Croft has to go

Croft has to go



3,744 posts

209 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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Adrian W said:
why was he screaming into the microphone about Hamilton when everyone could see in the screen the Bottas was going faster, the big purple oblongs on the screen being the clue.
Because the man is an idiot! Never watches the obvious, never listens to his co-commentators and just likes screaming down the microphone. Never let the facts get in the way of a good shout!


5,783 posts

207 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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I've watched F1 for 25 years. Since it went to sky, I have watched the F1 highlights on C4. This season with the condensed races I paid for the sky coverage. Normally I give people leeway, but Croft has proven consistently egotistical, lacking knowledge, unable to follow live action on screen and worst of all he has been ridiculously loud.

I watch sky despite him, not because of him. It seems clear his co-commentators tolerate him rather than like him, when this season runs out I will happily cancel sky and return to Channel 4, the only thing the sky coverage has over C4 is that it's live, they clearly don't understand genuine F1 fans and what they want, if they did Croft would be gone.

Incidentally whoever did the post qualifying interviews in the paddock today did a great job, intelligent insightful questions from someone who clearly knew what she was talking about, proving it's not that hard to find someone knowledgeable who doesn't talk at 110 decibels all the time.


120 posts

173 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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I barely watch it due to him, does my head in

Especially when he states WE’VE GOT A RACE ON OUR HANDS HERE

no st...


9,844 posts

232 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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I don't mind a bit of 'animation' from the commentators but most people know the difference between a bit of excitement at key moments, and a near-constant barrage of noise that we get from Croft.
He may as well be shouting "Rhubarb!" continually for all the benefit his noise offers...

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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He does seem to have got worse this year.

I disliked him in previous years for his lack of understanding and inability to listen to others (his wish to get rid of blue flags for example) but recognised that a commentary, like film background music can add to the event.

But recently he is becoming more like Legard, desperately shouty and annoying.

Wonder if Brundle is disengaging and he is feeling the pressure.


2,402 posts

178 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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I'm starting to think Ted has been working with Crofty for too long.


4,062 posts

154 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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antspants said:
I'm starting to think Ted has been working with Crofty for too long.
To his credit, he was standing about 10m away from the cars doing full bore practice starts.

Drive Blind

5,129 posts

180 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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are those two old golf commentators still on the go ? The ones that would quietly whisper and chuckle their way through 12 hours of live golf.

get them in for one race?

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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He’s even shouting on the run up, it must be time to start a get rid of Croft petition, I wonder how many people would sign


15,025 posts

253 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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Teddy Lop said:
Who's driving bottas car?
Vettel apparently!


4,062 posts

154 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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Lap 4 we start getting the "gaining... gaining... gaining" oh wait he's no where near rolleyes


4,385 posts

236 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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It may bet there is nothing happening on track - but it does seem he has toned it down a bit?


24,871 posts

163 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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Speculating about why Albon stopped so early.

“Maybe he has a puncture from the gravel?”

When has that ever happened, useless , and how have you forgotten commentating on that massive lock up a few moments ago?


6,092 posts

206 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if one day we just hear a loud wet thump noise and Martin telling us that "crofty has a headache" maybe its just wishful speaking


6,469 posts

113 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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Daston said:
I wouldn't be at all surprised if one day we just hear a loud wet thump noise and Martin telling us that "crofty has a headache" maybe its just wishful speaking

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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fking hell Croft, Kravitz just explained it to what the sensor fault could do, he needn’t have bothered , listen to what people say to you, tosser


4,479 posts

49 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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Just stop watching it, or find a way to watch without the moronic imbecile.


6,092 posts

206 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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LukeBrown66 said:
Just stop watching it, or find a way to watch without the moronic imbecile.
Any tips that allows the pic and audio to sync with all the other sounds?


3,744 posts

209 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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In post race interview Lewis said he had a headache. Cue Shoutface to shout "Lewis obviously has Covid"!!


3,744 posts

209 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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JonChalk said:
Would be brilliant! Croft going down with a screaming "AAAAAAHHHH!"