Max Verstappen



Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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NRS said:
Or driving style. Otherwise presumably Max is just doing better than Gasly due to setup too?
It was mentioned before that Gasly's set up causes issues with tyres.

Austria springs to mind. I am sure he had a bad cut during the first stint but I can't 100% confirm.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 7th December 2019
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Mr_Thyroid said:
DeltonaS said:
O yes, forgot about that one, J.Palmer says Max was better than Lewis this season.

"Jolyon Palmer column: Max Verstappen edges it over Lewis Hamilton"
I agree with Andrew Benson on this one - he said Hamilton and Verstappen were very close for best driver but Hamilton edges it because of Verstappen petulantly throwing away what, almost certainly, would have been a win in Mexico.
That’s just a convenient reason for him to give it to Hamilton

He’s not ‘Brown-nose Benson’ for no reason.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 7th January 2020
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Bo_apex said:
Exige77 said:
So not going to Mercedes or the Red team for a few years then.
Probably not.

But good for the sport if he remains in the 3rd best car for a while.
It’ll be a lot better if he's in an equal first best car.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 21st April 2021
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Mr_Thyroid said:
VladD said:

In retrospect, because it's always easy after the fact, he should have floored it and then could have given the place back later if ordered to by the stewards.

Also, I don't know what the rules are if Max had spun 180 but remained on track. Would everybody have to stop and wait for him to get going again? I wouldn't have though so, I'd imagine you're allowed to pass another car if it's in distress.

Edited by VladD on Tuesday 20th April 15:31
Leclerc was having radio issues and didn't find out it was a rolling start until late in the lap. At this point he may well have still been under the impression they were heading for a standing start in which case Verstappen would've been able to regain his position unless he went all the way to the back.
I think when asked Masi said because it was effectively the parade lap, had Verstappen been passed, he would have been able to reclaim the position so long as it was before the safety car line.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Show me a world champion who isn't unhappy at being stuck in 7th place with no chance of overtaking, in a car possibly the fastest on track (once the tyres were in the proper operating window).


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 28th June 2021
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Once Hamilton retires is Max just going to win every single season from that point on? He is still only 23, it is entirely possible he could beat Hamilton's records once he has retired.

Max just seems to be on a different level to all the other drivers.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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I would say Verstappen is missing sportmanship as a quality, he might have talent but just seems be nasty as well. The current series of incidents with Hamilton to me anyway shows a willingness to knock the other guy off the track if he dares challenge or gets in the way.

Not someone I can support but the other guy would probably get a cheer if they take Verstappen with them when Verstappen knocks them off the track.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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TheDeuce said:
Oilchange said:
I'm beginning to think Verstappen needs a wake up call, not like Silverstone, a proper 'oh my god I nearly died' moment. Or he will carry on being the mindless he is.
Or just the sport to penalise him for doing stuff that could kill him, ahead of it actually killing him? That could be a plan too smile

The grid drop penalty for his willingness to crash last outing was insufficient imo, and obviously pointless as he has an engine penalty to take anyway. The penalty needs to be genuine deterrent - I'd rather that than wait around until he eventually learns by seriously hurting himself.
More to the point hurting someone else through his actions, if he hurts himself as a result of his actions that is his choice and his risk. Not fair to do that to others.

I suspect the owners of F1 are also sitting back thinking this is good for viewing figures but someone will end up paying a very high or the ultimate price for it.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 10th December 2021
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exelero said:
Let’s not forget ever that this is the new generation vs the old one. Everyone else on the grid can race as hard as max, but we have to watch for our elders still.
I’m a die hard Ferrari fan, but when Schumi won everything I was so bored I didn’t watch it for like 2 years. Even though it was my guy winning I was waiting for another one to come and beat him (thanks Alonso). Therefore I can’t understand people who still want Hamilton to win? Why? Did he not win enough already? And no, I don’t hate the brits- look I love Norris and Russell but, I just dislike Mr Victim more and more …
What Max is doing is not motor racing, Brundle just said that in the Sky warm up to first practice.

Max is incapable of racing cleanly, i watch racing to see a skilled driver race cleanly against other clean drivers, not one bloke who thinks the rules dont apply to him and is prepared to crash out an opponent if its to their advantage.

I couldn't support Schumacher for the same reason, despite Michael being far cleaner than Max in the majority of his career.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 11th December 2021
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S600BSB said:
After everything that has been said and written, Max demonstrated today that he is a supreme racer.
No he didn't. He demonstrated he is very quick on a clear lap with no racing involved. That's never been in dispute with Max.

Being a racer is about how you drive in a competition against another driver. So far throughout his career he has illustrated he is a dirty racer when trying to beat someone faster/equal on pace.

Lets see what tomorrow brings. I hope he can race cleanly for once.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 13th December 2021
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Gary C said:
Certainly puts to bed once and for all, the myth that the WCC is more important to a team than the WDC smile
Depends how you read into the response. If sporting integrity is the basis of your participation, you would be extremely upset by what just happened.

Mercedes would have been happy for Max to win if the competition was not manipulated the way it was, they could then celebrate their WCC. That's now out of the window, they were not only robbed of a fair result today, they also lost the opportunity to celebrate their season win in the constructors championship.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 14th December 2021
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Max can't race cleanly, it's not in his skill set. He'll need that bashing into him by the other drivers.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 14th December 2021
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Schermerhorn said:

He is just getting started.
Exactly, on the team radio at the end of the race he said "I hope we can do this for another ten or fifteen years"

Once Lewis retires, who else is even going to be close? Unless Max has the same Ability as Alonso to drive for teams at the worst possible time I think he will easily get more championships than Lewis.

Look at his results this season, basically the only races he didn't get first or second were

1)Azerbaijan - He had a tyre failure whilst he was in the lead
2)Silverstone - He was taken out in the incident with Lewis
3)Hungary - 9th after suffering heavy damage after a multi car collision at the start of the race.
4)Italy - Where he and Hamilton collided and neither finished

In 7 Races he finished 2nd behind Lewis, and he won ten races. If this was a season without Lewis he would have won 17 of the 22 races.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 15th December 2021
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C70R said:

Anyone thinking that chucking it down the inside and staying on the track is in some way "unfair" or "illegal" is probably watching the wrong sport.

Lewis left the door wide open, Max braked later, Max walked through it and still made the corner.

I still can't quite fathom why someone of Lewis's obvious intelligence and racecraft hasn't spotted Max's overtaking and defensive strategy.

He very rarely passes or defends on the outside - instead hugging the inside and making sure he brakes later, which can lead to the other car needing to leave the track.

Nothing illegal about that at all, until he makes avoidable contact or leaves the track himself. His judgement is often excellent in this regard, but occasionally he gets it wrong.

That's racing, folks.
It's not according to the rules as written. See the penalty applied multiple times since the rule to leave a car width was introduced.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 15th December 2021
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HustleRussell said:
Hamilton could've defended. He didn't think Verstappen could launch a move from as far back as he was but he could and he did. Nay even the tiniest of lockups. Max is a fking good driver. The criticism for max is misplaced IMO. Braking late is a major component of race driving skill. We thought Hamilton or Ricciardo were the king of it, but Max has made the rest of the grid look a bit silly on the brakes on a few occasions this season.

Was it the Max sledgehammer approach when he drove clean around the outside of Ricciardo at a wet Brazil a few years ago?
Any driver can brake late and run wide, that's easy, the skill comes from racing within the rules, Max is capable of doing that, but chooses not to.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 27th December 2021
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ddom said:
As can be seen as you are all here trying to discredit MV, or his family, or Red Bull.
They do a fine enough job of that all on their own, what with multiple appearances and subsequent convictions in court for violent crime and using their cars as weapons.

Even you knew what you saw at the end of that last race, shame you are now just on a constant troll, rather than showing any interest in the sporting challenge motorsport is supposed to be.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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deadslow said:
Hamilton was beaten.
By a corrupt or incompetent FIA official. Max almost managed it, but despite his dirty driving and breaking of the rules, and his car advantage, he still failed to do it.

deadslow said:
Wolff's mind was destroyed.
Anyone who understands and has been involved in this sport as a participant or fan had their mind destroyed by what happened in that last race at the end, it was a disgrace.

deadslow said:
Merc's sporting reputation is trashed.
Mercedes won the constructors championship, despite having a rules change that impacted them significantly and gave Red Bull a head start for the season. The way they came back at the end and won the constructors championship and under the rules also won the drivers championship did nothing but enhance their sporting reputation. If Bottas was not putting in such poor drives at times, they would have won it by a much larger points gap.

deadslow said:
The fans just can't accept it.
Of course they cant, and they shouldn't. It is important that every single fan of the sport including those who support Max put pressure on the new head of the FIA to make sure what we saw in the last race never happens again. I am waiting to see what comes of the FIA investigation into this and whether this is yet another farce of an FIA process, or the new guy does something to change the culture.

If Masi is still in post for the first race, that will be an indication of a whitewash, he has been a disaster ever since he was appointed, his actions in that last race was what i feared he would do, he is either corrupt or incompetent, either way he has to go.

It's been quite interesting watching the replies to any tweet F1 are posting, it's a massive pile on from the fans, not just Lewis fans, this has been going on ever since that farce of a championship decider and doesn't appear to be going away.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 29th December 2021
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thiscocks said:
I don't like whataboutery but if Hamilton hadn't benefited from the safety car in Imola then they wouldn't have been equal on points.
The stewards weren't involved in that and the rules were followed by the race director in the procedures used. That is all part of normal racing under the rules.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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How many PC's before the threatens to head butt someone? laugh


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 6th June 2023
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Max will end up topping almost every table be it pole position, race wins or championships before he is finished. We’re just at that stage where he’s the fastest guy in the fastest car. No one can touch the current combination and that’s life.

As others have said, he is undoubtedly fast, that Monaco pole lap was incredible but he is extremely hard to like as a person. He gets rattled way too easily and his antics at Brazil in 2021 and 2022 were just not acceptable as a champion elect and then reigning champion.

Horner showed his true colours in 2021 when Mercedes launched the crazy side pod car, his first comment was to launch a protest until the car turned out to be st and he quietly dropped talk of a protest and engaged smug mode. But he had the public tantrum first. I don’t class him as a racer really either, he was found out in F3 but still got a F3000 drive because he had a budget but didn’t trouble the podium on a single occasion.