2026 F1 regs


budgie smuggler

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162 months

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Had to use postimages.org as thumbsnap not playing ball

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Smaller is always good. Inwash is the big thing for me, should help with dirty air until the teams figure out how to turn it back into outwash.

Not sure what the 4 RW elements is about, I guess to make it easier to trim small amounts of drag?

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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C5_Steve said:
Looks good to me, potentially stupid question but whats the active aero elements? Assume for the rear wing that's the DRS we already have or is it something different? And for the front wing?

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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In the linked AMuS article from the tweet, they are saying there will be 25-30kg weight reduction.

Hard to imagine there will be much more while they keep increasing battery sizes.

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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kambites said:
budgie smuggler said:
Hard to imagine there will be much more while they keep increasing battery sizes.
Are they increasing battery sizes? I'd missed that bit.
I believe they are removing the MGU-H and increasing the power of the MGU-K and battery size to (somewhat) compensate.

eta- sorry i was bullstting there apparently the capacity of the battery is staying the same

budgie smuggler

Original Poster:

5,437 posts

162 months

Friday 7th June
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A slightly more positive take on it by Mark Hughes
