Driver discrimination...

Driver discrimination...



Original Poster:

2,640 posts

181 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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No surprise that Nige is commenting on this wink :

Seems a bit unfair on the larger guys ...but surely an easy fix is a minimum driver weight of say 80kg & anyone under, ballast them accordingly (preferably under/back of seat area)


Original Poster:

2,640 posts

181 months

Monday 21st October 2013
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mrmr96 said:
Weight ballast, same as always.
indeed, driver minimum/ driver & Kart maximum


Original Poster:

2,640 posts

181 months

Monday 21st October 2013
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London424 said:
You mean you didn't see Wiggins and Froome with 10kg backpacks on to equalise things a bit?
Don't forget the Tyson vs McGuigan fight ...that was a classic


Original Poster:

2,640 posts

181 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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oyster said:
Errr not quite. A taller, heavier boxer still has an advantage (obviously within a weight category - but a weight category is not a handicap).

How many sports can you name where being small (in height and weight) is an advantage? In cycling, only being light is an advantage, height is broadly neutral (better power with being taller versus aero drag penalty).

Football, golf, tennis, athletics, basketball - Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso et al certainly do not have the physique to excel at these sports.
well, you can't really easily handicap a boxer can you? ...hence the divisions, so all sizes are catered for, otherwise it would be a pretty limited appeal sport.

Cycling is a bit of a red herring, as it's still an 'unassisted' sport & again has plenty of variety & categories to cater for all sized athletes, both endurance & sprint

The only sport on that list that is valid is basketball (height, obviously) ...but the rest? football/rugby/tennis all have plenty of 'stars' that a small in stature, because speed & agility are also required ...indeed, the world footballer of the year is 5" 7" & weighs 67kg

The problem i have is, who really wants to see a talent like Hulkenberg miss out on a seat due to his 'weight' (or indeed drivers emaciating themselves- see Webber comments above) ...when there appear to options that would easily rectify it.