Adrian Sutil


Bill Carr

2,234 posts

237 months

Monday 4th November 2013
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I get the sentiment, but Sutil wishes he had Frentzen's record. Sutil has done little in F1 and little in the junior formulae. One can only assume he's bringing money.

I see him more as an Andrea De Cesaris tbh. A journeyman. Someone who inexplicably stays in F1 mediocrity for longer than his results justify his place.

Henry Fiddleton

1,583 posts

180 months

Monday 4th November 2013
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I like Sutil and his driving.

Not to crazy, not going to bin it, just gets on with it. Doesn't moan too much as well- and I think he know his place which is the key difference to DiR who thinks he should be in Ferrari, Mclaren, Red Bull etc.

A good number 2 driver, and safe journey man.


1,869 posts

162 months

Monday 4th November 2013
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DanielSan said:
I rate Sutil in the Heinz Harold Frentzen category, on his day in a decent car he'll bring in the odd storming performance but for the vast majority is just a consistent points scorer and generally brings solid performances, not outstanding but solid. IMO he'd be the perfect number 2 to Alonso at Ferrari.
Like Fentzen, I tend to think of him as one of those drivers who does just enough - he seems to drive down to level of his team mate, put him in with Alonso and you'd get someone that does a solid job and gives you most of the points in the car, put him with Di Resta and I think he just takes it too easy.