Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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Wasn’t it Walker who said “the car is winning, except for the car in front” or something like that

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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The difference is Walker lived, breathed, dreamt slept racing , either cars or bikes, Croft didn’t

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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For fks sake shut up, the bloke lucked into first place because the other bloke got a penalty

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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Look you wker, Hamilton was only ten seconds behind when he was ten seconds behind, before that he was 11 and before that he was 12, and now he is 8, ffs shut up

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Monday 28th September 2020
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Gary C said:
The only thing more annoying than Croft on sky is the continual bloody Alfa Romeo adverts

But at least they dropped the "When I race I take my time, otherwise I take my time! line.
we worked that one out eventually, it is when I race "they" take my time

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Friday 9th October 2020
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four minutes of FP1 and the sound has already gone down

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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Is Croft’ even listening to what Rosberg is saying, iyou can hear the Rosberg is getting frustrated, he didn’t even answer Croft, just saying wait and see

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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why was he screaming into the microphone about Hamilton when everyone could see in the screen the Bottas was going faster, the big purple oblongs on the screen being the clue.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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He’s even shouting on the run up, it must be time to start a get rid of Croft petition, I wonder how many people would sign

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 11th October 2020
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fking hell Croft, Kravitz just explained it to what the sensor fault could do, he needn’t have bothered , listen to what people say to you, tosser

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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FFS he’s at it again, ignoring what he is being told, Russell has a contract, Perez hasn’t

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 25th October 2020
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Christ he’s shouting before the race has even started, we can see all the cars on the grid and what order they are in you idiot

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 1st November 2020
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And sound off

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 1st November 2020
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Stop spewing out rubbish, Perez hasn’t got a drive because his daddy doesn’t own the team, Clearly everyone knows that except you, idiot

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Sunday 1st November 2020
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And while we’re at Bottas is going slower, Verstappen isn’t going faster, you really need to find another job

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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Maybe Edwards is doing it to them before they do it to him,

Adrian W

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14,162 posts

231 months

Thursday 12th November 2020
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TheDeuce said:
I think that's probably part of it. Croft seems hell bent on talking about whatever the rest of sky's F1 agenda has been that weekend, no matter how awkwardly he has to bend the conversation to get to that subject.

Crofts contract: talk about what we say and you can work for sky.

Brundles contract: I'll work for sky so long as I can say what I wish.

But from day one, even without such 'guidance', croft was always a bit of a pillock.
Brundle does toe the line, have you ever heard him complain about the FIA or Liberty or any of the organisers , he tends to say nothing, maybe the pauses are telling

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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FO1 and he’s off, talking rubbish about making the track more slippery

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,162 posts

231 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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chml said:
TBF to him, I think it was Karun who started that conversation
Accepted, but once Croft had started he was going on and on and on and and