Jamie Chadwick - First competitive female driver in F1?

Jamie Chadwick - First competitive female driver in F1?



Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Monday 25th October 2021
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Very impressed with Jamie Chadwick's drive yesterday in Austin, TX and in securing her 2nd W Series Championship title.
She has close links with the Williams team, so could she eventually become the first competitive female driver in F1?


Edited by rjfp1962 on Monday 25th October 10:55


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Monday 1st November 2021
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RacerMike said:
You need to be in peak fitness, but you absolutely do not need to be ‘strong’ to race and F1 car. I assume, for instance you realise that Yukon Tsunoda is the same height as Jamie at 5ft2? And even Alonso is only 5ft6.
Vicky Piria looks pretty fit and she spent much of last season at the back of the grid....! wink


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Caught part of an interview Jamie did on BBC Radio 4's Today programme this morning - Her ambition is to become a Formula 1 driver in 3 years time.


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Monday 10th October 2022
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satfinal said:
In non-cost cap news, W series has been cancelled for the rest of the season (2 races), Chadwick wins again.
Am I right in saying it may not return next year either due to lack of funding?


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Saturday 11th May
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Well done Jamie - Result! smile


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Sunday 9th June
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Excellent! Great stuff! smile


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Sunday 9th June
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Great stuff! Really happy for her smile