Croft has to go

Croft has to go



6,469 posts

113 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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ch37 said:
Adrian W said:
Oh wow. Well deserved, he's the best in the business, amazed Sky didn't snap him up. I'd be genuinely ok with going to highlights only just for this next season.
Agreed - Jacques has been excellent on F2/F3 commentary - now if C4 could only snap up Alex Brundle to go with him, that would be entertaining vs Sky team.


4,180 posts

86 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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JonChalk said:
ch37 said:
Adrian W said:
Oh wow. Well deserved, he's the best in the business, amazed Sky didn't snap him up. I'd be genuinely ok with going to highlights only just for this next season.
Agreed - Jacques has been excellent on F2/F3 commentary - now if C4 could only snap up Alex Brundle to go with him, that would be entertaining vs Sky team.
Bit dissapointed as I at first thought it was the man that spoke in the incredibly french accent. But its just some bloke. Harmless enough I guess.


6,178 posts

67 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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ch37 said:
Adrian W said:
Oh wow. Well deserved, he's the best in the business, amazed Sky didn't snap him up. I'd be genuinely ok with going to highlights only just for this next season.
Great move by Ch4/Whisper. I'll bet there were one or two people nervous about the prospect of a Sky/Ch4 swap when Edwards announced he was stepping back.

Well, they needn't have worried - Whisper continue to value the quality of their output and once again show how they are determined to maintain it while positioning themselves to step into the breach when Sky's contract ends (or Sky decide to cut their costs and sub-out the production work).


6,272 posts

198 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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I suspect one recurring problem that TV Cos make is assuming that a good radio commentator will also make a good TV commentator.

On radio the commentator needs to paint the picture and express the excitement of the event. No listener can pick them up for being wrong, as they know no better.

On TV, the viewer has a pretty good idea what is going on, so the commentary needs to be different. You can’t say Max’s Red Bull, if the number and helmet are telling the viewer its actually Alex and so on. You can’t go crazy when a following car pops out of the slipstream, because most viewers know that passing is actually a rare event.

I like the Rugby commentaries of Eddie Butler and Brian Moore. There are 30 guys on the pitch, often with foreign names, and a very complicated set of rules that change year-on-year and so need explanation. Despite having the occasional argy-bargy, the two guys work very well together, informing the viewer about the stuff that might not be immediately obvious. They very rarely get overexcited.

That approach is all that is required for F1. Make simple comments, but above all be accurate. If the race is quiet, then relax and take stock of what has happened, limit the conjecture of what might happen before the end of the race. It just makes you look a bigger chump, when it does not.


686 posts

163 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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Croft err What is this err thing about err saying err every errther sentence (and sometimes err more than err one err time per err sentence?

The guy drives me nuts with his inane rambling and affected err clichés. Sky, get rid of err him!


18,986 posts

198 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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One thing I did notice when watching an f1 clip on YouTube by sky or F1 proper (can’t remember) is they appeared to have changed the sound quality deliberately to somehow enhance or clarify his voice?! As it sounded unnatural like they had messed around with the levels in some way.

It made it more horrible to listen to. Anyone else confirm or is it my imagination?


1,144 posts

138 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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Does anyone else watch the race live on Sky Sports to find out the result, then watch the highlights on Ch4 later?

I think DC provides some better insight about what actually goes on in a race, and even though they use the same broadcast images of the race the overall coverage is better.

Crofty's voice has put me off watching any highlight reels on YouTube by the official F1 page - they just sound like collections of a deranged man ranting. The Sky coverage is sold to both US and Australian markets (and probably others too), so I can only assume they're trying to cater for the US audience.


4,180 posts

86 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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You try to stay out of it but...
Crofty telling brundle to hijack the camera boom and try and operate it.


6,469 posts

113 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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Fundoreen said:
You try to stay out of it but...
Crofty telling brundle to hijack the camera boom and try and operate it.
Anything for base-level amusement of Crofty at other's discomfort seems fair game.

Gary C

12,799 posts

182 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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JmatthewB said:
"a day late and a dollar short"
"ambition over adhesion"
"Hug the apex like it is your favourite granny"

Just speed read that and misread Hug as Hump

eeeek !


10,973 posts

193 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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JonChalk said:
Fundoreen said:
You try to stay out of it but...
Crofty telling brundle to hijack the camera boom and try and operate it.
Anything for base-level amusement of Crofty at other's discomfort seems fair game.
I'm starting to have some very dark thoughts about this man. He's been spectacularly irritating this morning.


24,656 posts

116 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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Smollet said:
I'm starting to have some very dark thoughts about this man. He's been spectacularly irritating this morning.
He's actually caused me to stop watching all practice sessions, and quali and the race are watched with liberal use of the mute button. It's really, really frustrating.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

70 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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He just attributed latifis lap time to kmag. "And it's a 1.30.7 for the hass driver." Can't even read out what's on the screen in front of him.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,227 posts

231 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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Sound went off when he started talking some rubbish about cricket


57 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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I think it’s the terrible, terrible “jokes” he tells that are the worst. Otmar not responding to his curry joke was exactly what it deserved.


10,973 posts

193 months

Saturday 28th November 2020
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Adrian W said:
Sound went off when he started talking some rubbish about cricket
He was referring to a great effort by Bairstow yesterday. In his defence they do discuss other sports especially football so I’d hardly call it rubbish.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,227 posts

231 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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fking ell, in what universe will the Ferrari manager be happy and purring oboist his car loosing two
Places, you must be on drugs


2,402 posts

178 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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I've heard him point out the bloody obvious on many an occasion but pointing out that the Haas car will need a new chassis takes top prize for me. No st Sherlock!!


2,017 posts

187 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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he did make me laugh with
Guenther swearer tho!

Edited by V40TC on Sunday 29th November 20:36


9,293 posts

261 months

Sunday 29th November 2020
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"Yes, he was clearly talking about Austria" twice.

Followed by "Now this is the incident he was talking about, when Leclerc overtook him"