Customer Cars



Original Poster:

13,558 posts

258 months

Monday 21st October 2013
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Some of the smaller teams are apparently afraid of a plan to introduce cusoomer cars to F1. There's no real evidence that there is such a plan but Bob Fearnley of Force India appears to fear its on the way. (apologies for the Pitpass link but the same story is on Autosport but there is a limited number of page reads there unless you subcribe).

So should there be customer cars in F1 or should each team build their own?


Original Poster:

13,558 posts

258 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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Eric Mc said:

Was F1 NOT credible in the past?
I guess the problem is that in the past the cars were relatively simple. You could bolt in a different engine etc. Nowdays the car is deigned as an all inclusive package and there is limited scope to amend any of that.

Equally I suspect that the law has changed or matured as has attitude to safety etc and that Ferrari would not want a customer team making changes to their car and then having a fatal accident in it which might have been caused by a change the customer made to the car, but by inference tarnishes Ferrari.

So if there were customer cars they would be carbon copies of the manafacturers cars so wouldn't necessarially add anything to the racing?