Adrian Newey to Ferrari? Is it possible?

Adrian Newey to Ferrari? Is it possible?



5,535 posts

168 months

Thursday 25th April
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Supersam83 said:
Well Ferrari have got the extra cash now that they have signed the multiple million pound deal with HP.

Newey moves to Ferrari. Will be announced soon so he can do the minimum gardening leave before designing next years car.

Max moves to Mercedes. As he probably has a clause to leave if Newey does.

Who will be willing to go to Red Bull with them not having Honda engines or Newey…
Danny. Lance. That's about it.


5,535 posts

168 months

Thursday 25th April
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bobthemonkey said:
suffolk009 said:
Didn't he write in his book that he didn't want to have to move his children to Italy? They're grown up now.
He’s also a sailing nut and has often spoken about wanting to win for the Americas Cup. Think Ron not letting him have the time to mount an attempt was one of the reasons for jumping from McLaren to RB.

Ferrari have just announced a programme and would given Newey another chance after then 2017 cycle.
He may be sating his sailing appetite (at least for now) with his new Oyster 885


5,535 posts

168 months

Thursday 25th April
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I'm not at all sure that the Aston idea has legs. His road car project with them didn't exactly go smoothly.


2,661 posts

221 months

Thursday 25th April
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suffolk009 said:
He may be sating his sailing appetite (at least for now) with his new Oyster 885
That's a fine vessel


9,562 posts

228 months

Thursday 25th April
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HTP99 said:
kambites said:
Not only could this be a significant hit for the 2026 car, but I suspect it probably makes Verstappen leaving at some point in the next few years an order of magnitude more likely as well.

If Newey doesn't retire, I suspect there's going to be a hell of a bidding war for him between Mercedes, Ferrari and Audi.
I should imagine he already knows where he is going.
Yep. If it is starting to make it into the wild you can bet the deal has been done wherever he is going.

He has always said he wanted for work for Ferrari, but it wasn’t right because of young children. Well, they are not young anymore and he has always said he wanted to work with Hamilton.

If he does leave, I’ll be amazed if it is anywhere but Ferrari.


5,535 posts

168 months

Thursday 25th April
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Megaflow said:
HTP99 said:
kambites said:
Not only could this be a significant hit for the 2026 car, but I suspect it probably makes Verstappen leaving at some point in the next few years an order of magnitude more likely as well.

If Newey doesn't retire, I suspect there's going to be a hell of a bidding war for him between Mercedes, Ferrari and Audi.
I should imagine he already knows where he is going.
Yep. If it is starting to make it into the wild you can bet the deal has been done wherever he is going.

He has always said he wanted for work for Ferrari, but it wasn’t right because of young children. Well, they are not young anymore and he has always said he wanted to work with Hamilton.

If he does leave, I’ll be amazed if it is anywhere but Ferrari.
Me too


4,459 posts

213 months

Thursday 25th April
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trackdemon said:
Ferrari (who can also offer the chance to do a road car)
and a boat for the America's cup which is something he wanted to do IIRC


52,004 posts

287 months

Thursday 25th April
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matrignano said:
trackdemon said:
Ferrari (who can also offer the chance to do a road car)
...and a boat for the America's cup which is something he wanted to do IIRC
A Ferrari racing yacht ? I guess it's possible, after all there was this lovely looking machine in the '50s.


1,623 posts

135 months

Thursday 25th April
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matrignano said:
trackdemon said:
Ferrari (who can also offer the chance to do a road car)
and a boat for the America's cup which is something he wanted to do IIRC
Came here to say the same about the car.

There has been a McLaren Senna, GMA T50 Lauda.

Maybe a Ferrari Newey?


5,503 posts

206 months

Thursday 25th April
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I think Newey would be more suited at Hinwil than Maranello. Perhaps more likely to be left alone to do his thing and less likely to come across bullst corporate interference which is historically renowned at Ferrari. Saying that Audi is an unknown quantity in F1.

Hinwil used to be held in high regard with potential and arguably a greater challenge and similar to the RB project with a clean sheet of paper taking a team from the wrong end of the grid to the top.


1,326 posts

113 months

Thursday 25th April
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I reckon the deal was done at the same time as Hamilton, just has not been announced yet he is off to Ferrari it is the only thing that makes sense.


44,558 posts

200 months

Thursday 25th April
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mick987 said:
I reckon the deal was done at the same time as Hamilton, just has not been announced yet he is off to Ferrari it is the only thing that makes sense.
A RB spokesperson is reported to say that Newey is contracted until the end of 2026.


70,090 posts

232 months

Thursday 25th April
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mick987 said:
I reckon the deal was done at the same time as Hamilton, just has not been announced yet he is off to Ferrari it is the only thing that makes sense.
Yes this is what I think as well, and I suspect in part it is why Lewis was tempted away....


12,522 posts

221 months

Thursday 25th April
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Blib said:
mick987 said:
I reckon the deal was done at the same time as Hamilton, just has not been announced yet he is off to Ferrari it is the only thing that makes sense.
A RB spokesperson is reported to say that Newey is contracted until the end of 2026.
If this was football, that would be confirmation of the Ferrari move laugh


67,783 posts

224 months

Thursday 25th April
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mick987 said:
I reckon the deal was done at the same time as Hamilton, just has not been announced yet he is off to Ferrari it is the only thing that makes sense.
Wouldn't that put it before the whole Horner controversy? Although I guess that might have been bubbling away within the company long before it became public.

Anyway from a pragmatic standpoint, Redbull would be crazy to let him go to Ferrari (or anyone else) early enough to help significantly with their 2026 car if they can possibly avoid it. Lets be honest, Redbull hardly have a history of being sportsmanlike if they can get any sort of advantage from not being so. smile

Of course, Newey might have had some sort of contractual clause which means they have no choice.

Edited by kambites on Thursday 25th April 20:11


862 posts

123 months

Thursday 25th April
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Gtom said:
Maybe a Ferrari Newey?
Surely it’ll be a Ferrari ANzo

Presuming Ed

1,415 posts

211 months

Thursday 25th April
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With Astons new £150 million wind tunnel coming on line next year and apparently twice the size of anyone elses then I'd be amazed if he didn't end up at Silverstone.

TBF with that tunnel and with its capabilities Aston could probably employ anyone and win, with Newey 2026 we could be looking back at 2024 and remembering how close the racing was!


5,503 posts

206 months

Thursday 25th April
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zsdom said:
Gtom said:
Maybe a Ferrari Newey?
Surely it’ll be a Ferrari ANzo
Ferrari / SF Adriano?


3,955 posts

192 months

Thursday 25th April
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The last time Newey went on gardening leave was after Williams, heading to McLaren. As seen then, giving Newey lots of free time, some pencils and a new rule book is not going to end well for his eventual rivals!

And re. any potential move to Italy. If Ferrari want you badly enough, as they did John Barnard, they’ll let you set up an entire design office in your country of choice.


1,326 posts

113 months

Thursday 25th April
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Presuming Ed said:
With Astons new £150 million wind tunnel coming on line next year and apparently twice the size of anyone elses then I'd be amazed if he didn't end up at Silverstone.

TBF with that tunnel and with its capabilities Aston could probably employ anyone and win, with Newey 2026 we could be looking back at 2024 and remembering how close the racing was!
Aston will never win anything as long as Lance is in the car