Suzi Perry



Original Poster:

726 posts

212 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
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Well the F1 as been poor this year but at least Suzi Perry has been worth watching

She is very sexy and she has been the best thing about F1 this year

Only thing to get me excited this season lot

That is all lol

Edited by jasesapphy on Sunday 27th October 18:22


Original Poster:

726 posts

212 months

Sunday 27th October 2013
quotequote all
RYH64E said:
Really? She knows nothing about F1, has an annoying presenting style, and is a good few years past her best imo.

Natalie Pinkham is much easier on the eye, and Lee McKenzie far more knowledgeable, both are much more watchable than Perry.
You do have a point I suppose

Just want some excitement on track TBH