Croft has to go

Croft has to go



15,023 posts

217 months

Thursday 21st March
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Harry Flatters said:


Edited by Harry Flatters on Thursday 21st March 12:43
Mr Humphries, is that you? smile

Harry Flatters

162 posts

261 months

Thursday 21st March
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cuprabob said:
Harry Flatters said:


Edited by Harry Flatters on Thursday 21st March 12:43
Mr Humphries, is that you? smile
Might be hehe

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th March
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The old switcheroo down under...................... fk off

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th March
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If Sky have cut costs does that mean they will reduce prices?


3,744 posts

209 months

Sunday 24th March
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Adrian W said:
The old switcheroo down under...................... fk off
I do wish Sky would do a switcheroo on Croft. He never stops that inane gibberish he shouts!
BTW "Crofty" the engine on a F1 car is in the rear middle so smoke pouring from a rear wheel probably is not Max's new engine blowing up!!


23,465 posts

178 months

Sunday 24th March
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Croft yet again proved that he is never in doubt but rarely right, called engine as blown with Brundle trying to point out that it was the wheel smoking, he's almost always wrong.

Harry Flatters

162 posts

261 months

Sunday 24th March
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Adrian W said:
If Sky have cut costs does that mean they will reduce prices?
That'll be a 'NO'!

Price increase AGAIN in April. That's why I've just cancelled.


1,129 posts

100 months

Sunday 24th March
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Adrian W said:
The old switcheroo down under...................... fk off
I bet he secretly reads this thread and feels obliged to chuck a Switcheroo in at every race just to wind everyone up.


3,744 posts

209 months

Sunday 24th March
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2172cc said:
I bet he secretly reads this thread and feels obliged to chuck a Switcheroo in at every race just to wind everyone up.
He could stay at home on raceday and read the comments. No need to bother us all by going to a race to do a commentary!!


6,049 posts

96 months

Monday 25th March
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2172cc said:
I bet he secretly reads this thread and feels obliged to chuck a Switcheroo in at every race just to wind everyone up.
I do genuinely wonder if he does. I vaguely recall at some point last season he waffled on about how some people don't like it, some people like it, well he likes it, etc.

Harry Flatters

162 posts

261 months

Monday 25th March
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As if Croft's inept, shouty, name-dropping, statistical diarrhoea commentating style was not enough for me to cancel my Sky sub this month, just take a gander at the segment Sky released at last year's Australian GP, with him squeezed into an Ozzy V8 race suit, and being treated to a hot lap around the circuit.

It is, without question, Croft at his gibbering worst. The clip only lasts 6 mins, but I had to hit 'stop' halfway through the lap.

I had to stop because I had a lump in my throat - of impending vomit!!!!

Take a look if you dare!

Edited by Harry Flatters on Monday 25th March 09:59


1,185 posts

230 months

Monday 25th March
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I used to watch F1 on C4 Highlights.
Have stopped doing that now as I'm finding the whole MV thing a bit boring.
What I started to do is watch the edited highlights on Sky F1 website as it is condensed into about 15 minutes.. But my god that Crofty is simply a gobby buffoon who gets on my tits, thing I might have to give up altogether...


3,744 posts

209 months

Monday 25th March
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Harry Flatters said:
As if Croft's inept, shouty, name-dropping, statistical diarrhoea commentating style was not enough for me to cancel my Sky sub this month, just take a gander at the segment Sky released at last year's Australian GP, with him squeezed into an Ozzy V8 race suit, and being treated to a hot lap around the circuit.

It is, without question, Croft at his gibbering worst. The clip only lasts 6 mins, but I had to hit 'stop' halfway through the lap.

I had to stop because I had a lump in my throat - of impending vomit!!!!

Take a look if you dare!

Edited by Harry Flatters on Monday 25th March 09:59
You have a lot to answer for!!! I took the bait and watched but hd to stop after the first 2 corners. The driver should have undone Croftys seat belt and catapulted him out of the car. I wonder if even he gets sick of hearing his inane shouty verbal diaheria?


2,321 posts

150 months

Monday 25th March
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Classic Stockholm syndrome Harry - you’ve cancelled the berk yet now sought him out on YouTube.

You. Are. FREE!

I dare say my enjoyment of the sport has increased now that I’m no longer subject to the oaf and his infantile colleagues (few notable exceptions aside).

Last week’s ch4 highlights bereft of that ‘tard Jones were a delight. Even if the race was not.

Harry Flatters

162 posts

261 months

Monday 25th March
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BaronVonVaderham said:
Classic Stockholm syndrome Harry - you’ve cancelled the berk yet now sought him out on YouTube.

You. Are. FREE!


1,354 posts

36 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Thought I'd leave this with you all, hate to think of you missing out on such wisdom from F1's great sage.
“It’s a long, long season ahead.” ....Inspirational & informative.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Maxdecel said:
Thought I'd leave this with you all, hate to think of you missing out on such wisdom from F1's great sage.
“It’s a long, long season ahead.” ....Inspirational & informative.
I can't believe you did that to us, what sort of monster would do that


1,354 posts

36 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Adrian W said:
I can't believe you did that to us, what sort of monster would do that
Thought you'd appreciate the knowledge, authority & opinion of such a top F1 wordsmith. biggrin

Mad Maximus

406 posts

6 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Poor Crofty has been struggling the last few races I’ve noticed he’s gets tongue tied a lot and makes mistakes that he quickly tries to cover up. Somone none annoying like Murray walker you can forgive but Croft nah he’s really hard to stand.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 6th April
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Sky presentation is dire, great to hear that AD has no qualms in correcting Croft.