Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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231 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Croft really doesn’t know anything, just said DRS will give Hamilton an extra 18 MPH……………… not here it won’t

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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What the fk is Croft on, Brundle goes to great length to explain car balance and says it is the most used word in the pits, and Croft replies “it’s used more than sorry” idiot!

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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davidd said:
You lot need some help getting this wound up about some bloke on the telly.

Just ignore him, listen to people making sense, Bernie, Martin, Ted whoever and tune Croft out.

But make sure you play ‘the old switcheroo’ bingo. I don’t think we had a winner last night.
People aren’t getting wound up by him, they just hope someone who cares at Sky reads this thread

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Friday 3rd November 2023
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So Russell needs to pull something out of the bag , as his teammate is faster, instantly Russel goes fastest, their is no way he was actually looking at the data, he was just making it up

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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Greg_B said:
Koln-RS said:
I agree, and can only assume he must be a bit ‘marmite’?

It’s an incredibly difficult job, commentating on a 200mph sport with 20 competitors, and then filling in for the dull periods - for more than 2hrs.
Of course he’s going to make mistakes or repeat phrases, but love his enthusiasm.

Interestingly, since this thread has been running, whenever I’ve been chatting with other people about F1 (armchair followers, serious enthusiasts, engineers and racers), I make a point of asking what they think of Crofty, and no one has ever given a particularly negative opinion, in fact most people seem to like him.

So, I can only assume, like marmite, he divides opinion, and this thread is populated by some people who clearly don’t like him, which is fine.

But many others, inc Sky, and their approval ratings, obviously do.
The absurdity you see here reminds me mostly of the abuse that Mike Brewer was and still is subjected to by a segment of people who are allegedly fans of his TV show, and blame him for all manner of things he has nothing to do with, and then degenerate into personal insults and abuse. I don’t understand it. Maybe it is a British thing? Regardless, it is unfortunate. Did Murray Walker have to put up with similar criticism? I don’t recall.
The obsurd thing is that Sky have a monopoly on broadcasting live Formula one on TV in the UK and they inflict a second rate commentator on us, and we have no legal choices

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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confucuis said:
I really dislike crofts commentary but I don't think people should be posting the very personal insults a good few on here have posted.

To answer some of the previous posts regarding Murray vs Croft. The major difference between Murray and Croft in my opinion is Murray made mistakes, Croft talks ste.

Perfect example today, first few laps Russell came on the radio saying lets work together, he won't attack Hamilton. To any more than casual viewer, the clear intent being work together so as to not slow fighting each other and instead catch the guys ahead. In Crofts world though, Russell was suggesting they work together to "protect Hamilton", which Croft then announced to the world.

That is 100% a categorically wrong conclusion. Yet here he is announcing it to the world as if it were gospel, and this isn't a once off thing, it's fkin constant. But to the casual viewer, who might not understand anything about race craft, or ever heard that term, his point sounds believable.

On Reddit people love Crofty, the F1 subreddit has 3.4 million followers (14 thousand on there live as I write this). We, his critics, are very much in the minority.
Is Reddit not the “new” F1 audience?

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Pueblo said:
At the time I knew no one who had a good word for Murray & had the internet been a thing he would no doubt had a lot of posters wishing he would be replaced.

Not as bad as good old Crofty, you know that lovable Crofty.
Not an expression you will ever hear

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Fred nipping the brakes and getting a puff of smoke, they showed it in very slow motion and Croft described it as a massive lock up

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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It’s 4000 days since Fred had a st

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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A bit off topic, surely advertising Johny walker in the Sky programme is the same as putting a sticker on one of the cars

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Greg_B said:
Whatever line of work you lot are currently in, I advise you to chuck it and immediately apply for positions as broadcast executives, since clearly you have deep knowledge of the talents required of on-air talent.
As most here have followed Formula One racing for a very long time unlike you , they do know exactly what it takes to be a good commentator and Croft hasn’t got it.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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EmailAddress said:
Gary C said:
Spevs said:
Nice to see Max put ShoutyTit in his place at the drivers press conference.
What did he say ?
Well done to him ,

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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I just saw the F1 show bit about the commentary box, as Croft can’t actually see the race and commentates from a monitor, it begs the question why is he there at all

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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You , the overtake Max Verstappen of Lewis Hamilton needed to win the 2921 world championship, a new low for twisting history

Adrian W

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14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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paulguitar said:
Greg_B said:
Adrian W said:
As most here have followed Formula One racing for a very long time unlike you , they do know exactly what it takes to be a good commentator and Croft hasn’t got it.
I’ve been watching F1 since the ‘70s, lad. I’ve seen many broadcasters and heard lots of bad commentary. What we are getting currently is excellent.
I'd love some of what you're drinking.
I’m really happy to be called lad

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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Megaflow said:
Greg_B said:
Adrian W said:
I just saw the F1 show bit about the commentary box, as Croft can’t actually see the race and commentates from a monitor, it begs the question why is he there at all
What would you have him do as an alternative, strap on a jet pack and fly around the track for 2 hours? You do realize, don’t you, that F1 racetracks are not visible from a single position? What a ridiculous statement.
I think the point Adrian was making is this clown could equally do the job remotely, rather than being part of the gravy train
They did a piece early in the weekend about the commentary box, Croft showed that he works from some data screens , some spreadsheets on the wall and a monitor showing what we see, he doesn’t see the race.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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520TORQUES said:
Adrian W said:
They did a piece early in the weekend about the commentary box, Croft showed that he works from some data screens , some spreadsheets on the wall and a monitor showing what we see, he doesn’t see the race.
He has to network darling.

-smile his fiancé works for Aston Martin, I suppose that networking

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Sunday 7th January
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nordboy said:
Scrump said:
Are andygo, nordboy and BVV going to become C4 F1 watchers and join us in moaning about Steve Jones?

Tbh, I'm not sure I'll watch any of the F1. Not sure I can stomach Jones or the two extremely biased Red Bull employees.
There are lots of people using VPNs and watching F1 TV

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Thursday 22nd February
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fking hell I've missed this, I hope it was enforced and not his choice, maybe someone at Sky F1 is listening

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,166 posts

231 months

Friday 23rd February
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Time4another said:
Bring back the excitable italian fella who used to do the F2 commentary wink
Davide Valsecchi