New AI comes to F1 broadcasting... meet Statbot

New AI comes to F1 broadcasting... meet Statbot



Original Poster:

19,308 posts

210 months

Monday 24th June
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I have not been a fan of the whole Drive to Survive nonsense. I don't care a whit about the personal lives of the participants or their significant others.

Now we add a layer of more "personalization" to this world and add endless AI-generated clever statistics. None of this adds anything for me. I certainly enjoy a proper discussion with people on race strategy or many of the well thought out comments by someone like Martin Brundle who can understand when a car starts to lose performance for example.

It does seem to be less about the racing and more about the spectacle. Maybe we will see someone like Kim Kardashian in an F1 car for example! . I would much prefer to get back to the core of the events and just deal with the racing.

Sandpit Steve

10,705 posts

77 months

Monday 24th June
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There’s two things that immediately spring to mind that have improved the broadcast in the last couple of years.

One is the in-helmet camera, the result of millions invested over years to get a tiny camera in the middle of a critical piece of certified safety equipment, and provides the best possible view of what the driver is doing. There was an onboard lap with Lewis in P3 this weekend, that showed just how much he had to work to keep the thing on the right line.

The other is the hiring, both by Sky and F1TV, of former team strategists, Bernie Collins and Ruth Buscombe respectively. The insight gleaned from their level of understanding - they each spent more than a decade in F1 and led strategy teams - is absolutely fantastic to the more informed rather than casual viewer, and was a clear sign that the broadcasters were taking on board the criticism from many of us that the coverage was becoming too dumbed-down and aimed more towards the new DTS audience.

Edited by Sandpit Steve on Monday 24th June 11:53


Original Poster:

19,308 posts

210 months

Monday 24th June
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I agree with both of those

Harry Flatters

162 posts

261 months

Monday 24th June
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What they said clap


51,093 posts

158 months

Monday 24th June
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RDMcG said:

Now we add a layer of more "personalization" to this world and add endless AI-generated clever statistics. None of this adds anything for me. I certainly enjoy a proper discussion with people on race strategy or many of the well thought out comments by someone like Martin Brundle who can understand when a car starts to lose performance for example.
It's partly an American trend I think - they love stats with their sports. See baseball as a prime example.

Of all the issues with F1 and commentary, I don't think this is an issue wink


6,261 posts

198 months

Monday 24th June
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When I read the thread title, I assumed it would be something about Croft.

He clearly believes that having some useless stats on his phone is the greatest contribution to racing history ever. I really wish they would let him go. We really do not need another StatBot.