Jamie Chadwick - First competitive female driver in F1?

Jamie Chadwick - First competitive female driver in F1?



11,727 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.


5,565 posts

103 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.


4,438 posts

82 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Cold said:
Reclusive said:
My memory isn't that short .
Just how many races did she start ?....smile
About the same number as F1 driver Carmen Jorda. biggrin
I had to look her up ,my memory didn't keep hold of her achievements .
Listed as competing in the 2018 Gerry Marshall Trophy race , that'll be an old Saloon car at the Goodwood Member's meeting .
That passed me by too .


15,323 posts

93 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
Why Lewis or Max? If Chadwick is as quick as, say, Latifi or Tsunoda then surely she deserves a place on the grid as much as they do?


1,457 posts

114 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Cold said:
About the same number as F1 driver Carmen Jorda. biggrin
Wasn't she the ambassador for the FIA's Women in Motorsport committee, who said that women couldn't compete with men? laugh


9,592 posts

56 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Cold said:
MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
Why Lewis or Max? If Chadwick is as quick as, say, Latifi or Tsunoda then surely she deserves a place on the grid as much as they do?
Mazespin would be a nervous wreck...


22,724 posts

69 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Milkyway said:
Cold said:
MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
Why Lewis or Max? If Chadwick is as quick as, say, Latifi or Tsunoda then surely she deserves a place on the grid as much as they do?
Mazespin would be a nervous wreck...
I reckon he could beat a female driver - or at very least he'd be all over her...


5,304 posts

208 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Milkyway said:
Reclusive said:
My memory isn't that short .
Just how many races did she start ?....smile
I’ll just have a quick google... whistle
The same number as Roy Nissany ... or Tom Kristensen to look at the other end of the capability scale ...


3,682 posts

281 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Cold said:
MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
Why Lewis or Max? If Chadwick is as quick as, say, Latifi or Tsunoda then surely she deserves a place on the grid as much as they do?
Obviously they are never going to put a current male driver in a W Series car.. but Chadwick has raced in other series over the last few years. That gives you some insight. She did "ok" in the F3 Asian Championship, but was well beaten by Mazepin over the course of the season. The FREC championship last year was a proper disaster though. In a car that is basically the same as in the W Series, she was a decent way off the pace (about a second a lap, or a little bit more, at most of the events). She was also in the best team, with her team mates finishing 1,2 3 in the championship.

On a more positive note, I see that some of the W Series academy drivers will get the chance to test the current F3 car in the next week or so.


11,268 posts

270 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
F1 testing restrictions have hampered all progression into the class, regardless of gender.

Sandpit Steve

10,705 posts

77 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Leithen said:
MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
F1 testing restrictions have hampered all progression into the class, regardless of gender.
Indeed. It would be good to relax F1 testing rules for inexperienced drivers, let’s say drivers under 23 with no more than 25 super licence points. Now that we have a budget cap, let teams test as much as they want, they can weigh testing on the track against wind tunnel development.


22,724 posts

69 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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df76 said:
On a more positive note, I see that some of the W Series academy drivers will get the chance to test the current F3 car in the next week or so.
It is a positive and it shows that F3 want the ladies to be represented in the series. Also great to watch when there is a female driver in F3 as I do find it genuinely interesting to see how they compete with males and the different attitude. Calderon was very interesting to watch when competing against the guys.

I have no problem believing that FIA F3 would love to get more female drivers headed their way ASAP.

Edited by TheDeuce on Wednesday 27th October 19:00


7,032 posts

108 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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She and Alice Powell are getting a run in LMP2 at the WEC rookie test.


5,565 posts

103 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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generationx said:

She and Alice Powell are getting a run in LMP2 at the WEC rookie test.
That's good - it doesn't have to be F3-F2-F1 as their progression.


266 posts

162 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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MustangGT said:
I would be interested in putting Lewis or Max in a Formula W car and comparing lap times with Jamie and Alice. Then we could get a true idea of whether or not they should progress to F1.
They would easily be way faster, because they not only have experience in that level of car, but also of cars far greater.

We already have a true idea of whether someone should progress to F1 or not, we literally have a tiered ladder that progressively gets faster and harder to succeed in. If you stagnate and are unable to progress past a certain point, as Chadwick has, then we can already tell whether they should progress to F1.

Cold said:
Why Lewis or Max? If Chadwick is as quick as, say, Latifi or Tsunoda then surely she deserves a place on the grid as much as they do?
It doesn't really matter which driver it is.

The basis of whether someone gets to F1 isn't based on some fantasy ability to be as quick as drivers that have progressed through the feeder series she apparently doesn't need for no other reason than she is a woman.

It says it all that this conversation is not had in reference to Vesti, Petecof or Saucy, and people should really ask themselves why they are in reference to Chadwick...


266 posts

162 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Milkyway said:
Mazespin would be a nervous wreck...
Nervous wreck why exactly? If he would be, then surely Schumacher would have to be also despite being F2 champion (which also begs the question, if he had to do F2 to get to F1, why should Chadwick be any different?), as his results aren't exactly much better than Mazepin. In fairness to both Mazepin and Schumacher, they literally are driving the racing car equivalent of a turd. The 2020 Haas really is deserving of nothing but being burned publicly after this season.

People let their hate towards Mazepin cloud their judgement about his abilities as a racer, and attempt to boost Chadwick beyond her actual level by dragging him down. Chadwick doesn't deserve to be in F1 simply because Mazepin is, he competed in F3 & F2 and finished with fairly decent results in both. You can compare Chadwick & Mazepin on who deserves an F1 seat more when she equals or better the results he achieved in F3 & F2. But first she needs to earn places in those championships.

df76 said:
Obviously they are never going to put a current male driver in a W Series car.. but Chadwick has raced in other series over the last few years. That gives you some insight. She did "ok" in the F3 Asian Championship, but was well beaten by Mazepin over the course of the season. The FREC championship last year was a proper disaster though. In a car that is basically the same as in the W Series, she was a decent way off the pace (about a second a lap, or a little bit more, at most of the events). She was also in the best team, with her team mates finishing 1,2 3 in the championship.

On a more positive note, I see that some of the W Series academy drivers will get the chance to test the current F3 car in the next week or so.
I would hardly call people getting something based on irrelevant things amd discrimination means purely an ideological need rather than skill a positive thing.

Leithen said:
F1 testing restrictions have hampered all progression into the class, regardless of gender.
In reality it has made no difference to drivers in the series as far down the ladder as W Series is, no one was jumping from that low down into F1...

The FIA have literally created a road to F1 programme that sets out the way to F1. No one had an issue with it until some decided Chadwick should just be allowed to skip many series straight to F1, something that far greater talents than her don't even do.


266 posts

162 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Sandpit Steve said:
Indeed. It would be good to relax F1 testing rules for inexperienced drivers, let’s say drivers under 23 with no more than 25 super licence points. Now that we have a budget cap, let teams test as much as they want, they can weigh testing on the track against wind tunnel development.
F1 doesn't exist to provide opportunities or to develop young drivers. This is the issue I have with mandating test driver only sessions. It's supposed to be the pinnacle of motorsport not a racing academy. This is what the junior series are for.

TheDeuce said:
It is a positive and it shows that F3 want the ladies to be represented in the series. Also great to watch when there is a female driver in F3 as I do find it genuinely interesting to see how they compete with males and the different attitude. Calderon was very interesting to watch when competing against the guys.

I have no problem believing that FIA F3 would love to get more female drivers headed their way ASAP.

Edited by TheDeuce on Wednesday 27th October 19:00
It's called virtue signalling. Pandering to far-left politics, it's naive grasp on reality and it's expectation for everything to be absolutely equitable as the ideologically pure world they have invented in their heads is.


22,724 posts

69 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Peacockantony said:
It's called virtue signalling. Pandering to far-left politics, it's naive grasp on reality and it's expectation for everything to be absolutely equitable as the ideologically pure world they have invented in their heads is.
Why did you quote me when you said that? I was just saying I personally liked to see females racing against males - I don't care why they're there and I don't think anyone needs it explaining to them that there are obvious tempting reasons to create that situation..


266 posts

162 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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df76 said:
Probably a little off topic, but I don’t think it was ever the intention to expand W series beyond the existing concept. It’s a tool (and hopefully very successful) to encourage more girls / women into motorsport. It has to be a stepping stone rather than an alternative to the mainstream formula route. Even being a W series champion you will need to go on and prove your worth in FIA f3 and / or f2.
The issue with this mindset is it isn't actually based on any solid evidence that it will work, it is just purely an assumption from those who desperately want it to be true. As with anything that is actually based on reality, in won't work out in the way they naively assume it will because the real world isn't as simple as their simplistic ideals.

Just think about what this mindset is actually saying for a moment. It is saying that girls are so weak minded and easily led that they literally have to be forcefully fed something in order to want to do it. It is saying that girls are unambitious because they don't share the same aspirations and goals as they want them to.

Why are they saying this? Because they have decided that equality will only be achieved by meeting the abritrary figure they have invented, even though none of if f*cking matters. Whether there are many girls involved in racing or not doesn't matter. Surely someone doing what they actually want to do is better than social engineering them into wanting to do what you want them to do in order to satisfy your beliefs.

Reclusive said:
Headline on the BBC red button sport section......."Chadwick 'closer' to Formula 1 dream ".........."Jamie Chadwick believes her dream of racing

in Formula 1 is a 'step closer' after winning her second consecutive W series championship ".

Much that many would like a British female in Formula 1 , it just seems unlikely ....frown
It's poor reporting, which is to be expected from the BBC on matters like this. In reality she is no closer to F1 than she was a week ago.
She'll still never make it to F1 because she simply is not good enough, just as she was a week ago.


266 posts

162 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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TheDeuce said:
It does seem unlikely. The one big positive for me is that she has beaten the field in W twice, improving the second time too. That suggests that however good she can be, she is at least good enough to move upwards 'somewhere' from W. Whether she's good enough for FIA F3 is quite another matter! But she has at least fairly confidently outgrown W.
She has only 'beaten the field in W twice' because of how pathetically short the W Series calendar is. A six race season and an eight race season, fourteen (14!) in total accross both seasons. All of the series this is supposedly on par with have at least the same number of races with most having more in a single season.

Grégoire Saucy will have completed 20 races in order to be crowned the 2021 FRECA champion alone. Yet there is no one idiotically calling for him to get a test drive in an F1 car or even a race seat as some are doing with Chadwick. He is arguably far more capable of doing it too because he won a far higher quality championship than W Series is.

Chadwick seriously does not deserve an F3 drive, because W Series wins do not make you good enough to step up to F3, but I hope she does get one just so all of the people spouting total and utter rubbish about her have to shut up when she gets predictably well beaten in F3 and proven not to be good enough again, on top of her existing results proving it already..

Small note - I meant to post a reply to this first but opened the wrong page and replied to newer posts instead.

Edited by Peacockantony on Wednesday 27th October 21:46