Croft has to go

Croft has to go


Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 25th September 2021
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Good start this weekend , Croft can’t even remember who races for what teams

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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Gary29 said:
I didn't find Croft (cannot call him Croft'y') too irritating yesterday in fairness, the race was so good that I probably wasn't paying him much attention though.

di Resta was painful though, "Mersheedes" and "McLAAren" started to grate on me after not too long.
He was screaming to the point that we turned the sound off

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 8th October 2021
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JaredVannett said:
Serious question, this thread was created last year but crofty/sky have been broadcasting F1 for many years now...

so has crofty changed recently thus become unbearable or was he always unbearable to you?
Yes, much worse

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 8th October 2021
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I was waiting with baited breath for AWS to tell me why Verstappens car is understeering, I bet Red Bull are as well

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 8th October 2021
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Gary C said:
Sorry, but i must pull you up there

its 'powered by AWS'

Keep on message, really

You know that, and I know that, but that’s not what he said.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 9th October 2021
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In case anyone missed it Dani Ric didn’t make it through Q1, he screamed his name at least eight times, you would have thought he had a bad accident

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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Oh God Di Resta and Croft, sound off

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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MrC986 said:
Crofty can't even read the finishing positions properly....what a plank!
And why is he spewing out stuff about Bottas’s failures last year as he crosses the line

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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When interviewing Wolff Why do the Sky team concentrate on Hamilton’s position rather than Bottas’s win,

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 10th October 2021
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HustleRussell said:
Adrian W said:
When interviewing Wolff Why do the Sky team concentrate on Hamilton’s position rather than Bottas’s win,
Obviously because Hamilton is a Championship contender.
Obviously, but they were presenting this race, and from that and the interview with Wolff you could be forgiven for not knowing Bottas had won

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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jsf said:
Who watches the interview and didn't know that Bottas won?
Funnily enough, my neighbour popped in, and said, "what happened to his team mate?" my wife said "he won"

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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Tommo87 said:
The OP seems overly biased and protective of an unpopular viewpoint.
Maybe rather than the previous 3 posts you should read the other 1200 odd, screaming down the microphone for no good reason is never going to be popular

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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PH User said:
paulguitar said:
Tommo87 said:
PH User said:
TheRingDing said:
Just to throw my opinion into the ring... I really like Crofty, yes he's a bit over the top, but I am sure that's what he has been told to do to help make F1 more appealing/exciting to newer viewers.

Paul Di Resta on the other hand is my absolute least favourite person on television.
Crofty doesn't really bother me either way, we've certainly had a lot worse presenters in the past.

I agree about Paul Di Resta though, he really is annoying.
I agree with both the above.

The OP seems overly biased and protective of an unpopular viewpoint.
It's 60-odd pages mostly agreeing that Croft is an intolerable, shouty, clueless buffoon.
That's probably because most people are likely not bothered by him either way, so don't post on the internet. A few who do like to complain are on here.
That’s true, but that statement can apply to every thread on every forum on the internet, but this thread is about Croft’s unsuitability for the job he is doing at Sky F1, he is a football commentator who knows very little about F1 and continually spouts inaccurate or irrelevant rubbish and screams at the audience for no good reason .

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Hopefully Brundle is back to keep him under control this weekend

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Does Di resta not like Mercedes, he seems to have a pop at them at every opportunity,

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Stop talking and watch what’s going on in front of you

Adrian W

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14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th October 2021
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The program has only been on ten minutes and Di resta making no secrete if his bias

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th October 2021
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DiResta saying it’s great that max is faster than the Mercedes, I wonder what they did to upset him,

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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TheRingDing said:
Adrian W said:
DiResta saying it’s great that max is faster than the Mercedes, I wonder what they did to upset him,
He had a big legal battle with Hamilton's dad a while back. I imagine he would like nothing more than to see Hamilton get beaten this year.
you would think that Sky would make him knock it on the head, he is making his bias is very obvious. it was his mouth that lost him his F1 drive, you would think that he would learn his lesson.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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It’s like “coming next Sebastian and Jenson have a chat” then after about a minute, “ you can see more in our xxxx program”

It’s desperation, they all have nothing to say.