Daniel Ricciardo

Daniel Ricciardo



410 posts

18 months

Monday 8th April
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PRO5T said:
Another race weekend, another disaster. Out qualified and out scored by Yuki, sleepwalked into another driver after the second corner…

If there’s three tiers of drivers in F1 with the cream of the crop like Max, Charles and Lewis, then your solid journeymen like Gasly, Perez and Saintz, poor Daniel is rapidly heading towards the bottom tier where you’d be considering how much coin he brings as to whether you’d have him or Logan in the seat.

Wvwn the Aussies have lost interest in him and think he should go according to a mate over there.
Sainz is better than Lec.


2,100 posts

6 months

Monday 8th April
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It isn't complicated. Ricciardo moved across to his right to avoid the car to his left and punted Albon off, who was already there. No big deal, one of those things. If not on the first lap Riccairdo would've been penalised.


1,484 posts

73 months

Monday 8th April
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PRO5T said:
So any cars not taking the "official usn90 racing line" can be driven into with impunity?
What are you even talking about?

You first pointed out that it was odd that he was veering to the right for a left hander, this is the traditional racing line which they would all take given the chance.

In the situation Dan was in he looked left as there was more likely going to be a car there, there’s simply no time to be looking left and right on turn in for a corner, they go off instinct and he obviously assumed nobody stupid enough would be there, as I said it possible he did look to the right earlier on and seen it was clear, albons overspeed was unnatural

Albon drove into a high risk gap and paid up, on the first lap especially l, had this been a normal racing lap Dan would have been more aware
A. Davidson came to the same conclusion

Edited by usn90 on Monday 8th April 08:49

Edited by usn90 on Monday 8th April 08:50

Edited by usn90 on Monday 8th April 08:54


4,302 posts

28 months

Monday 8th April
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3 edits to try and get that clap trap into a coherent argument


16,013 posts

222 months

Monday 8th April
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He moved right to give space to Stroll who was making a lunge on his inside. His rear wheel hit Albon's front wheel, so he was barely alongside. If the positions were reversed people on here would still be blaming Ricciardo for putting his nose in a stupid position, because he can do nothing right.


1,587 posts

22 months

Monday 8th April
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Forester1965 said:
It isn't complicated. Ricciardo moved across to his right to avoid the car to his left and punted Albon off, who was already there. No big deal, one of those things. If not on the first lap Riccairdo would've been penalised.
Pretty much this. If it hadn't ripped his tyre off he'd have continued on and so would have Albon. 3 wide in a sweeping section like that at the start of a race was never going to work.

All that said it's not looking good for DR.


1,484 posts

73 months

Monday 8th April
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PRO5T said:

3 edits to try and get that clap trap into a coherent argument
As opposed to your waffle, had your username not been a Prost knock off I’d have assumed you were new to the sport.


1,515 posts

103 months

Monday 8th April
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thegreenhell said:
He moved right to give space to Stroll who was making a lunge on his inside. His rear wheel hit Albon's front wheel, so he was barely alongside. If the positions were reversed people on here would still be blaming Ricciardo for putting his nose in a stupid position, because he can do nothing right.
Nonsense. The Sky F1 team tried to push the Stroll aspect, but were forced to admit they were wrong when it was clear that Stroll was fully behind the entire time. Danny Ric looked left but didn't bother looking right.

Suggesting Albon carries any more than zero blame is spectacular creativity. DR was baulked going into turn 2 and didn't get the power down on exit - having already had poor traction off the line - yet didn't think anyone might be in the huge space to his right. Just ahead of him Tsunoda was looking for a move on the outside of an Alpine, you can see that from Albon and Ricciardo's onboards. Just behind, Magnussen was on the outside of Sargeant. Both the Alpine and Sargeant were able to use their mirrors properly. It's got so bad for DR that his racecraft was worse than Logan Sargeant.


6,038 posts

96 months

Monday 8th April
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Trouble is for Daniel, forget about who is to blame, you could argue he shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. He got a really bad start which dropped him back. If I was in charge at RB I could be prepared to stick the crash down as a racing incident, but for a driver with so much hype around him I'd be more concerned at how poorly he got off the line.


4,302 posts

28 months

Monday 8th April
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Albon put himself in a slightly risky position, not being wholly alongside but firmly on the racing line. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt in doing so as it's a first lap incident and at Suzuka the first three corners all combine to shake up the order. Anything after turn three I'd expect better.

Where I apportion more blame to Ricciardo is in that he is completely unaware of who is around him and in being a first lap he really should give more credence to that starting in the midfield, especially considering he was off the racing line and moving from the opposite side of the track towards it.


24,434 posts

116 months

Monday 8th April
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tele_lover said:
Sainz is better than Lec.
He's not as fast. He's had a cracking start to this season, but CLC historically is the quicker of the two, he has that last 1/10 and that's something that can never be 'learned'.


88,883 posts

287 months

Monday 8th April
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Forester1965 said:
It isn't complicated. Ricciardo moved across to his right to avoid the car to his left and punted Albon off, who was already there. No big deal, one of those things. If not on the first lap Riccairdo would've been penalised.
There was no car to his left, the onboard from Stroll (the car to the left) shows him well behind Ricciardo.

Also Tsunoda took the same outside line as Albon ahead of the incident and Ocon or Gasly managed to not steer into him.

Edited by FourWheelDrift on Monday 8th April 10:12


22,786 posts

143 months

Monday 8th April
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FourWheelDrift said:
Forester1965 said:
It isn't complicated. Ricciardo moved across to his right to avoid the car to his left and punted Albon off, who was already there. No big deal, one of those things. If not on the first lap Riccairdo would've been penalised.
There was no car to his left, the onboard from Stroll (the car to the left) shows him well behind Ricciardo.
I think he saw Stroll in his mirror, clearly you could see he was looking to the left, assumed he was approaching so instinctively jinked right to avoid him, colliding with Albon, If DR had maintained his trajectory there wouldn't have been a coming together at all with anyone.


11,729 posts

283 months

Monday 8th April
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paulguitar said:
tele_lover said:
Sainz is better than Lec.
He's not as fast. He's had a cracking start to this season, but CLC historically is the quicker of the two, he has that last 1/10 and that's something that can never be 'learned'.
Agreed, but, CLC makes to many mistakes under pressure.


22,752 posts

69 months

Monday 8th April
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MustangGT said:
paulguitar said:
tele_lover said:
Sainz is better than Lec.
He's not as fast. He's had a cracking start to this season, but CLC historically is the quicker of the two, he has that last 1/10 and that's something that can never be 'learned'.
Agreed, but, CLC makes to many mistakes under pressure.
I always think this of CLC, he's definitely fast and a real talent, that also makes him exciting and is probably fantastic for sponsors and fan engagement. Being Monegasque is novel too, it certainly keeps the press happy and interested, although I don't know why it actually matters.

But in purely competitive terms, the value of his occasional epic qualifying performance is so often wiped out entirely by unforced errors. The slowest driver on the grid is definitely the one sat in a car that's wedged into the armco...

Anyway, last season CLC beat Sainz by just 6 points, the season before by just 3. That's effectively no difference at all, and if we assume that CLC enjoys even the odd tiny advantage as Ferrari's no1 (I know they claim there isn't one these days), then he should be easily ahead.

Sandpit Steve

10,712 posts

77 months

Monday 8th April
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Zetec-S said:
Trouble is for Daniel, forget about who is to blame, you could argue he shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. He got a really bad start which dropped him back. If I was in charge at RB I could be prepared to stick the crash down as a racing incident, but for a driver with so much hype around him I'd be more concerned at how poorly he got off the line.
As always it’s the day the holes in the cheese all line up, and the accident happens. If he wasn’t already the subject of much speculation after his poor start to the season, then one accident might be okay, but he’s in the position he’s in and still managed to bin it into another driver before the second corner of the race.

I do wonder if Helmut is going to be picking up the phone to Liam Lawson before too much longer, because it’s difficult to see the situation improving much in the short term. We’ll miss his big smile on the F1 grid, but sadly smiles don’t score points.


4,302 posts

28 months

Monday 8th April
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Charles and Carlos will be like Max and Danny back in the day. The team will see the data & know who’s faster.

Saintz can absolutely drag some great performances out of a half decent car, by the same margin you’ll likely see a Max or a Charles overdriving and having accidents trying to extract the maximum. But when the chips are down and the car is in the sweetspot the aliens can find another level.


44,575 posts

200 months

Monday 8th April
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PRO5T said:
Charles and Carlos will be like Max and Danny back in the day. The team will see the data & know who’s faster.

Saintz can absolutely drag some great performances out of a half decent car, by the same margin you’ll likely see a Max or a Charles overdriving and having accidents trying to extract the maximum. But when the chips are down and the car is in the sweetspot the aliens can find another level.
Charles is Ferrari's 'Golden Boy'. Stats or no stats, they were never going to dump him ahead of Sainz.

IMO, Sainz is the most intelligent driver on the grid.

Whichever team he ends up with will get a mighty boost.


4,592 posts

52 months

Monday 8th April
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Blib said:
Charles is Ferrari's 'Golden Boy'. Stats or no stats, they were never going to dump him ahead of Sainz.

IMO, Sainz is the most intelligent driver on the grid.

Whichever team he ends up with will get a mighty boost.
Merc looking favourite you think ?


44,575 posts

200 months

Monday 8th April
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GT3Manthey said:
Merc looking favourite you think ?
At first I thought he'd go to 'Audi'. But, yes IMO Mercedes is the perfect fit

What do you think?