Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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I don’t know, but the content seems to have evaporated, just a lot of fill in waffle

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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Ignore the times on the screen, some bks powered by AWS says they are wrong

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 12th November 2021
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jsf said:
That was seriously cringe, but did anyone catch Di Resta's opening comments? Classic first rate gibberish. biggrin
I watched the F1 show, it was like he was relishing in Red Bills situation, and was looking for any opportunity to rub in Merchedes situation

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th November 2021
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Croft spent the whole afternoon screaming

DiResta will have a breakdown after Mercedes won

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Now that the video is out it is going to interesting how the Sky team present it, they very rarely say anything against the FIA, something to do with biting the hand that feeds you.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Wednesday 17th November 2021
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jsf said:
Adrian W said:
Now that the video is out it is going to interesting how the Sky team present it, they very rarely say anything against the FIA, something to do with biting the hand that feeds you.
The FIA don't give out the paddock passes. They can say what they want and should.
Whoever it is, none of the Sky team ever say anything controversial or argue, the best you'll get from Brundle is "that was a bit harsh"

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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3anascooter said:
Damon Hills comments while on the golf course are cringeworthy and he looks very awkward saying what he does. It almost looks like he (along with other sky broadcasters) has been told to toe a party line. Tonight's show with Brundles son was another that made it all sound acceptable and normal to be racing 5 car widths off the circuit

The podcast with Natalie Pinkham and Tom Clarkson also sounds dodgy the way they talk about.

Jolyon Palmer seems be the exception...maybe his contract won't be renewed for next year !!!
I thought that in the past Brundle mostly said what he was thinking but over the last couple of years he never says anything controversial, Ted Cravitz has the occasional pop, but mostly none of them bit the hand that feeds them.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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DartyBistard said:
As an aside Will Buxton is a creepy weirdo who proudly announces that he's wept over the John Lewis Christmas advert as if that's an attractive quality and not the sure fire indicator of a fking melt.
Like all of the Christmas adverts this year it is rubbish, I cannot understand why it would bring him to tears or any TV advert would, maybe excluding charities.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 4th December 2021
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Once again, brundle not giving an opinion and DiResta hoping Mercedes get a penalty

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 5th December 2021
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Program only on for a minute and Lazenby already talking bks, what if and Max’s stunning lap, he didn’t finish, he crashed you idiot, that’s why Hamilton is on pole, tt

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 10th December 2021
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How many times did they talk about Lewis and Max today, every other sentence, anyone who worked for Sky, I don’t think they talked about the other drivers, maybe Bottas once

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th December 2021
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No Lazenby!, this is the access rich people and Tv reporters get to F1 you tt.

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th December 2021
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As Sky have decided to give it away do we get a refund?

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th December 2021
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Crofts highlight of the season was that last lap, says everything about his knowledge of F1

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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He’s back spewing rubbish, apparently Binotto designed the car whilst eating his breakfast,

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 19th March 2022
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Watched the practice, Croft continually spouting rubbish as expected, but why us Naomi Schiff (looked it up) there all she seems to do is agree with the other presenters and bring nothing to the party

Edited by Adrian W on Saturday 19th March 14:18

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 19th March 2022
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Lotus Elan +2 said:
She ticks two boxes
I'm sure you'll work it out
I decided not to mention that, and don’t know about one of the others

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 19th March 2022
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Teppic said:
What the blithering fk? “I just have this feeling Ted that we’d see Mario Andretti in the paddock with an inflatable dolphin under his arm” because Mario coined the phrase “porpoising” to explain the bouncing of the cars back in 1978.

Can someone at Sky please sack this moron?
What’s worse is I’m sure you will find suspension textbooks discussing suspension frequency and porpoising a long time before then.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 19th March 2022
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Teppic said:
carl_w said:
Adrian W said:
Watched the practice, Croft continually spouting rubbish as expected, but why us Naomi Schiff (looked it up) there all she seems to do is agree with the other presenters and bring nothing to the party
I think she's pretty good.
Already a hell of a lot better that Di Resta could ever be.
Have they sacked him?

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 20th March 2022
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Crikey I think I’ll be watching F2 with the sound turned down this year DV is back and they have both been taking lessons from Croft