Perez, The Elephant in the Room??

Perez, The Elephant in the Room??



4,620 posts

24 months

Thursday 17th November 2022
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thegreenhell said:
“I knew he wasn’t going to give me space so I just went for it anyway and so we crashed”

hot metal

Original Poster:

1,955 posts

196 months

Thursday 17th November 2022
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Pflanzgarten said:
One of the Verstappens is shouting her mouth off on social media about checo cheating on his wife the night of the Monaco gp now.
That`s pretty low.


395 posts

31 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
I agree, this post sums it all up for IMHO


525 posts

271 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The only reason is driving has appeared more mature is due to him not having any close competition for half of the season, make it a close fight like last year and he'll behave/drive the way he always has.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 08:08


4,052 posts

78 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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cjm said:
patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The only reason is driving has appeared more mature is due to him not having any close competition for half of the season, make it a close fight like last year and he'll behave/drive the way he always has.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 08:08
To me, he seems to drive relatively well around those that he has raced with for years, such as Lehkhlercke. Around Lewis however, he is all at sea, desperate to prove the point that he is the better driver, and that affects his judgement.

It is the same as Schumi, who could race in incredibly close proximity with another competitor without any contact - the same way as Lewis does, but often chose to overstep the mark. Max does the same, but with less finesse (it seems very odd to describe st driving with levels of "finesse") and rather than setting up a well executed pass through three corners, he will go all route one, to either batter or cause Lewis to avoid his desperate battering attempts at every corner.

So, close racing between Lewis and Max in 2023 - if there is any - will see the carnage resume. He has no other answer to someone that races so well. My only problem with this is that, should Max decide to keep taking Lewis out, Russell will be picking up the points, which Max will not have a problem with if he has to choose between the two.

After witnessing his career and recent further development, I feel Max is a dark step up from Schumi - not good.

Edited by PhilAsia on Friday 18th November 09:00

Dynion Araf Uchaf

4,521 posts

226 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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what is it with the Dutch?
They seem to be miles behind when it comes to sportsmanship. It really reminds me of 1970's Britain. I don't think any of their fans from any of the major sports can be held as bastions of fair play and sportsmanship.


4,052 posts

78 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Dynion Araf Uchaf said:
what is it with the Dutch?
They seem to be miles behind when it comes to sportsmanship. It really reminds me of 1970's Britain. I don't think any of their fans from any of the major sports can be held as bastions of fair play and sportsmanship.
They are the tallest nation. Oxygen depravation? wink


525 posts

271 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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PhilAsia said:
cjm said:
patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The only reason is driving has appeared more mature is due to him not having any close competition for half of the season, make it a close fight like last year and he'll behave/drive the way he always has.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 08:08
To me, he seems to drive relatively well around those that he has raced with for years, such as Lehkhlercke. Around Lewis however, he is all at sea, desperate to prove the point that he is the better driver, and that affects his judgement.

It is the same as Schumi, who could race in incredibly close proximity with another competitor without any contact - the same way as Lewis does, but often chose to overstep the mark. Max does the same, but with less finesse (it seems very odd to describe st driving with levels of "finesse") and rather than setting up a well executed pass through three corners, he will go all route one, to either batter or cause Lewis to avoid his desperate battering attempts at every corner.

So, close racing between Lewis and Max in 2023 - if there is any - will see the carnage resume. He has no other answer to someone that races so well. My only problem with this is that, should Max decide to keep taking Lewis out, Russell will be picking up the points, which Max will not have a problem with if he has to choose between the two.

After witnessing his career and recent further development, I feel Max is a dark step up from Schumi - not good.

Edited by PhilAsia on Friday 18th November 09:00
The Perez situation is another example of Max only have one mode of flat out and win every corner, which can make great viewing and racing, but that does also cause issues for himself where he can't see the big picture or long game. He'd rather alienate and pis s off his team mate than give up a position/points that he doesn't need, and he'd rather crash going for a move rather than holding a no lose position.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 09:35


11,729 posts

283 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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PhilAsia said:
To me, he seems to drive relatively well around those that he has raced with for years, such as Lehkhlercke. Around Lewis however, he is all at sea, desperate to prove the point that he is the better driver, and that affects his judgement.

It is the same as Schumi, who could race in incredibly close proximity with another competitor without any contact - the same way as Lewis does, but often chose to overstep the mark. Max does the same, but with less finesse (it seems very odd to describe st driving with levels of "finesse") and rather than setting up a well executed pass through three corners, he will go all route one, to either batter or cause Lewis to avoid his desperate battering attempts at every corner.

So, close racing between Lewis and Max in 2023 - if there is any - will see the carnage resume. He has no other answer to someone that races so well. My only problem with this is that, should Max decide to keep taking Lewis out, Russell will be picking up the points, which Max will not have a problem with if he has to choose between the two.

After witnessing his career and recent further development, I feel Max is a dark step up from Schumi - not good.

Edited by PhilAsia on Friday 18th November 09:00
Excellent summary, thanks Phil.


12,943 posts

240 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Apparently it’s all fine now.
Max must have some dodgy info on Perez to keep him quiet lol.


4,479 posts

49 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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I think part of the fallout from that race was the garbage move on Lewis he did, remind you of the Ocon move anyone, some people respect him some people have no respect for him whatsoever, that is the price you pay for being a spoilt brat


638 posts

208 months

Friday 18th November 2022
quotequote all
cjm said:
patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The only reason is driving has appeared more mature is due to him not having any close competition for half of the season, make it a close fight like last year and he'll behave/drive the way he always has.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 08:08
Let's be clear most of his overtaking was done on the straight due to the massive top speed advantage his car gave him!!
He came of second best early on to Charles and even Sergio was giving him a run for his money until the car development swung in his favour!!
He knows in a fair fight Lewis has him beat and if he is silly enough next year to drive the same way other drivers will be there to pick up the pieces!
His rise to fame thru Karting was achieved with the very best equipment CRG could provide him with and Jos would turn up with a van full of the fastest engines from TM.
Also he missed out on a normal childhood and thus maybe a proper gounding for adult life.


5,782 posts

207 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Dunit said:
cjm said:
patmahe said:
The below comes from someone who loves to watch Max drive and someone who has been a fan but lost considerable respect for him last weekend.

To be honest whether Checo spun intentionally or not Max's decision last weekend was unsporting at best and idiotic at worst, do we think we'll see Checo 'being a legend' for Max next year? I think we'll see him hold the door open a bit more readily if the opportunity arises. Max remembers the one 'alleged' slight and not the multiple times Checo helped him or was the buffer of another position between him and championship rivals.

Driving has been a lot more mature this year but Max is showing he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The only reason is driving has appeared more mature is due to him not having any close competition for half of the season, make it a close fight like last year and he'll behave/drive the way he always has.

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 08:08
Let's be clear most of his overtaking was done on the straight due to the massive top speed advantage his car gave him!!
He came of second best early on to Charles and even Sergio was giving him a run for his money until the car development swung in his favour!!
He knows in a fair fight Lewis has him beat and if he is silly enough next year to drive the same way other drivers will be there to pick up the pieces!
His rise to fame thru Karting was achieved with the very best equipment CRG could provide him with and Jos would turn up with a van full of the fastest engines from TM.
Also he missed out on a normal childhood and thus maybe a proper gounding for adult life.
Every F1 driver should maximise the advantages of their car and compensate for it's shortcomings where possible, Max still has to get himself into, through and out of a corner in such a way as to take complete advantage of his car's straight line ability so I wouldn't take anything away from him there, the boy can drive I don't think anyone looking at it objectively would argue that. The fact that he has found himself in the best car with a strong team around him is testament to that.

Where Max and so many champions before him fall down in our estimation is in their unerring belief that they are the chosen one and that the world should bend to their will and they cannot handle it when it doesn't. But perhaps this trait while unenviable to most people in normal society is exactly what makes them champion material in the first place and without this 'flaw' they would be nowhere near the heights they are at now.

I'm not defending what Max did, I didn't like it and given the same circumstances I wouldn't do what he did, but I'm normal. The more I watch F1 the more I'm convinced the most successful F1 drivers aren't normal and it's that ruthless streak and self belief that gives them that final 1% over their rivals, does it make them nice people, no, but it makes them champions.


264 posts

147 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Perez has apologized for the things he said about Max after Brazil. I think we can all agree he went a little too far there…


5,503 posts

193 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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I think more like red bull have told perez max is the golden boy and if he wants to continue driving for them to shut up and be Max’s bh!

Not a max fan at all I don’t think he’s a very good racer! He proves that when the going gets tough he’s shouting at everyone or crashing his way past Lewis!

He can’t race Lewis as he knows Lewis is a much better polished racer

Personally think he needs a race ban for basically admitting to taking Lewis out maybe that would calm him down! But the fia seem to be staying quiet on his behaviour


525 posts

271 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Max has a strop and ignores team orders and Perez has to apologize rofl

'Verstappen has since made it clear that there was no discussion about team orders until the last lap of the race. Perez agreed that a lack of clarity within the camp had complicated matters'

Apart from when Perez was asked to let Max through and it didn't seem too complicated then...

Edited by cjm on Friday 18th November 12:52


19,353 posts

276 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Genius move by RB. Now they can reference Brazil only by saying "Sergio has appologised. We owe it to him to leave it and move on..."


4,052 posts

78 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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MustangGT said:
PhilAsia said:
To me, he seems to drive relatively well around those that he has raced with for years, such as Lehkhlercke. Around Lewis however, he is all at sea, desperate to prove the point that he is the better driver, and that affects his judgement.

It is the same as Schumi, who could race in incredibly close proximity with another competitor without any contact - the same way as Lewis does, but often chose to overstep the mark. Max does the same, but with less finesse (it seems very odd to describe st driving with levels of "finesse") and rather than setting up a well executed pass through three corners, he will go all route one, to either batter or cause Lewis to avoid his desperate battering attempts at every corner.

So, close racing between Lewis and Max in 2023 - if there is any - will see the carnage resume. He has no other answer to someone that races so well. My only problem with this is that, should Max decide to keep taking Lewis out, Russell will be picking up the points, which Max will not have a problem with if he has to choose between the two.

After witnessing his career and recent further development, I feel Max is a dark step up from Schumi - not good.

Edited by PhilAsia on Friday 18th November 09:00
Excellent summary, thanks Phil.


5,681 posts

210 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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Dunit said:
His rise to fame thru Karting was achieved with the very best equipment CRG could provide him with and Jos would turn up with a van full of the fastest engines from TM.
I don't recall anyone getting to the top in Karting without the best equipment


9,067 posts

165 months

Friday 18th November 2022
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freedman said:
Dunit said:
His rise to fame thru Karting was achieved with the very best equipment CRG could provide him with and Jos would turn up with a van full of the fastest engines from TM.
I don't recall anyone getting to the top in Karting without the best equipment
Why do you think ex race winning cars are always sold as rolling chassis!