Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

70 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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We need to find out who does the f1 covid tests, and pull some liam neeson blackmail and violence, we know where your family is sh!t on him unless he fails crofty for the rest of the season.

Note for mods: this - is - a - joke


22,751 posts

69 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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On the plus side, Croft is wrong about so much that I find myself watching each GP ever more closely so that I can figure out what is actually going on. The challenge is to block him out and spot his mistakes before he does smile

He was on fire today. I don't think there was a single significant development in the race that he didn't reformat and proclaim to be something else.


5,967 posts

144 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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swisstoni said:
Adrian W said:
Yes. Only 8 mins left of Q3.
I called to see my parents yesterday and my dad was watching qualifying.

My 76yo mother, who has only a passing interest in F1 (she loves bike racing!), was half watching too. She immediately picked up on Croft's stupidity with that screeching about Verstappen.

It beggars belief that an uninterested elderly lady seemingly had more of a grip on what was going on than the idiot Croft.

I honestly don't believe that TV companies realise just how divisive and detrimental it is to have moronic, annoying commentators.

It's not much better in MotoGP with Keith Heuwen destroying the coverage.


18,920 posts

198 months

Monday 12th October 2020
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iandc said:
At the end of Q3 he set an F1 record for loudest shouting.
This made me laugh - perhaps it’s sort of like his own qualifying! Each week he gets better & better!


6,266 posts

198 months

Monday 12th October 2020
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Gary C said:
He does seem to have got worse this year.

I disliked him in previous years for his lack of understanding and inability to listen to others (his wish to get rid of blue flags for example) but recognised that a commentary, like film background music can add to the event.

But recently he is becoming more like Legard, desperately shouty and annoying.

Wonder if Brundle is disengaging and he is feeling the pressure.
Over the weekend, SKY played a clip of the 1998 Spa GP which started with a huge pile up. Murray was doing the commentary and was calm and precise with what had happened. Conversely Croft reading out the grid sounds excited and shouty.

During FP3 he seemed relatively relaxed apart from making the odd really dumb statement to exasperate Nico and DibResta. I often get the feeling that he is doing his master’s bidding. SKY just have to hype up everything that they do.

Yesterday’s biggest gaff was his inability to understand that Perez was closing down Danny Ricc quite quickly and that there was about to be a race at the end (pre-safety car). Martin sounded quite exasperated when he corrected Croft.


6,266 posts

198 months

Monday 12th October 2020
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Another repetitive gaff that he uses is “the DRS is wide-open”

No it is not, it is simply open - to the prescribed limits of the FIA regs.

For much of a GP there is not a lot going on, he just needs to pause, read the facts and present them at a speed and volume level that the audience might need.

Seriously, my wife can read the race better than him. She can keep track of the tyres that all the contenders are on, if they have pitted and what the gaps are and if the are increasing, or closing.

Derek Smith

45,975 posts

251 months

Monday 12th October 2020
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I watch on NowTV and listen to Radio 5 Live. I also have F1.feed's lap timing.

It's a great setup, the only problem being delay. The first intimation of something is happening comes on F1.feed, and then, a few seconds later, it is mentioned on Radio 5, and finally, after a shorter gap, it is seen on TV.

I like the R5L commentry. The team sometimes get excited, but it is always because something exciting's happening. There's the occasional error, which is corrected, normally by the other commentator, and things go on.

If, for any reason, I'm not watcing live, I will get as much enjoyment from R5L and F1.feed.


6,091 posts

206 months

Monday 12th October 2020
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One thing that did make me laugh was his ramblings when the saftey car had gone in. You can hear Martin simply say "He's gone" whilst Croft is still talking st about cars catching up to the pack.

He must then have noticed Hamilton going quickly into the last corner and switched to "AND LEWIS IS OFF" mode. Think my wife even commented about Martin saying that 10 seconds ago.


36,740 posts

227 months

Tuesday 13th October 2020
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I still don't have any major gripe against him. Its a good balance with Brundle who is calm knowledgeable and technical, and Croft who gets a bit excited.

I would rather have a commentator who gets a tad excited than just a boring description of the race - watch some of the coverage of lesser race series and you will see what I mean.

I can't get my head around why they have Di Resta or Herbert, they really don't seem to add much


24,434 posts

116 months

Tuesday 13th October 2020
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jsf said:
Croft not only shouts too much, he doesn’t understand what he is watching so shouts complete bks, it's really anoying.
That's the crux of it really. It might just be possible to tolerate his yelling if he knew his stuff. The trouble is, he is clueless, frequently wrong, can't read a race or even a corner, and never listens to anyone around him.


3,737 posts

209 months

Tuesday 13th October 2020
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jsf said:
Croft, Di Resta and Herbert are all useless.
Croft not only shouts too much, he doesn’t understand what he is watching so shouts complete bks, it's really anoying.
I guess Sky having the monopoly on live coverage just don't care. Di Resta's "Merceedies" pronunciation is also bloody annoying. A bunch of monkeys could probably do a better job.


5,269 posts

238 months

Tuesday 13th October 2020
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Well I don't have sky so I watch it on CH4. Don't worry guys, things are no better there with Ben Edwards.
It makes me die a little inside when after leading the race comfortably for the last half hour, he starts literally screaming when Lewis takes the flag. Yes we know Ben, we're watching the same screen. It's not exactly a sudden surprise, instead it's completely fake emotion or excitement at a moment that in itself is entirely predictable.


18,920 posts

198 months

Tuesday 13th October 2020
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I agree that is the worst bit. It is so transparently fake it’s embarrassing. Why can’t presenters be sincere?


2,490 posts

169 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Di Resta obviously knows his subject but is frequently unable to articulate himself.

Herbert has the sense of humour of a 13 year old boy.

Lazenby is a complete berk. Bangs on about "unity of message" when half the grid are on their knees, then describes a female engineer as "the lovely Miss...".

Karun Chandok is ace.

Rosberg was awful, then brilliant, but is now trying to be Eddie Jordan.

Ant Davidson is great.


1,315 posts

252 months

Friday 16th October 2020
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I pleased to see this topic raised. The man is a fool, sky coverage is just news of the world stuff most of the time. Trying to turn a simple comment into a massive story.

One thing that really gets me with this fool is he introduces everyone buy their first and last name, over to you Martin Brundle ... down to Ted Kravitz.

Anthony D is excellent as is Kuran.


1,304 posts

127 months

Friday 16th October 2020
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My theory is he knows that the highlights package which will be used for youtube and drive to survive is from Sky.

He also knows that, the parts of the races that are most likely to be in the highlights are: the end of Quali, the start and end of the race and any accident or DRS overtake. Knowing this, he just SHOUTS at that moment in time so when the highlights are being made, its'/he has got the sound bite. Would also make sense as to why he is more bearable during practice, as it is less likely to be used in any highlight package.

I cannot watch any of the official F1 highlights as it now just consists of his shouting at everything, anyone else notice that whenever there is some incident, no matter how small, croft starts screaming "AND HE'S HAD A MASSIVE CRASH!!!"

Also, I can't be the only one who's noticed that the F1 highlights on YouTube at least have fake sounds added in? You know those Hollywood crash sound effects that Drive to Survive use? You can hear them now being used in the youtube highlights.

Edited by confucuis on Friday 16th October 21:56


411 posts

174 months

Tuesday 20th October 2020
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This morning I watched 'Green Hell'. My heart sank when I saw Crofty's name at the start as a commentator. Actually, he did not behave like he does at races. he was just normal, and therefore, much more acceptable. It showed that he can do it when he wants!

The film is good, by the way. I recommend it!


14 posts

121 months

Tuesday 20th October 2020
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I've just realised who this 'Crofty' is. He's the guy that made F1 on Radio 5live completely unbearable.

He utterly ruined their coverage and I switched off from F1 for good thanks to his inane hysterical rambling. I've never tuned in since but now I know he's gone I might start listening again smile

Do Sky have any F1 subscribers left?


9,322 posts

148 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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I have never disassociated him from the darts


13,917 posts

216 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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Haribo for breakfast shout