high end fast cars always have that theft appeal, seems for some they are stolen to order. But others used for dodgy deeds seem to be fast Audis or fast Golfs. Do AMGs and M cars get targeted in the same way and we just don't hear of it?
As someone said parts.
The amount of Golf GTI’s around
I think for getaway cars, it's AWD vs RWD, and the relative ease of going very fast in the former. The traction and general grip levels in a Golf R or an S/RS Audi are astonishing, particularly so in the wet.

When it's just about getting away and not getting caught, I would imagine these are much more attractive than anything similarly powerful, but rear wheel drive.

Imprezas and Evos were popular getaway cars back in the day for the same reason. They are very fast, very capable, and (to a point), very easy to drive quickly.