Christian Horner

Christian Horner



4,396 posts

147 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
I wonder who the Hamilton fans will hate this season, I suppose it depends on who's winning.

How childish!


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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HighwayStar said:
jimPH said:
I wonder who the Hamilton fans will hate this season, I suppose it depends on who's winning.

How childish!

Everyone hated Rosberg on here when he was competing.

Then fingers Vettel

Now Verstappen.

It's all in b&w.


4,899 posts

192 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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No they didn't any more than everyone hates any driver. Selective memory, though, that is a massive issue on here...


14,350 posts

200 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:

Everyone hated Rosberg on here when he was competing.

Then fingers Vettel

Now Verstappen.

It's all in b&w.
This Nico Rosberg?


6,499 posts

287 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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I always liked Rosberg, I think Seb is great as well although I don't like certain elements of Red Bull...


8,731 posts

147 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Christ almighty is it really necessary to get so bloody tribal ? This isn't football , it isn't actually compulsory to have a favourite driver , and to despise everybody else. It is possible to enjoy racing for what it is , rather than degenerating into playground taunting and sniping . Despite being addicted to the sport since the Seventies I still really don't care very much who wins , I just want good racing . As for team bosses , they're just alpha males doing acting in a stereotypically alpha male way - quel surprise ... .

Edited by coppice on Friday 11th March 17:45


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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glazbagun said:
jimPH said:

Everyone hated Rosberg on here when he was competing.

Then fingers Vettel

Now Verstappen.

It's all in b&w.
This Nico Rosberg?
Haha! Let me clarify, competing against Hamilton.


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Just swap out the drivers name competing against Hamilton and its the same drivvel.

The Vambo

6,827 posts

144 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
I wonder who the Hamilton fans will hate this season, I suppose it depends on who's winning.
Mostly you laugh

And the Verstappen fans

And the Norris fans

And the Vettel fans

And the Mazep... well, they've got other things going on.


24,458 posts

116 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:


Just swap out the drivers name competing against Hamilton and its the same drivvel.
Well, you've got some time on your hands. Back to 2016 posts to support your anti-Hamilton/Hamilton supporters crusade.


3,580 posts

218 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Really hoping Max wins the first race, just to see the PH rage when smug Horner hits the screens for the interviews.


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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paulguitar said:
jimPH said:


Just swap out the drivers name competing against Hamilton and its the same drivvel.
Well, you've got some time on your hands. Back to 2016 posts to support your anti-Hamilton/Hamilton supporters crusade.
Give over! I pointed out the usual MO and someone posted a race praising Rosberg at Williams in 2006! The same would have been praising Verstappen in 2018!

Can go back over the Vettel years if you like.. I don't think we need to bother though eh.


24,458 posts

116 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
Can go back over the Vettel years if you like.. I don't think we need to bother though eh.
Seb's an interesting one, I think many people were really irritated by him when he was winning relentlessly and displaying the finger, and the multi-21 shenanigans, etc. Now that he's struggling a lot more though, he's way more likable. He seems to me to be a very decent bloke, actually.

Lotus Elan +2

461 posts

268 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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coppice said:
Christ almighty is it really necessary to get so bloody tribal ? This isn't football , it isn't actually compulsory to have a favourite driver , and to despise everybody else. It is possible to enjoy racing for what it is , rather than degenerating into playground taunting and sniping . Despite being addicted to the sport since the Seventies I still really don't care very much who wins , I just want good racing . As for team bosses , they're just alpha males doing acting in a stereotypically alpha male way - quel surprise ... .

Edited by coppice on Friday 11th March 17:45
clap Someone with the same view as me
We're few a far between unfortunately

Edited by Lotus Elan +2 on Friday 11th March 19:18


5,506 posts

206 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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paulguitar said:
Seb's an interesting one, I think many people were really irritated by him when he was winning relentlessly and displaying the finger, and the multi-21 shenanigans, etc. Now that he's struggling a lot more though, he's way more likable. He seems to me to be a very decent bloke, actually.
Prone to on track dick-ish behaviour when things aren't going his way. Started off being like-able at Ferrari but the honeymoon period went when he bumped into Hamilton at Baku some years back, calling Charlie Whiting every name under the sun at a Mexican GP, didn't like Le Clerc becoming the Ferrari Golden Boy and crashed into him. His attitude stank in the last year with Ferrari.


4,396 posts

147 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
HighwayStar said:
jimPH said:
I wonder who the Hamilton fans will hate this season, I suppose it depends on who's winning.

How childish!

Everyone hated Rosberg on here when he was competing.

Then fingers Vettel

Now Verstappen.

It's all in b&w.
What I hate is the sweeping statement ‘everyone.’ My Mrs says it a lot… we need to go to xyz, it’s where everyone is going on holiday. Errr, no it isn’t.
Everyone hated Rosberg simply isn’t true… I’ve seen more criticism of Nico on PH re his YouTube channel and appearances on Sky as a pundit.
Vettel is well liked. I’ll fess up to calling him fingers but hate? Hell no. Like a lot of people I think he’s a decent, interesting guy with great sense of humour.
He took for more stick in his last 2 or 3 years for spinning of the track multiple times. Lots of PHers were saying he’d lost it, he’s finished… replace him with c driver. And, that was from fans in general.
Verstappen, well of course not all Hamilton fans rate him, but to say everyone hates him? You really are blinkered. I don’t like Max style of racing, attitude, sense of entitlement but, nah… I don’t hate him. As much as I love F1 it simply isn’t important enough to me to hate any driver. likely much the same for most fans.
Plenty of fans of other drivers aren’t too enamoured with Max and how he goes racing.
Maybe you should take in what people are actually saying rather than telling us what you’ve decided a whole section of fans think.


2,640 posts

181 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
Haha! Let me clarify, competing against Hamilton.
Like Jenson??


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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HighwayStar said:
jimPH said:
HighwayStar said:
jimPH said:
I wonder who the Hamilton fans will hate this season, I suppose it depends on who's winning.

How childish!

Everyone hated Rosberg on here when he was competing.

Then fingers Vettel

Now Verstappen.

It's all in b&w.
What I hate is the sweeping statement ‘everyone.’ My Mrs says it a lot… we need to go to xyz, it’s where everyone is going on holiday. Errr, no it isn’t.
Everyone hated Rosberg simply isn’t true… I’ve seen more criticism of Nico on PH re his YouTube channel and appearances on Sky as a pundit.
Vettel is well liked. I’ll fess up to calling him fingers but hate? Hell no. Like a lot of people I think he’s a decent, interesting guy with great sense of humour.
He took for more stick in his last 2 or 3 years for spinning of the track multiple times. Lots of PHers were saying he’d lost it, he’s finished… replace him with c driver. And, that was from fans in general.
Verstappen, well of course not all Hamilton fans rate him, but to say everyone hates him? You really are blinkered. I don’t like Max style of racing, attitude, sense of entitlement but, nah… I don’t hate him. As much as I love F1 it simply isn’t important enough to me to hate any driver. likely much the same for most fans.
Plenty of fans of other drivers aren’t too enamoured with Max and how he goes racing.
Maybe you should take in what people are actually saying rather than telling us what you’ve decided a whole section of fans think.
Crikey! You are English right?

Ever heard someone say: "ill kill him" doesn't actually mean they'll commit murder.

"That weighs a ton" = its heavy
"I could eat a horse between two breadvans" = I'm hungry
"Everyone is doing it" = quite a few people are involved

You get the picture.. sorry for being human.


3,981 posts

83 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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angrymoby said:
jimPH said:
Haha! Let me clarify, competing against Hamilton.
Like Jenson??
Got to be foreign. Preferably German or Dutch.

Can't see Russel getting the hate this year, I should imagine British tribal fans will be glad to see him win too.


24,458 posts

116 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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jimPH said:
Can't see Russel getting the hate this year, I should imagine British tribal fans will be glad to see him win too.
Is your 'tribe' 'pro-Verstappen' or purely 'Hamilton hatred'?