Christian Horner

Christian Horner



8,076 posts

226 months

Monday 6th May
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paulguitar said:
Tim the pool man said:
TheDeuce said:
...the fact a lot of Hamilton fans don't particularly like him very much. ...
FTFY thumbup
Absolutely nothing to do with Hamilton.

that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism


15,996 posts

222 months

Monday 6th May
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deadslow said:
that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism
The reverse is equally true.


24,372 posts

116 months

Monday 6th May
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deadslow said:
that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism
I imagine all sorts of people are not particularly taken with Horner, it's entirely unconnected with Hamilton, or anyone else.


4,393 posts

147 months

Monday 6th May
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deadslow said:
paulguitar said:
Tim the pool man said:
TheDeuce said:
...the fact a lot of Hamilton fans don't particularly like him very much. ...
FTFY thumbup
Absolutely nothing to do with Hamilton.

that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism
So much presumption… If Horner was Mercedes TP I’d still think he’s a total knob jockey.
I thought he was fine during their first period of dominance. He rightly said it was up to the others to ‘build a better car.’ He is a brilliant team principal, clearly but…..
Once RB were knocked off their perch Horner blamed Renault for their poor engines but it was all RedBull when the team was winning. Then it was Merc had to be slowed down, it’s not fair… they’re too fast. Yes, all TPs moan but Horner…
It’s difficult for you to understand that most people who don’t like Horner simply do not like the way he conducts himself. I’ve worked with people who were brilliant at their jobs but were complete dicks with bad attitudes. Many people will recognised that sort of person.
Hamilton nothing to do with what I think of Horner.


22,724 posts

69 months

Monday 6th May
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paulguitar said:
deadslow said:
that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism
I imagine all sorts of people are not particularly taken with Horner, it's entirely unconnected with Hamilton, or anyone else.

I'm sure some die hard LH fans adore the situation CH is in, and the departure of Newey... Some people are partisan by nature and don't care about much so long as it helps 'their guy' in some way.

But I'm also sure that most people who speak out about Horner and the teams general gittishness aren't LH fans as such, more like people that appreciate a driver such as LH because they simply like to see fair play and reasonable attitudes!

And lastly I'm VERY sure that there are a lot of RBR/Max fans that feel thoroughly let down by their team and drivers sunny future being sacrificed by a TP that put his dick and ambitions of ownership and power ahead of the team effort.


8,076 posts

226 months

Monday 6th May
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HighwayStar said:

It’s difficult for you to understand .................................

that did make me laugh biggrin


62 posts

103 months

Monday 6th May
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DonkeyApple said:
And you can't condemn the woman for the exact same reasons although what you can do is observe that if something has occurred between the two parties, regardless of the how's what's etc the senior male figure has a blame for not appreciating that we are in the 21st century and will be held accountable due to being in the formal position of seniority. And we will have to wait and see what the employment tribunal decides as they will be working with a greater and clearer dataset than us, the general public. I'd generally posit that at this stage CH is on a particularly sticky wicket of his own making. How sticky is not down to the lynch mob in a civilised society or those trying to cope with their own issues, insecurities or personal biases.
A lot of pages in and this is probably the first post of yours I agree with (mainly- I don't like your use of away fixtures, baying mob and Jeremy Kyle as it all feels a bit reductionist.)

Definitely not appreciating the 21st century bit, you could reduce that sentence to 'the senior figure has a blame and will be held accountable due to being in the formal position of seniority.' - that applies male or female.

Edited by a7girl on Monday 6th May 22:30


4,393 posts

147 months

Monday 6th May
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deadslow said:
HighwayStar said:

It’s difficult for you to understand .................................

that did make me laugh biggrin
I’m not surprised it’s the only bit you took any notice of… i wouldn’t expect you to comment constructively unless it was in full agreement with your own thoughts. wink


12,342 posts

171 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Tim the pool man said:
Mr Pointy said:
Quoted for reference.
Why bother? It's already there! I've even said before either he's a fantasist pretending to be an expert in the field, or relying on his anonimity to hope he doesn't get struck off given some of his ridiculous bias!
Apropos of nothing but why would I care if a lawyer is biased? As long as they're biased in my favour that's all that matters, if I were bringing or defending a case.


5,951 posts

85 months

Tuesday 7th May
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PhilAsia said:
732NM said:
DonkeyApple said:
At no point have I said the messages should be discounted.
You have.

DonkeyApple said:
As such the only sane action is that they must be discounted and held to the side until further evidence to support and corroborate comes to light.

So DA is not "sane" then, if he is to be believed. Marvelous stuff!!

Thanks DA.
He’s a TVR boy, he most definately isn’t sane smile


3,929 posts

84 months

Tuesday 7th May
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DonkeyApple said:
TriumphStag3.0V8 said:
You aren't giving evidence to a post office enquiry in the next week or so are you? You would fit in perfectly.
It's the exact opposite isn't it? rofl The person stating more evidence is required so as to ensure a fair trial and probably guilty charge is being shut down by a mob of people who have made up their minds without sufficient evidence and are trying to force their devout belief into others.
No, it's someone that knows they have been caught in a lie, wriggling and deflecting and thinking they are doing a really good job of it, meanwhile everyone viewing is just shaking their heads in disbelief.


3,929 posts

84 months

Tuesday 7th May
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deadslow said:
paulguitar said:
Tim the pool man said:
TheDeuce said:
...the fact a lot of Hamilton fans don't particularly like him very much. ...
FTFY thumbup
Absolutely nothing to do with Hamilton.

that's right, but a lot of his fans harbour an antipathy towards Horner which borders on cretinism
Oh lord!


1,344 posts

224 months

Wednesday 8th May
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Tim the pool man said:
Just another reminder that if anyone is looking for a professional and unbiased "employment lawyer" you might want to look elsewhere... rolleyes
Congratulations, you've conflated personal opinion with professional ability and think you've made a pertinent point. And you couldn't be more wrong by the way.


24,833 posts

163 months

Wednesday 8th May
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I get taken to be a Hamilton fan on here because of my dislike for Red Bull and Verstappen hehe

I remember when Red Bull were an exciting young team. Their ascension was immense.

I liked Sebastian Vettel, even in the finger era, but at a certain point ended up hoping that somebody would knock Red Bull off the top spot because like all periods of dominance it ends up getting boring and the sport suffers.

For the same reason I was actively rooting for someone to knock Mercedes off the top, and the nearest was Red Bull so I was rooting for them.

Soon after it happened I felt the remorse hehe

Until Christian Horner leant fully into his antagonist role for the television I thought he was just a bit unintentionally smarmy which is unfortunate but forgivable.

Nowadays I have a healthy distain for Horner and Marko which I suspect will stay with me.

Max is growing on me lately. I feel like he’s seen Horner and built a healthy distance from him. Let’s see if he has left his red mist years behind him.

This week I be mostly a happy McLaren fan… Because when I started watching, I wanted someone to topple Schumacher / Ferrari…


1,589 posts

53 months

Thursday 9th May
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Hustle_ said:
I get taken to be a Hamilton fan on here because of my dislike for Red Bull and Verstappen hehe

I remember when Red Bull were an exciting young team. Their ascension was immense.

I liked Sebastian Vettel, even in the finger era, but at a certain point ended up hoping that somebody would knock Red Bull off the top spot because like all periods of dominance it ends up getting boring and the sport suffers.

For the same reason I was actively rooting for someone to knock Mercedes off the top, and the nearest was Red Bull so I was rooting for them.

Soon after it happened I felt the remorse hehe

Until Christian Horner leant fully into his antagonist role for the television I thought he was just a bit unintentionally smarmy which is unfortunate but forgivable.

Nowadays I have a healthy distain for Horner and Marko which I suspect will stay with me.

Max is growing on me lately. I feel like he’s seen Horner and built a healthy distance from him. Let’s see if he has left his red mist years behind him.

This week I be mostly a happy McLaren fan… Because when I started watching, I wanted someone to topple Schumacher / Ferrari…
I agree with a lot of what you said. Early Max seems to have been massively influenced by Horner and Marko's attitude, arrogance and general dickishness towards everyone else. It really put me off him regardless of how good a driver he is.

But maybe this 'incident' will be the making of him as a person, has he started to mellow a bit? and like you said, distance himself from the dubious morals shown by Horner especially?

I hope so, in fact it really would be 'lovely' (max's phrase wink) to see him totally break away from the obviously toxic atmosphere of RB, go elsewhere and prove he can partially carry a team himself.


22,724 posts

69 months

Thursday 9th May
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nordboy said:
Hustle_ said:
I get taken to be a Hamilton fan on here because of my dislike for Red Bull and Verstappen hehe

I remember when Red Bull were an exciting young team. Their ascension was immense.

I liked Sebastian Vettel, even in the finger era, but at a certain point ended up hoping that somebody would knock Red Bull off the top spot because like all periods of dominance it ends up getting boring and the sport suffers.

For the same reason I was actively rooting for someone to knock Mercedes off the top, and the nearest was Red Bull so I was rooting for them.

Soon after it happened I felt the remorse hehe

Until Christian Horner leant fully into his antagonist role for the television I thought he was just a bit unintentionally smarmy which is unfortunate but forgivable.

Nowadays I have a healthy distain for Horner and Marko which I suspect will stay with me.

Max is growing on me lately. I feel like he’s seen Horner and built a healthy distance from him. Let’s see if he has left his red mist years behind him.

This week I be mostly a happy McLaren fan… Because when I started watching, I wanted someone to topple Schumacher / Ferrari…
I agree with a lot of what you said. Early Max seems to have been massively influenced by Horner and Marko's attitude, arrogance and general dickishness towards everyone else. It really put me off him regardless of how good a driver he is.

But maybe this 'incident' will be the making of him as a person, has he started to mellow a bit? and like you said, distance himself from the dubious morals shown by Horner especially?

I hope so, in fact it really would be 'lovely' (max's phrase wink) to see him totally break away from the obviously toxic atmosphere of RB, go elsewhere and prove he can partially carry a team himself.
I agree with all this too.

And to add Max's Dad, who whilst clearly a dedicated father, also not the finest influence in this day and age..

I'd love to see Max break away from all three, frankly outdated, father figures he's ended up with.

RE Horner, I too was irrecoverably fed up with the guy long before the recent dramas and long before they looked like a serious threat to Merc. I can't stand liars and disingenuous people, especially not if they're a publicity we that worms their way into every interview and 'live from pit wall' segment they can in order to spread their stchat as far as possible rolleyes


363 posts

119 months

Thursday 9th May
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I wish Toranaga could order Horner to commit seppuku, that will teach him


22,724 posts

69 months

Thursday 9th May
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tardelli said:
I wish Toranaga could order Horner to commit seppuku, that will teach him
He's an annoying turd of a man. Actual death is a bit much though...

I'd be okay if he simply pissed off into obscurity.


363 posts

119 months

Thursday 9th May
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TheDeuce said:
He's an annoying turd of a man. Actual death is a bit much though...

I'd be okay if he simply pissed off into obscurity.
Good point, even though he's an annoying wxxk

Plus I don't think he's that big on loyalty:-(

Jo's would love to be his 2nd.

Edited by tardelli on Thursday 9th May 11:17


395 posts

31 months

Saturday 25th May
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Sorry for resurrecting this thread but it made me smile today when Ted said "there's Christian checking his WhatsApp " in FP3......🤐