Cow Pushing



Original Poster:

696 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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While having a bizarre conversation over lunch yesterday, we got on the subject of fun things we did as kids. The usual was mentioned like "knock a door run" and "hedge hopping".
Then, someone mentioned "cow pushing". Cow's apparently sleep standing up, so you can push them over. I then got to thinking, and any answers would help my warped mind . Cow's lie down when it is going to rain, but what happens to cow's if they are asleep (standing up) and we are forecast a downpour of rain? Do they flop down asleep, or wake up, think, oh, it's about to rain and then sleep lying down?


13,387 posts

258 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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"Cow Tipping" never done it though.


Original Poster:

696 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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pmanson said:
"Cow Tipping" never done it though.

Ahhh, that's what it's called.


2,895 posts

247 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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racegirl said:
While having a bizarre conversation over lunch yesterday, we got on the subject of fun things we did as kids. The usual was mentioned like "knock a door run" and "hedge hopping".
Then, someone mentioned "cow pushing". Cow's apparently sleep standing up, so you can push them over. I then got to thinking, and any answers would help my warped mind . Cow's lie down when it is going to rain, but what happens to cow's if they are asleep (standing up) and we are forecast a downpour of rain? Do they flop down asleep, or wake up, think, oh, it's about to rain and then sleep lying down?

Don't get caught "pushing from behind", though.


6,542 posts

251 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Cow's do indeed lock their knees, much like horses, when they sleep, and yes, you can push them over, but you need a lot of momentum, like 2 of you charging full pelt and shoulder barging them (just make sure that they aren't preggers, that wouldn't be very nice if they lost the baby, but other than that, it is hilarious to see their faces and the look of surprise when they find themselves horizontal

Not that i have ever don it of course :walksawaywhistling:


dick dastardly

8,315 posts

268 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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knocking a door and running away is perfectly innocent fun but cow-tipping is a whole different game - the poor cows have to have their brains blown out with farmer's shot-gun as they can't stand back up. The result is 1 dead cow and farmer down £1000+ in livstock.

Some of the farmers I've spoken to wouldn't think twice to shooting any kid which tried this on their animals.


Original Poster:

696 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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I don't plan on doing it, and NEVER have just wanting to know what happens if it rains while the cow is sleeping.

>> Edited by racegirl on Tuesday 20th April 11:44

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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dick dastardly said:
the poor cows have to have their brains blown out with farmer's shot-gun as they can't stand back up.


366 posts

257 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Reminds me of the Beavis and Butthead episode where they try it. Beavis kneels behind the cow and Butthead pushes it over landing on Beavis!

The farmer comes out to put it out of its misery, Beavis that is.

Quality viewing.



703 posts

261 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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dick dastardly said:
knocking a door and running away is perfectly innocent fun but cow-tipping is a whole different game - the poor cows have to have their brains blown out with farmer's shot-gun as they can't stand back up. The result is 1 dead cow and farmer down £1000+ in livstock.

Some of the farmers I've spoken to wouldn't think twice to shooting any kid which tried this on their animals.

Cows can't stand up from a laying down position? Or do they break ribs or something from the fall? Or do they have no way of rolling over to a kneeling position?

dick dastardly

8,315 posts

268 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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don't know sorry, I just know that once they are down they aren't coming back up (got the info from my girlfriend - her father and brother own farms)

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

273 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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I once heard an apocryphal tale (surely urban legend) about some kids who decided to try this out for themselves. Can't remember the whole detail, but in essence the cow fell onto one of the kids, pinning him to the ground, whereupon one of his mates went to alert the farmer, who apparently arrived with a chainsaw, suggesting that this was the only method of release!

I seem to remember the person who told me this also spent several days in hospital with severe internal burns after attempting to light his own farts in the dorms at boarding school!!!


13,668 posts

266 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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dick dastardly said:
the poor cows have to have their brains blown out with farmer's shot-gun as they can't stand back up.
Where did you get this gem from I've got ....erm... friends... who've seen cows get up with no ill effects very shortly after

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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some website said:
Cow-tipping can not only injure the cow, it can very well kill it. That's why many farm-oriented communities and states have laws against cow-tipping. When the cow is tipped over, all of its weight shifts, and sometimes the cow's head gets inadvertantly shoved into the ground, which will cause it to sufficate. Cow-tipping doesn't always wake the cow up, which is why it could suffocate after the fact. Other times, the tip over will result in broken ribs, which can fracture and pierce vital organs, making it bleed out from the inside. Sometimes when the cow is tipped over it will land right on its neck and break it. Other times the tipping will result in a broken leg or two, at which point the very irrate owner will have to put it down. Cow tipping is a cruel thing to do...while not all cows die from it, many have complications and life-threatening injuries as a result. You should think twice about doing such a thing...not only will the animal's life potentially be snuffed out unexpectedly, but then the owner will lose money, as cows are a vital source of income for some farmers, not to mention the owner will have to probably buy another one.

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Tuesday 20th April 11:58


Original Poster:

696 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Can i just say that "cow tipping" is not the issue here. I just used it as an example to cow's sleeping standing up. I just want to know what happens when it rains while they are asleep!!


13,244 posts

285 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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But whether they can get back up or not isn't answering the all important question originally raised in the currently Alcohol Free Zone in the racehouse last night
Can cows tell if it's going to rain, therefore lying down, even when they are asleep, or do they stay standing up


217 posts

251 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Apparently cow tipping can be quite harmful to the cow as they can get their (4) stomachs twisted around and suffer severe internal injury

mike s

2,919 posts

254 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Madmini said:
Apparently cow tipping can be quite harmful to the cow as they can get their (4) stomachs twisted around and suffer severe internal injury

They're only going to be Big Macs anyway


12,588 posts

287 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Lived in Dallas for a while and had a few friends that lived out in the boonies (back of beyond) we used to do this for fun, always wondered why we had to be careful !


13,668 posts

266 months

Tuesday 20th April 2004
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Mrs Fish said:
some website said:
Loads of stuff
some other website said:
Private car ownership is the biggest cause of baby deaths in the western world
So I would take it with a pinch of salt if I were you