Official 2024 Austrian Grand Prix Thread ***SPOILERS***

Official 2024 Austrian Grand Prix Thread ***SPOILERS***

Poll: Official 2024 Austrian Grand Prix Thread ***SPOILERS***

Total Members Polled: 145

Verstappen: 34%
Perez: 0%
Norris: 42%
Piastri: 0%
Leclerc: 2%
Sainz: 1%
Hamilton: 10%
Russell: 11%


2,003 posts

65 months

Stewards messed it up so badly

Shouldnt have even noted the lewis pass on sainz

Should have investigated max weaving the first time he did it

Should have given norris the penalty much sooner

Should have given max a grid place penalty for next race instead of rushing and giving him 10 seconds as made no difference


28,063 posts

199 months

MiniMan64 said:
I thought Max had grown up and matured a bit with his championships but clearly the same dirty driver still lurks beneath.

That was some very crappy unfair racing from him today in several spots. He really is unpleasant to watch when challenged. Let’s not forgot he was already refusing to return the lead to Norris after overtaking off track a few laps before the final incident.
He hasn't had to 'race' much for 2 years, the car has been that far ahead. Now he's got some competition again, it's back to the old ways.

Vanity Projects

2,447 posts

164 months

carlo996 said:
Congrats to George. As for Norris, what a bellend. Glad he was out after such a dumb move.
Jos, Max needs another box of tissues - if Horner hasn't used them all up...

Max clearly to blame for the final one, maybe he's missing the Aston Martin input now they have their own team?

Vanity Projects

2,447 posts

164 months

FourWheelDrift said:
And no one is talking about Perez.
Actually, this is the sad part from today - I don't think Perez magically got dunked in a bucket of st driver syrup, I think Max is making a significant difference to get the Red Bull to be where it is.

It's a shame Max does what he does under pressure, just like Schumacher used to.

I know some will say Red Bull favour Max and that other teams share driver data more freely, but...

...Perez did ram Hulk on the last lap, so there is some sharing of driving tips going on.


17,155 posts

193 months

ajprice said:
MiniMan64 said:
I thought Max had grown up and matured a bit with his championships but clearly the same dirty driver still lurks beneath.

That was some very crappy unfair racing from him today in several spots. He really is unpleasant to watch when challenged. Let’s not forgot he was already refusing to return the lead to Norris after overtaking off track a few laps before the final incident.
He hasn't had to 'race' much for 2 years, the car has been that far ahead. Now he's got some competition again, it's back to the old ways.
Yeah true. It’s been easy to forget how poorly and unprofessionally Max drives when out under a bit of competitive pressure. Totally loses his head and ability to drive safely.

It’s really depressing


157 posts

118 months

Strange race today, Max has been challenged for position a few times this season from other drivers and never driven so aggressively in response, so why now? Maybe the Red Bull car has finally had its wings clipped and the huge advantage has been extinguished? Maybe he thinks winning the title this year is now not a given? It does seem these last couple of races he is complaining all the time the car is hard to drive, start of the season wasn’t it perfect and easy? So what’s suddenly changed, apart from Newey not providing any further input.

Q? If Mercedes have finally sorted the chassis issues out can they now put some focus into the engine? Which will also give McLaren a further edge too.


271 posts

229 months

Thursdays recording of the Sky F1 show from Silverstone is going to be fun. Last year we had the pleas from the Sky team not to boo, then the RedBull drivers didn’t show up preferring to appear by video which only endeared them more to the British fans. Viewing the broadcast later it was clear that the microphones picking up the crowd noise had been turned down for that segment.
It’s not about Mercedes or McLaren fans frothing at the mouth it’s our British inbred sense of fair play. Couple that with Horner being a naughty boy with his PA and you can just tell that Silverstone later this week is not going to be a comfortable place for the Red Bull team.
It’s one thing for Max to pee on Lewis’s chips but to have a pop at Lando too is a step too far. Might as well flick King Charles ears while you’re over here Max and really upset the Brits.


5,951 posts

85 months

TheDeuce said:
DeejRC said:
TheDeuce said:
breamster said:
mk1coopers said:
Well there you go, the question answered, of course MV was going to revert straight back to type as soon as there was any competition, what needs to happen now is effective punishments that either impact the race live, or the next race, as today all that happened was his lead in the championship extended.
Everyone predicted it. Verstappen is just a dirty driver. No sportsmanship at all.
Indeed. I don't dislike him, I respect his talent greatly. But for all the coaching and experience and support he receives, he will never change from who he fundamentally is. He's an aggressive sod who will play dirty when he feels a result is slipping through his fingers. He'd rather win dirty than lose fairly.
Have you ever watched professional sport at the elite levels? 99% of those who compete and earn their money in it would rather win dirty than lose fairly. 98% of the fans of those teams, players, sports would also rather win dirty than lose fairly. 101% of team owners/managers would rather win dirty than lose fairly.
Nobody cares if you lost fairly apart from those who are irrelevant. And they are irrelevant not because they care, or are morals or have ethics, they are irrelevant because nobody else cares.
Do you know who cares the least in all this? Liberty. As far as they are concerned this is the best thing to happen since ‘21. Do you know who cares the 2nd least? BRDC. Right now they are cracking open the champagne for the £££storm heading their way because “the fans” are animated. They are revved up & buzzing. Everybody, everywhere in the business of flogging st knows that the more animated your market is, the more energised, hyped up the punters are then the more they will invest, the more dosh they will spend.
Welcome to the brutality of life. Otherwise known as professional sport.
I actually agree with nearly all of that.

I just don't respect the driver that drives a certain way and wins a certain way.

Commercially it all makes complete sense. It also makes sense why Max is cut a lot of slack.

Please don't be so stupid as to assume my personal preference for sporting integrity means I don't also have a realistic level of commercial awareness.
You have missed the entire pt though. There is no such thing as
“Sporting integrity” in professional sports. There is only earning the money. That comes from either winning, or ensuring exposure.
Once you earnt “enough” money, then you may find some sporting ethics, morality or integrity. When you are hungry, nasty and obsessed though - nope.
Guys like Like and George are “nice”, well brought up middle class boys. Guys like Max and Lewis are psychopaths who want to put a fking axe through your head and they don’t care. Mentally - it’s a different world.


4,823 posts

198 months

DanielSan said:

Older F1 that's a racing incident, in current F1 the blame lies with Max. Interesting to see how the rest of the season goes if Mclaren are going to be in regular contention
I would say we will see brake testing, intentional crashing into opponents to maintain an advantage, hysteria from Horny Weinstein, maybe his dad will attempt to murder someone, the the FIA will change the rules during races so he wins.

hot metal

1,955 posts

196 months

FourWheelDrift said:
And no one is talking about Perez.

Who`s he then?



Original Poster:

4,855 posts

188 months

I'm developing a bad habit of missing the good races- caught up late yesterday.

As an RB fan, it was uncomfortable watching. The team lets itself down how it handles Max in these situations, he crossed the line (no pun intended) many times and needed more than a 10 sec penalty- it deserved a stop- go for moving under braking, and not leaving the needed space.

Having said that, Lando is really stepping up, isn't he? He reminds be a bit of Damon, in that when he has confidence, he is as good as anyone. Hopefully days like yesterday will spur him on. Felt bad for Piastri- the win was there but for the stupid track limits penalty.

Great for George, he really has his foot on Lewis' throat now and he knows it. Has Lewis checked out for the season (a dangerous approach) or is age catching up with him?

Perez will not be in a Red Bull next year unless he improves his form- it's becoming embarrassing for him and the team.

Bring on Silverstone!


Original Poster:

4,855 posts

188 months

kalexan273 said:
Strange race today, Max has been challenged for position a few times this season from other drivers and never driven so aggressively in response, so why now? Maybe the Red Bull car has finally had its wings clipped and the huge advantage has been extinguished? Maybe he thinks winning the title this year is now not a given? It does seem these last couple of races he is complaining all the time the car is hard to drive, start of the season wasn’t it perfect and easy? So what’s suddenly changed, apart from Newey not providing any further input.

Q? If Mercedes have finally sorted the chassis issues out can they now put some focus into the engine? Which will also give McLaren a further edge too.
Good question as to why now. I think the x3 DRS layout on a narrow track was at the heart of it- there is only really one place to overtake. The car behind will have a big speed advantage and it does rely on both drivers giving space. See Max and Charles in 2019.

Mercedes is on the right lines at last with its aero, but it's still a long way from winning on merit. George was about 0.5 sec a lap down, on a short lap. More work needed to challenge for wins on merit.


4,046 posts

78 months

Max: harmoniously balanced hands and feet coupled to an unfathomably frail mental imbalance...

mr pg

1,964 posts

208 months

I'm surprised so little has been made of the clear block Max did on Lando after Max suddenly slowed and Lando thought he had an opportunity to pass. It was the most obvious of the lot.
Just seems Max can't handle serious competition (again).


14,911 posts

194 months

Appears there were 2 good reasons for Hamilton's lack of performance - side pod and floor both look secondhand.


20 posts

132 months

rscott said:
Appears there were 2 good reasons for Hamilton's lack of performance - side pod and floor both look secondhand.
Sorry but we can't have posts like that around here..... actual facts that get in the way of some fantasy narrative about Hamilton being past it (or other nonsense) are clearly not allowed wink

Edited by jph98 on Monday 1st July 07:22


845 posts

7 months

DeejRC said:
You have missed the entire pt though. There is no such thing as
“Sporting integrity” in professional sports. There is only earning the money. That comes from either winning, or ensuring exposure.
Once you earnt “enough” money, then you may find some sporting ethics, morality or integrity. When you are hungry, nasty and obsessed though - nope.
Guys like Like and George are “nice”, well brought up middle class boys. Guys like Max and Lewis are psychopaths who want to put a fking axe through your head and they don’t care. Mentally - it’s a different world.
Agree, but don't see that with Lewis.


6,741 posts

140 months

DeejRC said:
You have missed the entire pt though. There is no such thing as
“Sporting integrity” in professional sports. There is only earning the money. That comes from either winning, or ensuring exposure.
Once you earnt “enough” money, then you may find some sporting ethics, morality or integrity. When you are hungry, nasty and obsessed though - nope.
Guys like Like and George are “nice”, well brought up middle class boys. Guys like Max and Lewis are psychopaths who want to put a fking axe through your head and they don’t care. Mentally - it’s a different world.
That’s just an attempt to excuse a dreadful attitude with “they’re all the same”. They’re not. Max and RedBull are an extreme example.

This is also why some don’t see MS as the ‘great’ that his record suggests.


845 posts

7 months

Hungrymc said:
That’s just an attempt to excuse a dreadful attitude with “they’re all the same”. They’re not. Max and RedBull are an extreme example.

This is also why some don’t see MS as the ‘great’ that his record suggests.
As Max says, who gives a stuff about 'some opinions', everyone has one and they'll never be the same.


749 posts

80 months

mr pg said:
I'm surprised so little has been made of the clear block Max did on Lando after Max suddenly slowed and Lando thought he had an opportunity to pass. It was the most obvious of the lot.
Just seems Max can't handle serious competition (again).
I don't know if we're talking about the.same thing but Max definitely parked it at the apex of the hairpin in amongst that battle. Oldest trick in the stty defending book, and almost cost Lando his front wing. No point bhing about it though, he just has to double his resolve and think 'far queue Max'