Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Mr Dendrite

2,329 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Stan the Bat said:
Is Legard free ?
eek Don’t even joke.... it’s like saying Beetlejuice, strike one


16,067 posts

222 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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I can easily foresee C4 taking the Sky commentary. They already use Sky interviews.


4,899 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Mr Dendrite said:
Stan the Bat said:
Is Legard free ?
eek Don’t even joke.... it’s like saying Beetlejuice, strike one
Has battle been joined...?


9,326 posts

148 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Ben Edwards and Brundle at Sky would be good I think, as long as Sky production doesn't impose daft commentary rules on him. I suspect, but don't know, that Croft is partly the way he is for that reason.


22,869 posts

69 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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tobinen said:
Ben Edwards and Brundle at Sky would be good I think, as long as Sky production doesn't impose daft commentary rules on him. I suspect, but don't know, that Croft is partly the way he is for that reason.
I think that's probably part of it. Croft seems hell bent on talking about whatever the rest of sky's F1 agenda has been that weekend, no matter how awkwardly he has to bend the conversation to get to that subject.

Crofts contract: talk about what we say and you can work for sky.

Brundles contract: I'll work for sky so long as I can say what I wish.

But from day one, even without such 'guidance', croft was always a bit of a pillock.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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TheDeuce said:
I think that's probably part of it. Croft seems hell bent on talking about whatever the rest of sky's F1 agenda has been that weekend, no matter how awkwardly he has to bend the conversation to get to that subject.

Crofts contract: talk about what we say and you can work for sky.

Brundles contract: I'll work for sky so long as I can say what I wish.

But from day one, even without such 'guidance', croft was always a bit of a pillock.
Brundle does toe the line, have you ever heard him complain about the FIA or Liberty or any of the organisers , he tends to say nothing, maybe the pauses are telling


24,459 posts

116 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Adrian W said:
Brundle does toe the line, have you ever heard him complain about the FIA or Liberty or any of the organisers , he tends to say nothing, maybe the pauses are telling
I think years ago he went over the line and received a serious bking. Can't remember whether it was Mosely or Ecclestone who administered it. Moseley, I think.

Edited by paulguitar on Thursday 12th November 22:46


22,869 posts

69 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Adrian W said:
TheDeuce said:
I think that's probably part of it. Croft seems hell bent on talking about whatever the rest of sky's F1 agenda has been that weekend, no matter how awkwardly he has to bend the conversation to get to that subject.

Crofts contract: talk about what we say and you can work for sky.

Brundles contract: I'll work for sky so long as I can say what I wish.

But from day one, even without such 'guidance', croft was always a bit of a pillock.
Brundle does toe the line, have you ever heard him complain about the FIA or Liberty or any of the organisers , he tends to say nothing, maybe the pauses are telling
He says a lot in the pauses granted. There probably are explicit boundaries in his contract across certain areas - and even if not, what sort of tool goes on TV and slags off the one paying their wages? (Alonso, sometimes - granted).

I don't agree he toe's the line though. He often speaks critically about the sport or decisions made during a weekend. Just this year during pre-season testing there was a little comment by another member of the Sky team about Ferrari having to deal with the CV lockdown in Italy and out of nowhere Brundle unleashed his prediction that it was inevitable the season would be torn to pieces by CV as it wasn't going to politely stop in Italy. He actually said that most of the calendar was going to be in jeopardy one way or another and that the season could fail to start altogether. Obviously he was right.. But that's hardly a message Liberty or Sky would wish him to send out as they begin a new seasons coverage! He's also bumped heads regarding driver safety over the years and endlessly asked BE some very awkward questions and stood there smugly as he's squirmed! His worth seems to be that he's able to say what he thinks - and as such it remains unchallenged by the powers that be.

The funny thing is, outfits such as F1/Sky cling to people with such gravitas as Brundle and would hate to lose them. But then when they leave and they need a replacement, they seek someone that they can closer control. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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FO1 and he’s off, talking rubbish about making the track more slippery


737 posts

112 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Adrian W said:
FO1 and he’s off, talking rubbish about making the track more slippery
TBF to him, I think it was Karun who started that conversation

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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chml said:
TBF to him, I think it was Karun who started that conversation
Accepted, but once Croft had started he was going on and on and on and and


4,479 posts

49 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Thing is, you all keep watching it, has anyone though of complaining or maybe hehe, not watching it!


24,459 posts

116 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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LukeBrown66 said:
Thing is, you all keep watching it, has anyone though of complaining or maybe hehe, not watching it!
I watch it with the sound off.


6,269 posts

198 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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chml said:
Adrian W said:
FO1 and he’s off, talking rubbish about making the track more slippery
TBF to him, I think it was Karun who started that conversation
Again, it just makes me think that the SKY production team want this crap. If they did not they could quickly shut it down.

Presumably someone in their team sees the comment on mumsnet and they just have to give it an airing.

Meanwhile 3-hours of practice has passed them buy and the poor viewer has no idea of comparative performance, other than FTD.


14 posts

121 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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tobinen said:
Ben Edwards and Brundle at Sky would be good I think, as long as Sky production doesn't impose daft commentary rules on him. I suspect, but don't know, that Croft is partly the way he is for that reason.
Croft was loud, crass and hysterical during his stint at 5Live long before before defecting to Sky. Their coverage became unbearable. Awful. One day I just had enough and switched off for good.


52,059 posts

287 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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All through FP3 Crofty is saying, "Oh we love this, let's get Bernie's rain sprays at every track, oh I love the rain, oh let's resurface every track, yesterday he was banging on about spraying tracks with cooking oil and honey... etc." Now he's say it's not drivable. What an contrary fool... hehe


18,936 posts

198 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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I was watching this video of Aryton Senna opening lap and noticed one of the comments: "Great! No music, no comments, no galvão bueno screaming! Just the engine roaring!"

I googled galvão bueno wondering what it was, turns out it is a Brazilian presenter much like Crofty, who shouts a lot! So we're not the only ones with a problem haha

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

70 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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paulguitar said:
Adrian W said:
Brundle does toe the line, have you ever heard him complain about the FIA or Liberty or any of the organisers , he tends to say nothing, maybe the pauses are telling
I think years ago he went over the line and received a serious bking. Can't remember whether it was Mosely or Ecclestone who administered it. Moseley, I think.

Edited by paulguitar on Thursday 12th November 22:46
spanky tried to revoke / block renewal of his paddock pass IIRC, after he described events as a "witchhunt against McLaren"


17,502 posts

282 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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You could almost hear Brundle restraining himself over the Ferrari (where has all the performance come from and then gone) debacle.
Although they may try to appear journalistic sometimes, Sky are most certainly not, and avoid the elephant in the room a lot of the time.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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I can’t believe Croft just asked Brundle why the track is so difficult have talked about nothing else yesterday and today.