Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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231 months

Sunday 20th March 2022
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And sound off

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 21st March 2022
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jimPH said:
Teddy Lop said:
resolve10 said:
Absolute top drawer from Croft today when Verstappen came on the team radio to say his engine braking was behaving strangely through the corners. Brundle had to step in and explain what engine braking was, as Croft thought Verstappen meant his engine was breaking through the corners bow
Wish someone would brake croft. Or break him, whichever.

Anyone else notice his "Perez has been spun around", obviously implying contact from Hamilton? Why would he instantly assume that?
He's commentating on a fast moving race, so I should imagine he goes with his initial interpretation or instinct, I doubt its an easy thing to get right all the time unless you want silences while he works it out, but that's not why he's got the job.

I'm more impressed how he can talk about stuff I haven't even noticed most of the time.
Most of the time he spouts rubbish about thing that aren't happening, so you wont see it, When Perez spun the feed was on some random spectator for some reason, so no one saw the spin live.

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Adrian W

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231 months

Monday 21st March 2022
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sociopath said:
You really think he doesn't know what engine braking is?

He prompts others so they can explain for the audience.

Some people on here obviously hate him but to claim he's ignorant and unknowledgeable is laughable.
He gets too many things completely wrong to have any knowledge

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th March 2022
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This is going to be interesting, in Spain and Sky go no longer works abroad, so Spanish commentator

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Sunday 27th March 2022
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Adrian W said:
This is going to be interesting, in Spain and Sky go no longer works abroad, so Spanish commentator
Two Spanish commentators, they didn’t shout once, when things get interesting the just talk faster, even when Alonso was getting aggressive

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Muzzer79 said:
I'm ambivalent about Croft but am surprised at the hate on this thread.

He gets excited, sure, but so did the late, great Murray Walker. Look at Japan 1990 for that one with the infamous "It's happened immediately!" line.

What's more, we all loved Murray for that enthusiasm. Would we rather a monotone delivery.

Mistakes.....again, Mr Walker was revered for them?

I'm just happy it's better than the dark days of Jonathan Ledgard or >shudder<.......James Allen.
But MW had an encyclopaedic knowledge of F1 whereas Croft just spouts drivel

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Mark V GTD said:
I feel sorry for anyone who genuinely can't stand his style of presentation or whose knowledge of F1 is so great that its clear to them that half of what he says is complete drivel.

I am happy to wallow in my ignorance and enjoy his exciting presentation style - I really like it. Goodness knows it would be utterly boring if it was just JB commentating on his own.

There - I have said it!
Have you got a hearing impediment? hopefully with treatment they can fix it.

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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LukeBrown66 said:
Excellent sponsor material obviously!! I guess he will stay if people don't complain, the reason the BEEB got rid of Legard was endless complaints. So it's up to you viewers.
I once tried to find an email address for Sky complaints or Brundle's email address to send a link to this thread, I failed

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Nova Gyna said:
Tried both of those, Brundle’s site specifically says emails don’t go to him

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Friday 8th April 2022
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I turned the telly on for FP1 saw DiResta and turned it straight off

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Saturday 9th April 2022
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Lando Norris Pitt’s the Mercedes’

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Sunday 10th April 2022
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cgt2 said:
Brief appearance by Croft on the Notebook quaffing champagne courtesy of Aston Martin and apparently the only person in their hospitality unit with a smile on his face.

Judging from that you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to guess he hasn't got a care in the world about anything Pistonheads has to say!
He was smiling because he hasn’t got a fking clue

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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Sandpit Steve said:
cgt2 said:
Brief appearance by Croft on the Notebook quaffing champagne courtesy of Aston Martin and apparently the only person in their hospitality unit with a smile on his face.

Judging from that you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to guess he hasn't got a care in the world about anything Pistonheads has to say!
Surprised they were even serving champagne after that weekend, should have been bread and water rations for everyone!

It’s been a long while since any team quite spectacularly imploded over a whole weekend, as badly as AM did in Australia.
Lawrence Stroll knows what he's doing, he doesn't need all those experienced very talented team members, oh hang on I forgot he's got Martin Whitmarsh now!

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Sunday 17th April 2022
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topc22 said:
I have found my calling! I created an account just for this thread.

Croft - what a buffoon. I'll try not to repeat what has been said a thousand times here already, but my twopence is that he's simply not a very good commentator.

He has zero command over timing, pacing and narration. His dearth of knowledge and class is an insult to the sport.

10 years now, 10!! Just think about that. The annals of F1 history will forever be heard through Crofty. A travesty.

The sad thing is that he is revered in other online spaces. The new, younger audience that Liberty is trying so hard to cultivate absolutely love him. They think he's the best thing since sliced bread. The shouting, the dad-jokes, it works on impressionable young ears. He will likely be lead commentator for another 10 years, sad to say.

I'm an F1 enthusiast and casual sports fan otherwise, and Croft is without a doubt the worst commentator of any global sport. I wish I didn't have to dislike the man so much, but his work is so painfully offensive and egregious. I switched to 5Live last year, full time, but Croft has his feet so far under the table that he's hard to ignore. I sympathise with those who have to put up with him, and those that know no better than to tolerate him.

F1 as a sport, I truly believe, is lesser because of him. In the same way Murray's skill, intellect and enthusiasm helped to elevate F1 on the world stage, Croft's buffoonery brings it down.

For those generally interested in sports commentary, I would recommend Clive Tyldesley's book, "Not For Me, Clive". Some great insights, if far removed from the motorracing world.
The young people I know who are interested in Formula one watch F1 .com with a VPN

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Thursday 21st April 2022
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Siao said:
So true. My friend's son (ages 16) was telling me how iconic Crofty is and how he loves listening to him... Unfortunately, this is where it is going
I don't think it is where it is going, Croft is ruining it, as I said earlier all of the young people I know are finding other ways of watching it just to avoid Croft.

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Friday 22nd April 2022
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“Well done Valtteri that’s the sort of experience you’re buying” as the car slides off of the track completely out of control but stops short of the barrier, Croft you’re a complete idiot

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,241 posts

231 months

Saturday 23rd April 2022
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fking hell Derista is commentating

Adrian W

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14,241 posts

231 months

Saturday 23rd April 2022
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Did I imagine it or did Croft say Ricciardo was driving Fred’s Alpine?

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,241 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th April 2022
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I just saw Teds round up thing, Croft is a bit of a lump, I’m surprised he gets the time to munch all those pies with all of that shouting.