Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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231 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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It’ will be interesting to see how much time the Sky team especially Croft spend talking about the lack of Verstappen penalties as they were so certain yesterday he would get one, or two, or three. Or weather they gloss over it and move on, I think it will be the later

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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How loud was he on that start

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Croft just said Russell was out of DRS range , really 0.6 second

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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The tt said it , it’s a fking overtake not a switcheroo you ****

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
asfault said:
First time ive watched the c4 highlights. I think whoever that is is worse!
The Channel 4 bloke has become intolerably shouty as well, agreed. He's much more knowledgeable than Croft though and nothing like as bad overall, in my opinion.
It’s Alex Jacques, he used to be fairly laid back but recently he has become more and more shouty, he is also the F2 Sky commentator, I think he is being told to get louder

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
HustleRussell said:
It has been a long wait since Ben Edwards took lead commentary on C4 just for a commentator who won't make my head hurt. Edwards used to get on my nerves for the same reason as Jacques but in retrospect he was by far and away the best of the three. Come back Ben- all is forgiven.
Ben Edwards properly knows his stuff, but as you say, he also was unbearable at times. I remember once he got so shouty that his voice started breaking like a 14-year-old. It was all completely unnecessary.

The hysterical commentary style appeals to some people though, mostly younger ones I think. I made a comment on YouTube that Croft could perhaps calm down a bit, and received a load of abuse and suggestions I should 'ps off and watch golf'.
All the younger ones I know who are interested in F1 are watching F1TV on VPNs, because the can’t stand Croft

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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I watched the race on my phone using headphones turned down, i was like Croft filter

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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The sound just went off, he’s spouting drivel

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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No! That’s six tenths not three you idiot

Adrian W

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231 months

Saturday 7th October 2023
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flatlandsman said:
Do any of you who actually watch this sport message the company showing it and complain?

It might be an option!
You obviously haven’t read this thread

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 7th October 2023
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He’s talking gibberish, there’s a football stadium just down the road, drivers who have won championships on a Saturday,

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 8th October 2023
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ajprice said:
Piginapoke said:
Can someone remind me of how many days it's been since Alonso was last on pole?

I forgot to write down that gem when the oaf inexplicably blurted it out while watching Alonso power his way to 9th.
Hockenheim 2012, Ferrari, wet qualifying.
Also Silverstone 2012. Before that it was 2010.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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I went to a bash tonight where Damon Hill was the guest speaker, I asked him what it was like to work with David Croft, he paused and thought about it and replied, he’s very professional, I replied he’s very lout, Damon found that very funny

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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We all see Verstappen go off the track yet Croft is shouting did he go over the line, will get his lap deleted

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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Yep the said it

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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So it’s Mercedes 200th Grand Prix of the hybrid era, now one else

and Ocon managed to get his broken car back out and race again , it’s was Gasly you tt

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Greg_B said:
Croft is quite good. The peanut gallery here, not so much.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 28th October 2023
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I knew it was too good to last

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Koln-RS said:
Greg_B said:
Croft is quite good. The peanut gallery here, not so much.
I agree, and can only assume he must be a bit ‘marmite’?

It’s an incredibly difficult job, commentating on a 200mph sport with 20 competitors, and then filling in for the dull periods - for more than 2hrs.
Of course he’s going to make mistakes or repeat phrases, but love his enthusiasm.

Interestingly, since this thread has been running, whenever I’ve been chatting with other people about F1 (armchair followers, serious enthusiasts, engineers and racers), I make a point of asking what they think of Crofty, and no one has ever given a particularly negative opinion, in fact most people seem to like him.

So, I can only assume, like marmite, he divides opinion, and this thread is populated by some people who clearly don’t like him, which is fine.

But many others, inc Sky, and their approval ratings, obviously do.
Funny the most common comment I hear when discussing formula one is, can’t stand that bloke who screams all of the time, nothing about what he is saying or the actual racing

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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And Ferrari have a first row lockout ………….. unless ……….

Couldn’t believe that one yesterday