Circuit update



Original Poster:

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63 months

Thursday 16th May
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As a kid who loved everything F1 I used to play the games around at that time. I think I started with Pitstop 2 and then progressed to Geoff Crammond. There were fewer circuits back then but my point was I knew every corner and thr overtaking spots. That carried through to watching the live races and made it so much more engaging. I have good memories of the old Hockenheim Circuit. Spa with the stop and Magy Cours.. Some of the circuits haven’t changed Inter Lagos being one.

Roll on 30 odd years and I feel like I barely know any of the modern circuits and I think that reduced my enjoyment of them. So I decided to address it and play a bit of the F1 2023 game ahead of each race weekend and learn them. It’s actually been great! Miami turns out to be pretty good fun and I’d forgotten how good Imola is even with the added chicane. It’s not the best sim by any means but it’s good fun if you don’t take it too serious.

So for all the bores out there that complain they have lost interest (but still stay on an F1 forum), I recommend reigniting the passion again and learning the 24 odd tracks we now have.

Does anybody else do anything similar?


Original Poster:

67 posts

63 months

Thursday 16th May
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thegreenhell said:
There was a time when every corner on every circuit had a name, and I knew all of them. All of these new circuits just have numbers, and I find that indicative of how memorable a circuit is. There's just no romance in numbers. Ask me to describe turn 6 on any Tilkedrome or Liberty street circuit and I'd be lost, but names like Becketts, Parabolica and Blanchimont immediately conjure up an image of the corner.
Yep I totally agree. 130R is another that stands out for me


Original Poster:

67 posts

63 months

Thursday 16th May
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HardtopManual said:
MuttWagon said:
So for all the bores out there that complain they have lost interest (but still stay on an F1 forum), I recommend reigniting the passion again and learning the 24 odd tracks we now have.
My passion would be reignited by something resembling a championship battle, preferably inter-team, but intra-team will do.

Learning some street circuits on a computer game, not so much. I know Silverstone and Spa like the back of my hand. A dull procession of massive, undramatic cars is still a dull procession of massive, undramatic cars even if I know that the next corner is a 4th gear right-hander.


A. Bore
I’m hoping the 2026 (and 2030) regs help reduce the size and weight of the cars too. My point is some of these circuits are actually ok it’s the cars that aren’t helping. Don’t get me wrong, I would prefer to keep to traditional circuits but that’s not the way the world is moving.