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Welcome F1 Fans



Original Poster:

40,601 posts

243 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Eric Mc said:
Will every F1 related topic in the Motorsport Forum going back to 20XX be transferred in here now?

Is this now the forum for current F1 only or will historic F1 and pre F1 era Grand Prix discussion be allowed in here too?
We'll move some stuff over as time allows...but in the meantime chat about what you like that is F1 related smile

Bonefish Blues

27,646 posts

226 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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ooh,seems like a good place for an argument.


3,712 posts

181 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Ooh, new n shiny place for a blether.

The irony is, F1 gets its own section, just as everyone is decrying the dull levels increasing in the sport.

2014 should be ace though, still cant wait for my fave manufacturer to come back HONDA!

Bring on the vacuum cleaner engine o doom!


1,829 posts

197 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Herro wavey


31,319 posts

244 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Rick_1138 said:
Ooh, new n shiny place for a blether.

The irony is, F1 gets its own section, just as everyone is decrying the dull levels increasing in the sport.

2014 should be ace though, still cant wait for my fave manufacturer to come back HONDA!

Bring on the vacuum cleaner engine o doom!
Bad news. Honda are looking at 2015...

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

264 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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:angry: Move this back into General Motorsport please!!

Why do we need a separate forum?

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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I agree - but once PH Towers makes a decision, they never turn back.


6,526 posts

192 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Tyre Smoke said:
:angry: Move this back into General Motorsport please!!

Why do we need a separate forum?
This, if I wanted a seperate F1 forum, I'd go to F1technical...


14,871 posts

194 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Could it possibly be that some people, who are not into F1, have requested there be a separate section so that all the F1 posts be filtered out?

I have no idea if that's the case or not.

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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It was mentioned on rare occasions in the past but there wasn't a particular outcry for a "We want F1 to be treated separately to the rest of motorsport" forum.


3,712 posts

181 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Munter said:
Rick_1138 said:
Ooh, new n shiny place for a blether.

The irony is, F1 gets its own section, just as everyone is decrying the dull levels increasing in the sport.

2014 should be ace though, still cant wait for my fave manufacturer to come back HONDA!

Bring on the vacuum cleaner engine o doom!
Bad news. Honda are looking at 2015...
No I know, I just meant that regs change in 2014 will he very interesting. Then in 2015 Honda will be re entering the fray.


4,685 posts

228 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Great, Bookmarked.

Can we have one for transport related museums so we can share experiences and recommend etc?


57 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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REALIST123 said:
jsf said:
Why what. Make this change? If so I would agree? Why?

It's a stupid idea to separate F1 from General Motorsport.


2,145 posts

235 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Bonefish Blues said:
ooh,seems like a good place for an argument.
No it doesn't.


14,367 posts

212 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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Slartifartfast said:
Bonefish Blues said:
ooh,seems like a good place for an argument.
No it doesn't.


9,111 posts

170 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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jsf said:
REALIST123 said:
jsf said:
Why what. Make this change? If so I would agree? Why?

It's a stupid idea to separate F1 from General Motorsport.
It's a good idea at times general motorsport was full with f1 topics which meant threads about other motorsport often got ignored. Now general motorsport will have more well general motorsport and the f1 geeks get to cry about why vettel isn't as good as Alonso or why webbers car keeps on breaking down or the is one driver better than another st while everyone else doesn't have to read it.

If football is separate from sport than f1 can be separate from general motorsport.

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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What is "General Motorsport" anyway?

I cannot see the logic in having a separate Formula 1 discussion section and then another "lumpen" forum for all the remaining categories of motorsport.

I think it is a total, crying shame, that this has happened.

Andy 308GTB

2,946 posts

224 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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MG CHRIS said:
...Now general motorsport will have more well general motorsport and the f1 geeks get to cry about why vettel isn't as good as Alonso or why webbers car keeps on breaking down or the is one driver better than another st while everyone else doesn't have to read it.

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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Isn't it always the "segregationists" who despise one group who seem to like this "hiving off" of discussion.

"I think all "football fans" are idiots so they are better off with their own forum instead of polluting our more intelligent discussion".


"I think all "F1 fans" are idiots so they are better off with their own forum instead of polluting our more intelligent discussion".


14,871 posts

194 months

Saturday 19th October 2013
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Perhaps Garlick could weigh in here as to the rationale for the change?